What did you think, Sup Forums?

What did you think, Sup Forums?

spiderkid is a fag


It's sad when Cap dies at the end.

Why do my threads get drowned by loli and trapfags?

Captain pussy can't beat ironman!
If hulk and Thor can't captain pus can't
And there's going to be a 2/3 cause I guess there spreading this cancer to Spiderman movie

>tfw no one dies in the movie
>tfw you can't ruin it

That face when the real spoiler is no one dying. I mean how could you buck killed tony Starks parents without having any deaths of the Avengers.

Superman v Batman was better. Civil War had too many colors and not enough autistic supervillains.

That's not true agent Carter dies


because internet=porn, and you tried to fight that.

I enjoyed the hell out of the airport fight, Ant-Man and Spider-Man had some hilarious lines.

stfu you dumb faggot. you know what i meant.

>a super old lady with dementia died

Wow what a shocker

No mutherfuckin Sam Jackson Da fuck!
So many niggers in this movie I thought it the American Civil war

i like that they got someone who actually looks 16 this time.

Tony still can't get over his parents' death decades after


>complains no sam jackson
>complains too many niggers

there's just no pleasing you, is there user?

He was coping with it until he saw Bucky murder them right in front of him, I'm sure that's a reasonable reaction

Kek no!

>IM: "Who's talking?"
>AM: " Your conscience. We don't talk much."

What got him was his mom getting choked out by Bucky

Kek should've been in the movie

You killed my mom

that was great. so was spideys rambling during his dramatic introduction. just awkward, cringey rambling that destroys the tension for a minute. very true to character.

He choked the shit out of his mom

My question is how did they know Bucky would cause the crash and kill them right in that exact spot so they could record it with a camera.

Relax he's 17 and he just found out about murican history from school. Also, I bet he thinks Quentin Tarentino is a good director.

yeah. still a faggot for attacking him for what he did when he was brainwashed. he was just a weapon at that point



Cinema Sins.

Falcon said it right.

"You know people don't usually talk this much in a fight"

Quenin Tarentino IS a good WRITER/director. very talented man that made a number of great movies, matty.

At least he didn't destroy her face with his metal arm.


Still he fucking killed my parents and Capt new about just a boiling point


best marvel movie so far.
action/stunts 10/10
story 10/10
villain 10/10
acting 10/10
jokes bird costume/10

really well done and it didnt feel crammed at all.

No pepper either

Why did T'Challa welcome Cap and Bucky into Wakanda so quickly. I bet he'll give Cap another shield.

How it should have ended

Tony Stark=Faggot

I rest my case.

It was good. Spiderman was cool but its a little weird having him so young. He looks like he is 13.

I didnt know Ant Man was in the movie, so that was a nice surprise.

Tony was boring to watch as a whiny bitch, It was nice to see him get back to his snappy self a little at the very end. Im Team cap, anyways, in this case.

I swear to god, when i saw it, i thought he said "Mothra" at first.

A bunch of fake people fake fighting in a fake story.

If I were 8 I'd probably think it was a good use of my time.

Good movie, pretty fun watch.

We can't all have be happy.

Does every spandex faggot gave to jump or fall and land in that same goddamn cliche pose?

Makes me claw my fuckin eyeballs out every god damn time I see this unimaginative repetitive schlock.

Shit, no wonder why you're a basement WoW knight. Cheer up nigga.

Alright but hated CGI spider gay. Kid has does not have powers anymore and uses a wrist cum shooter

spin kicks, explosions, and the villain just trying to break up the team made the film for me

Hollywood is out of ideas.

. > doesnt have powers. > lifts a 18 wheeler above his head. Pick one m8. also he has wrist shooters in the comics

Fucked up greentext im on mobile


read a comic, kid. or anything, really. illiteracy is becoming a creeping epidemic in this county.

Best part of the airport fight

Honestly, Spiderfag was the weak link, followed by Bucky. No real plot. Directors were like,

>Hey, we need to have as many marvel character duking out on screen at the same time. How much money do we have?

Nigger man can't jump

>I'm on mobile too, faggot

I was taken back by it at first, but I think it's a step in the right direction. Spiderman is supposed to be a fucking nerd. Not some tall handsome guy that a bunch of chicks are frothing over. I'm ok with the casting choice.

Really curious why they made this into white guilt - the movie.

Source of gif?

The plot was obscure. Basically the real villain wasn't really a villain. More like another faggot mad because his parents died.

No pepper 2/10

What do you mean?

Congrats man ill send the trophy in the mail

9/10 would watch again. My local theatre offers $5 all day tuesday tickets, so might see it twice tbqh

The best scene in the movie

cuz its Sup Forums, faggot

have you seen it?

They are specifically ambiguous about his powers except for the wrist launcher. It does kinda look like an exoskeleton leotard at the airport though.

When they look at Cap like he's got mad game


Have fun at the renaissance festival this summer, you fat tard

Yes, but explosions and cgi made me turn off my brain .

>Black people in a superhero movie! White guilt!

Worst part of the movie was the faggot sitting behind me literally laughing and guffawing at EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PUNCH AND FUNNY QUIP IN THE MOVIE. I hate the fucking public. I can't say I blame James Holmes.

Where is everyone getting these good quality gifs from?

Feige wants to represent the lgbt community in the marvel movies.

The free version.

Any HD torrent? All I got was cam.



Nah, he's taking about the negress at the elevator who hands Tony a picture of her dindu nigger son who conveniently had a city dropped on his ass five months ago


No idea, mr. not fbi.


The entire plot is triggered by the death of black people, the missionaries or whatever that were killed by the bomb vest when it was thrown in the air. Stark takes his stance because he is guilted by the black lady at the elevator for the death of her son, who is obviously black. Then black panthers black father is killed by a white dude which kicks off black panthers story. Then the only person who really gets hurt in the airport skirmish is War Machine, a black dude, who is another source of guilt for Tony.

The entire movie is tony (and by extension, the audience) being guilted by black people.

Im not racist I have no problem with including black people but jesus christ it was like i was being waterboarded with white guilt.

all the versions ive found are shitty cam footage

Probably the fucking movie.

my dick grew when antman did

>Everything has to be white all the time!
Nigger, who gives a shit? He's mad about one of the most minor characters in the movie being a black man? Who cares?

shit caught me off guard and almost made me spit out my drink. also kind of reminded me of myself since i always sit in the back behind people who are taller than me


Did it shrink when he shrank?

>Whoa, you're arm is made of metal?
>That's awesome dude!

>I'm not racist, but
Stop being a faggot. It's so fucking stupid. The only people who actually notice shit like this in movies are the people who look for it.
I saw this movie and didn't think to myself "Oh, Jesus Christ, they're trying to make me feel bad for being white!"
Stop being such a soft fucking pussy. Your life is no different now than it was before because there were black people in a movie.

yeah it did that fucking airport scene was a roller coaster for my penis

>Stop being such a soft fucking pussy.
>not afraid to call out a movie on its political bullshit
>im the pussy

u upset, bud?