Bernie thread

Bernie thread

I would vote for him, too bad he is pandering to the SJW and nigger community...

fuck your commie ideologies a billion generations past, you red motherfucker.


>autistic people are superior beings
1 hour video
>vote for bernie
8 minute video


Same topic but condensed

No, there is no dealing with Bernie supporters

This is now a trump thread



fucking saved

I was a full-on Bernie supporter at the beginning of the race, and my political stances most reflect his, but at this point he is way too weak to be president and wouldn't be able to get anything done, he'd be walked on by everyone.

Trump is the only other anti-establishment candidate who has played the game beautifully so far, and has ridden the wave of public opinion successfully. Even though I disagree with his dumb 50 billion dollar wall idea, he's the only one who doesn't pander to political correctness, is not afraid to mention the word Islam and call things for exactly what they are.

Let's face it, it's either Trump or Clinton at this point. I'm not American, and I'm glad I don't have to make a voting decision, but even though most of my political stances lean with Clinton's, she is way too pro-establishment and weak on foreign policy compared to Trump. I would rather see Trump be president just to make things interesting on the world stage.



Bernie and his cuck army have nothing on Trump


I don't want to be that guy but shouldn't trump be scarecrow? Doesn't he basically just use fear and illusions?



all of the candidates do

Bernie does more than him with false lies and appealing to the Illinformed youth

I love how hillary is still two face.

Liberals always got to steal a meme

Bernie is more like Catwoman anyway. He steals from rich people and is kind of like the villain that no one cares about and no one actually calls a villain despite how much he steals from the rich.


Sadly he's a Democrat and that the actual opposite of what they do



non duplicate





hillary has you beat lil jew

Lol Bernie bros think a communist jew will actually fight the banks hahaha

Nice bait dickhead.

Artist liked the old Shonen Jump?

where's dat boi?

You mean this boi



boi gat rekt

Rip Kermit