Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums

What are athiests supposed to believe about the afterlife? I know it's probably not one set thing everyone believes, but I want to know what others think will happen after we die because I sure as hell don't have a clue what's going to happen.

Remember before yo were born?

you're overthinking too much, just chill out and live live dude, quit worrying about death

Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god. It's not about believing or not believing in anything else

Yeah, I try not to think about it. But when I do its like oh shit dude, I have no fucking clue what that'll be like.

I know, but what do you think will happen

I just want to see what others think I guess.

Literaly fucking nothing. The sooner people in this society realize that and stop fooling themselves in the believeing otherwise, the sooner we can actually get shit done.

I just think of it as nothingness, you won't feel anything. You don't exist.

yes actually.

It's literally this. We don't know what happened before birth, we won't know what happens after death.

Think about all the time that passed before you were born, now imagine that after you die. Even longer will pass, and once again you are conscious after some amount of time.

there are bigger problems for the species than a individuals entropy.





As someone with actual death experience I can provide unquestionable testimony to there being an after. Sadly it is pretty much death of everything that is "you"

to be honest the prospect of finding out excites me. i dont want ot kill myself or anything but i guess ill just have to wait.

I don't really think about stuff like this anymore. I've made my decision. Hell is immeasurably horrifying. Fuck hell and everything that has to do with it. I am not going to risk there not being a hell when there could be a hell. That is the dumbest gamble I could ever make.

Consider how it feels to put your hand on a hot stove burner and hold it there for a few seconds. Now imagine that sensation is all over your body. And multiply that pain considerably. And instead of getting any relief from that shit you're expected to feel that pain FOREVER.

To give you an idea how how fucking long forever is, if we Took 100 billion years and multiplied it by 100 billion years 100 billion times and multiplied that number to the billion power a billion times it would not be .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of how long you are going to feel that immeasurable pain all over your fucking body.

No sin on earth is worth how horrifying hell is. Keep that in mind while you surf this website without wanting to get serious about following jesus. And yes I know how fear mongering this sounds but you've got to believe e.

If you care, there are websites a quick google away that help you study the bible. Study Matthew/Mark/Luke/John and MEMORIZE EVERYTHING jesus wants you to do to be saved. If it takes you a month to learn it all it is fucking worth it a thousand fold. Try to memorize the lessons and practice doing them in real life and keep a check list to make sure you are doing everything because it matters.

Watching movies on youtube about books in the bible that quote the verses and lines the people spoke really help connect you to the bibles stories more personally. There are movies about jesus. Watch them with the bible while you're studying.

I've seen way too much super natural shit in my life. Stuff that can't be explained by science at all. Theres no way there isn't an afterlife. Don't fall for that shit for a second.

Fuck you Christian faggot.

I became atheist because I hated Christianity. I was raised strict Roman Catholic. If I wanted to go back, I'd just go with my family to church. But to me believing in God is like believing in unicorns. They exist why because one irrational person says so?


but what if you go to hell unless you give me, a random user, all your money?

it seems unlikely, but who knows, maybe that's how it works. think about how bad hell is. you'd better do it, just to be safe

Funny how people always justify their religious beliefs with "I've seen way too much super natural shit in my life" yet all the skeptical minded people never have these experiences. See what I'm getting at? You're just a gullible fuck.

Well, like said, atheism doesn't deal with that question. I would say that once you die there's absolutely nothing. Everything we perceive is a result of our senses which depend on the brain's functions, once it shuts down you just don't feel or think anything. Complete and utter nothingness.

Yes, there seems to be a predisposition to seeing and feeling supernatural things if you already believe they exist.

I believe we join a cosmic consciousness. My humanist friend believes there's nothing. You die, that's all there is. And there's no way we'll ever know for sure.

There is so much autistic pseudo-intellectual bullshit in this thread it makes me want to kill myself and experience the absolute lack of anything happening when I die.

atheists can go to heaven you just have to avoid being an asshole to not go to hell. If you take that parables literally this is the kingdom of heaven so don't be a douche and you're already there

Based on what evidence would you claim that there would be a "cosmic consciousness"?

god won't stop you nor care

No. I mean i've legit seen stuff that if I had filmed and uploaded would have become a center of attention of the entire world. The footage would have gone viral and made news headlines and i'd probably be on talk shows and shit like that over it.

Of course it always happens when you don't have the camera.
Well lets back up for a second. Why do you proceed to insult me and then start a conversation as though you just didn't try to make me feel like shit? Am I just supposed to take this and ignore it?

Imagine if I just walked up to you IRL and I was like "Man fuck you, you piece of shit" and then started talking to you about Atheism. Your mind wouldn't be on the topic of Atheism. You'd be standing there mad at me for saying that to you. Not that I would say that to you of course.

I get that we're anonymous and its Sup Forums all that but there really is no point in being pointlessly mean and disrespectful like that to other people.

I don't know if I can really address your personal concerns that you have with Christianity. All I can say is i've seen enough super natural stuff to know for sure without a shadow of a doubt that the afterlife is real. Its a shame that I can't prove that I saw these things but we'll just have to accept that this is the reality of the situation

Or I could be a murderer, rapist, thief, etc. all my life and just "repent" on my deathbed and go straight to heaven.

Most humans are lost in this department. That's why I get my information from the ET's. They know so much more than we do it's ridiculous.


Online since 1995

Yeah, even if that was true I still probably wouldn't go to heaven. I just enjoy not giving a fuck.

Not sure if bait or just fucktard...