Fuck white people

Fuck white people

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Egyptians weren't black...


If only you were smart enough to rise up and beat your oppressors. You'd think 'kings' and 'queens' would have enough guts to fight back, right? I mean, it's not like they outnumbered their captors on those boats or anything.

>this is what black people actually believe

where are all the black egyptians?

Umm, there was a time that the Egyptian pharaohs were black


Some slaves did fight back in the US and with pretty decent success. Also, there were white slaves... a lot of them.

Shh, I'm trying to trigger here

Really? Seems like they still didn't do too hot against the 'barbarians' that oppressed them for generations.

What happened? Did they just develop a bitch nigger gene at some point?

>implying 98% of ancient Egyptians weren't slaves.

Correct, there was a time when Nubians ruled ancient Egypt. However, to make your point it would be better to bring up Timbuktu.

OP is most likely white, and trolling.
But if you are actually A nigger OP then go kill yourself. Or better yet, go say "fuck white people" to white people in the street. Stupid monkey, banana eating fuck. Fuck you and your mummah, holla back

Don't you know how they got on the boats? Their tribe lost in battle against another and were subsequently enslaved and then sold for Western goods.

They just lost their tribe, culture, were likely separated from their family and were just sold as slaves. They were probably severely depressed/demoralized and disoriented. Your average tribesman was not particularly intelligent either and likely had a hard time adapting.

You enslaved us first, so we enslaved you. We are even.

You mean the city that was the main capitol of the slave trade?

We're still all slaves to something these days regardless of race.

the jews

Just sounds to me that these 'kings' and 'queens' stopped being worthy of the title once they suffered a loss. They practically had an invading force, and one man didn't think 'hey, let's fight back like we've been doing for generations'.

I mean, that was it? All it took was separating them from the unit to cause them to be like 'AWWW SHIT WHUDD I DO NOW' and give up?


They were east africans tho.

They have almost nothing in common with the majority of niggers in the US who are of west african descent.

>Ancient Egypt
>The same as the Nubians

Protip: they warred against, slaughtered, conquered and enslaved the nubians. Who were black.

Egyptians were Mediterranean people with a heavy tan because fuck its hot and sunny all the time in africa.



>egyptians were niggers
>niggers made slaves of the jews
>yfw niggers are appropriating jewish culture

You didn't get to where you are now by being better than anyone, that's for sure.

>we wuz kangz an shiet

Getting real tired of this sudden surge of black people claiming out of the blue that they were ancient egyptians. Ancient egyptians were one of the most ethically diverse people on earth at the time. The pure ones were brown, not black, the ones that weren't were either darker (hence the we wuz kangz movement), or lighter. It just varied depending on who your family liked to fuck.

Also pharaohs weren't exactly glamorous people, the vast majority of them were severely obese.



>pharaohs weren't glamorous

>severely obese

Yeah but being treated like a god must have been great

Someone played the victim culture card thousands of years before you niggers did

not at all;

>op says we wuz kings
Look here op..over here...prepare for the worst rek of your life
>every greek, and every Roman war ever
>battles of the northmen aka Vikings aka some times Rus
>chivalry age
>conquering of America
>Britain conquered half the world or more
>revolutionary war
>civil war
>most of Vietnam
>most of the middle east wars following the attacks
We invented
>nuclear bombs
>machine guns
>Rockets that put white people on the moon
Look at your people, and look at ours, then tell me, who really is the king?

katy perry was a pharaoh back in the day

Yeah but white people smell like wet dogs n shit.


we invented peanuts and taught you whiteys how to bathe and shieet

apparently all black people names and birthright means King or Queens. Everyone else let them have this.

>invented peanuts

nigga they GROW.

Its funny because a black guy invented super soakers

ye cuz our magic

You fucked up.

u just bein a racist cracka

Do billionaires, ceos, presidents smell like wet dog? Are you that retarded?Right after we beat the shit out of you for not picking fast enough we had to clean the blood off, so yes thank you

Yeah but why do they smell like wet dogs though. Even expensive soap doesn't work or what?


I want a timestamped photo of your black hand or gtfo

I could get you a picture of my mulatto hand if you want



y u crackas always tryna make us proove shit to you

The fact that you have no based counterclaim other than an opinion that has no evidence makes me satisfied knowing I won
Truth, never changed at all, still the same for this day


Today on Science with Tyrone: Reality aint real nigga it dem wite man lies

y u so autistic dat you actually believe I'm a nigger because I was typing like that?

You are not a nigger, niggers dont have computahz

I'm just asking you why they smell like dogs, because they do.


I'm Egyptian and it gets on my nerves so bad when black people claim their ancestors were pharaohs. Fuck off my heritage!

Whatever, I bet you have a shitty ass ar 15, white people don't know how to buy guns n shit. Yall cant go to war like us.

Kek, yeah ok
>white cuck who's ashamed of their race detected>
Why do niggers steal bikes and jump around to shit music...idk they just do

If you're black then the term during the Egyption period was Nubian. Yes you were slaves.

Nope I was just trolling. Fuck niggers. Wasn't it clear that I was mocking them?

We wuz kangs n sheit nigga

Why do white people fuck dogs and smell like them to? They just do. Also they like to do meth and fuck their cousins, anything u shouldn't be fucking they b fuckin it.

Hmm, well, sorry for the assumption...its hard to tell now a days who's who...been fighting for a long time...I kill anything that moves

I will never fucking understand this egyptians were black meme.
In the oldest dynasities of egypt pharoes being depicted as black in the wall paintings was artistic in nature because literally ONLY the pharaoh was shown that way. We never saw black people show up in drawings again until they met actual black people in modern day Sudan.
Egyptians being black is totally inconsistent with everything we know about human migration patterns when the Sahara desert started forming.
I get the sentiment that black people want an ancient civilization to latch onto for pride for the whole we wuz kangs shit but Egypt is NOT the one.
Since this is mostly an american movement anyway literally none of the african slaves in america were from Egypt so even if Egyptians were black they still have about as much in common with American blacks as a Russian does with a Belgian. There are plenty of actually black west african kingdoms they could use that would be far better but for some fucking reason these retards keep pushing for egypt.


>no WE
one job




>were black they still have about as much in common with American blacks as a Russian does with a Belgian. There are plenty of actually black west african kingdoms they could use that would be far better but for some fucking reason these retards keep pushing for egypt.

As an egyptian myself, it really does make me sick to my stomach seeing blacks trying to fuck with my heritage


White people can't even go outside without getting skin cancer or passing out from a heat stroke, white people just didn't evolve to live on this planet.

Kek, PEANUT BUTTER, stupid nigger


>Implying that that's over maybe 3% of the population
>implying that the white person you're speaking to has ever done any of these things
Isn't there a graph somewhere that completely destroys your self esteem?>White parents with kids
>white parents in what looks like a church
>white parents enjoying their time with the kids they actually care about
And what do niggers do? Leave...or poison there kids with Nigger music and McDonald's

>mfw a nigger thought Egyptians weren't caucasoids near me
>mfw a nigger thought everyone in Africa was black near me


nope, just rule it.

Threw in some arm just for you


niggers love that burial bling

Nice b8 m8 but....
Egyptians weren't niggers


Oh so you were just slavers instead?

Fucking hypocrites

White people brainwashing their kids in a cult more like it, u white people love ur cults n shit. Probly made em drink poison after that and fuck a dog.

White people fuck you!




Why are white people so gross. They have no culture so they steal ours.

I guess I have to be black to make sense of this. Maybe if I drink a 40, that will help.

Right. Now you are just a bunch of aloha snackbar sandniggers

Maybe its just all the meth and xanax your on. Are you in a cult? (religion)

but thats an asian tho

White people have heritage, you just live in America which is fucking full of shit tier whites
Hold on hahaha, let me catch my breath
>religion that spans the world
Now I know you're a lifeless fucking idiot

Can you try speaking English and making a cogent point instead of babbling like a nigger?

all niggers belong to the 'dindonuffin' cult
drink the coolade

Not really, we were conquered by muslims thats why the country is fucked.