You are only allowed to post in this thread if you are America's greatest ally

You are only allowed to post in this thread if you are America's greatest ally.

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I am ?

looks pretty much empty here, does that mean america has no friends?

We are not leeching off of your army for defence


Sup guys, how you doing?

Unlike the German leeches, Japan does actually pay for a majority of the costs related to US troops in the country.

Not to mention that the US bases in Japan are mostly there because of US policies to counter China and North Korea moreso than defend Japan. Therefore the US has a strategic reason for having bases in close proximity to China. As such, even paying 50% of the costs is IMO too much.


Return Kurils


Good friends stay with you no matter your political views!

if a lapdog is a friend than HI EVERYBODY

Isn't this how King Lear starts?

Hi, Poland!

Yeah was not talking about you but the rest of Europe, where countries have voluntarily minimalized their own defence relying completely on yanks

Sadly we are... I really wish we weren't.

I have two friends who are marines in Japan . They are fuckin nice guys (*‘ω‘ *)

Sadly we are... I really wish we weren't.

Greatest ally? Not sure about that. What did aussies do that make them the greatest?

I always keep hearing that there are issues with Marines raping women in Okinawa.
It makes me sad, and I am sorry.

[trump] Maybe everyone should show the paid bills instead? [/trump]

Hi burgerlads

Did you know my great grandmother?

>Not to mention that the US bases in Japan are mostly there because of US policies to counter China and North Korea moreso than defend Japan
KEK, no they are there because they fucking kicked your yellow asses and you have nothing to talk about it than staying a cuck.

are we the greatest ally?

send qts

i come from small kosova, thank you for democracy usa
you are my best frend

if you have money, we're your ally :^)