Fluffy thread, need the hide the pill comic

fluffy thread, need the hide the pill comic

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where's the abuse?

Gonna post the story I was working on last thread.

>Be a reasonable guy.
>Have a fluffy because cats are assholes and your apartment won't let you get a dog or a ferret or anything you can play with.
>Legal loophole leaves Bio-toys in grey areas for apartment pet rules.
>Aw yissss
>Get to know your little fluff from the day you bring her home from the petshop.
>They really tried to upsell you on the "Customization" options but fuck that. You just got a pet why would you immediately mutilate it?
>Either way she's a sweet little blue earth fluff.
>When you told her that she'd be called "Sky" her eyes turned into dinner plates covered in sweets and joy and fairy farts.
>"Sky!? Am Sky!? Wuv nyu name! Wuv nyu daddeh!"
>Oh, wow you saw the appeal immediately.
>These fucking things are grateful for everything.
>Buy the good oat kibble.
>"Bestest nummies ebry day for fwuffy? Dank yu Daddeh!"
>Get her one of your old pillows to sleep on.
>"Bed smeww wike daddeh! Wub bed!"
>Your neighbors were boggled by how well behaved she was, even considered getting their own fluffy.
>They did.
>Poor little asshole lasted two months before they threw his ass out into the dumpster.
>Something about sorry poopies in the father's shoes.
>Geeze, kinna harsh.
>Sky stayed an angel though.
>Snuggling your lap when you watch T.V.
>Always using the litter box.
>It legit hurt to drop her off at a fluffy daycare but you needed to take a trip for your job.
>"Buh Buh Sky NEE daddeh! Nee daddeh for pway! Nee Daddeh for dawk times so nu am scawed!"
>"It's ok, Sky. Daddy will be back in just two little days."
>"Two Fowevas!?"
>God, stop being cute and funny you little fluffy heartbreaker.
>You pet your little fluff muffin and hand her off to the smiling lady behind the white counter.
>She struggles, cries a little and reaches out for you as you leave.
>"Don't worry! Everything is gonna be fine!"

Also have you guys seen that one guy posting videos on the booru? He's out of his fucking mind. Actual dialogue with plush ponies for fluffies. I can't handle that shit.

>Everything was most certainly not fine.
>"What the fuck is this?"
>"Your fluffy, sir."
>Oh hell, no. Hell mother fucking no.
>The blue fluff in the carrier looks out it's cage bars at you. You can smell shit from here.
>"That's not my fluffy."
>"Well, it certainly seems to think so."
>"Do you have my paperwork with you?"
>"Um...we usually just keep all that filed away."
>"Yeah, well UN-file it cause you got a big fucking problem."
>You point into the cage, scaring the blue ball into shitting itself again.
>"My Sky is a blue EARTH fluffy. She also doesn't have a pair of fucking nuts. Y'know. Cause SHE'S A GIRL!"
>"Sir, there is NO need to shout."
>"Stop talking to me and get my fucking paper-work."
>The clerk walks off like you're the dick here.
>Stupid bitch.
>The work trip had been awful.
>Two days of fat, old men screaming about how your generation is ruining what they built.
>You were only there to I.T. for their corporate meeting.
>Nothing went wrong until the big boss tried to "customize" the projector.
>Que 2 and half hours of you having "Undo what you screwed up with the settings."
>Nothing but excuses from his ass about how you didn't use a projector he could figure out.
>God, you wanted to mash his eyes into his head.
>...that and just go home to see your little Sky.
>Now here you are at the daycare.
>Being handed a Blue fucking Pegasus with nuts bigger than yours.
>Somebody is about to get their ass chewed to nothing over this.

>The clerk comes back.
>Looking smug.
>That can't be good.
>She reads your name out to you like she's gonna choke on it.
>"Yes, that's me."
>She hands you the sign in sheet.
>Blue Pegasus
>You angrily pull the top paper off from it's secondary contact info.
>Only to have it stick in certain spots.
>You pull a little harder, then flip the papers back over to look where it's stuck.
>Oh, gee. Right where it says "Pegasus" and "male"
>You show this to the clerk.
>"So? What's sticky paper got to do with this?"
>"It's whiteout, you cunt."
>She gets this look of slow, horrifying realization about what she's done.
>"If you're gonna try and finesse someone. How about at least wait until the FUCKING ink dries first!"
>You throw the papers in her face and storm back into the kennels.
>"Sir! Sir, you can't go in there!"
>"I'm getting my fluffy."
>"Sir, you can't just-"
>Stiff arm the bitch.
>"You want me to sue YOU or your company?"
>"You're caught red-handed falsifying documents and trying to steal my property so what'll be? Criminal suit for you? Or civil for the daycare? Pick one. Which is something I suggest you do while I check your kennels."
>The clerk heads for the back office.
>Now you can vomit from the rank ass smell of fluffy shit and piss in these kennels.
>Oh god.
>Do they ever fucking clean these?

new phone so I only have these images.

>Start to look through the cages filled with screeing, scrabbling little fluffs.
>None of them look too hot.
>Half filled bowls of water and kibble, sometimes mixed.
>No litterboxes, just paper lining.
>One of the cages is steaming and has a sopping wet pink fluffy inside.
>It's barely breathing.
>Did they hose that poor thing? With hot fucking water?
>You need to find sky.
>"Sky! Sky? Where are you baby!?"
>You're met with a wall of 'Wet Fwuffy out' and 'Am gud babbeh' from the little Fluffs in their cages.
>They seem aware you don't work for the daycare.
>You're tempted to pull your phone out, video this whole thing and shut down this shit show...
>Until you spy the lonely cage at the far end of the wall.
>The one with a little blue hoof desperately waving between the tiny bars.
>You rush over.
>She looks up at you, her eyes dewey.
>She's not smiling.
>Her face slowly drops into a grimmace, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
>You knew fluffies could cry.
>You had no idea they could literally sob.
>Not like this.
>She sounds so afraid, and ashamed.
>Like seeing was the one thing that consumed her world the most while you were gone, but doesn't know how to smile anymore.
>The door to the cage is locked.
>Under it's bars you see a little nameplate.
>"Feral Earth Fluff. Female. 3 days until adoption is open."
>"What in the shit!?"
>"Daddeh...Sky sowwy."
>Nothing to be sorry for, you pitiful bean.
>Start looking for a key.
>Is that a cop car you just heard pull up?
>Holy fucking shit.
>Holy fucking shit the clerk called the cops.

Last time I tried to contribute captcha dropped me like a bad habit.
Lets see what happens now

Post abuse faggots

Ah cool, dubs
Doing what I can


y'all cucks still haven't given me the image I requested.

continue this story dammit

Use the magical google machine you fucking tard

I have for a week. it doesn't pop up

Keep it going man, I can't wait to find out what the shelter had been up to.

please don't stop...

Do you even know how to google?

"Fluffy abuse pill in ass"

What pic are you looking for?

nope. do it for me plwas?

Come on, come on, COME ON


Kill yourself


Here! I found it!



if you deliver


I want to fuck a fluffy

Writing as I go and playing Minecraft.

>Ok ok.
>Gotta be cool now.
>Even if the situation is awful.
>Can't go to jail now.
>You straighten up, take a deep breath.
>Turning just in time to see the police officer lumber in from the only door leading into this place.
>You can hear the clerk shouting from behind him about you 'assaulting' her and threatening her coworkers.
>The cop eyes you.
>He's seasoned, big and heavy gutted with a bald head and no beard.
>"Hey, man."
>He says with a small wave on one hand and his other politely rested upon his gun.
>You reply with just enough respect.
>"Lady out front says you can't be here. Gotta ask you to leave. This is trespassing."
>You look down at Sky.
>She's curled up into a ball, choking on her tears.
>The officer takes a step toward you. His polished boots clack against the stained concrete floor.
>"Sorry, officer."
>You finally respond, choking a bit.
>"I'll leave. I just...I just needed to get my pet first."
>"That's cool."
>He responds, clearly deflating a bit after hearing you'll comply.
>"Why'd you hit the lady out front?"
>You turn to him, wipe an eye and flatly tell him.
>"I kept her off of me because I thought she had stolen my pet. I come back here and find my fluffy in..."
>You motion to the cages, soaked in piss and rotten newspaper.
>The officer peers around.
>"Yeah, this ain't exactly what they put on their brochures."
>"Can I please, just...show you something?"
>"Can we do it outside?"
>"No...but it'll only take a second."
>"I dunno, pal."
>"Sky. Sky do you know Daddy's name?"
>The cop screws his face up at the weird question.
>"Fluffy's don't learn na-"
>"Daddeh am Anomymos Anomymos Fag."
>The cop snorts, smirking.
>"It's greek."
>You tell him with a scowl.
>Several minutes later you've got your goddamn pony back.
>She's in your lap, shaking like a leaf.
>Three other officers showed up because of the 'assault' call.
>Pigs at the trough.













Last one

Oh, love this shit. One of the best comics.

Can you -experienced contributers- post high quality comics, similar to the toy and good manners please? I am new here, and these were really enjoyable.




>The clerk told five different stories while you were there.
>One where you flirted with her.
>One where you called her a slut. (Wish you had.)
>One where you punched her and one where you "made her think you had a weapon."
>You told the same story, word for word syllable for syllable seven times in a row.
>The big officer that almost had to pull you out actually took the most interest in the fucked up papers.
>He asked if they made photocopies of their analogues.
>Holy shit why didn't you think of that?
>The clerk shows him something in the back.
>When he returns he nods to you, saying you're free to go.
>"Really? Holy shit thank-you."
>"Don't thank me, son. You're gonna need the time to get set up with a lawyer."
>"Cause according to the stuff they got back there, your little Skyball's not exactly a maiden no more."
>"...She's deflowered."
>"...she broke chastity."
>"Her maidenhead is-"
>"She got fucked."
>The goddamn clerk chimes in.
>"One of the stallions fucked her during play time and I guess somebody tried to cover it up."
>You rise up, petting your little Sky.
>"Am sowwy Daddeh. Nu wanted spechul hugs. Hab heart huwrties. Jus wanted to make fwends."
>"It's ok, baby."
>You say, rubbing her ear.
>"Best he's got is like, destruction of property right?"
>Says one pig to the next.
>"Dese bio-toys don't have sovereign rights so yeah, that's about it. That and we got a conspiracy for Larson."
>You exit the daycare from all the legal jargon and shitty babble.
>You didn't really want a lawsuit.
>You just wanted your baby back.
>You got her...but she's been hurt. Damaged.
>By some asshole's fluffy, that some other asshole tried to cover for.
>You still don't want a lawsuit.
>You want revenge.

end (for now)



High artistic quality is kinda rare, you can get a bunch of alright quality with good stories though.
Heck even some of the downright ugly comics have great stories that make you forget the quality of the art.



Last one






Last one


Do you think you could post these on the booru? Just to get back to them and to keep up




I'd totally read a story where Dexter and Action Hank go after a herd of fluffies who screwed up Dexters laboratory.











10/10, would kill shelter owner.



Someone screencap these, I would but I'm on mobile


The world needs more content creators like you annon, awesome job with the story.




Plain old abuse is fine and dandy, but when people figure out a good way to mix hugbox with sadbox or regular abuse, that is when the stories shine.

Serious question. Are fluffies retarded, or just really stupid?



I don't have any high quality content, but please enjoy this

refer to enclosed image

This thread is full of autism. Everyone who enjoys fluffies are just as autistic as bronies. Even worse so.

This image should be standard for fluffy threads so people don't become confused



Doesn't change the fact you have autism.


You have autism.