Overwatch Thread:

Overwatch Thread:

Are there special hit boxes for snipers (like in Unreal Tournament and TF2) or do all classes do bonus damage for head shots?

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Everyone does bonus damage for headshots. It plays a little beeping noise whenever you hit someone in the head.

I never noticed. I do play Pharrah a lot so I usually aim at their feet.

Go try Soldier 76. If you can accurately burst-fire at people's faces they'll drop really quickly and you'll hear lots of dinging. The alternative is to get really close and just unload on their head.

I tried playing 76 but I missed my "holy shit" button on Pharrah too much.

here it is a gameplay while playing open beta (it is in 1440p 60fps)

not everyone can get headshots. For example, Winston, Zarya, Symmetra's left click.

When does the beta close?

What are some of y'all favorite characters?
I find myself being basic and play Genji, Reinhardt, and Mercy

What about Pharrah?

May 10th, I think 10 am EST

Genji isn't basic

I see a lot more people playing him, but Reaper mostly

2pm EST


lmao, genji is basic as fuck, literally the king of "oh shit" buttons. the parry counters EVERYTHING, deadeye, sniper headshots, zarya ult, mei ult, etc etc.

symmetra, junkrat, torbjorn, mercy, D.VA
see the pattern?
that's right! I'm a pleb who plays with a controller!

basically you're shit at the game


no i main genji,thats why i know how fucking based he is. the only weak thing he has is his ult, which is acceptable, but not great.

Go to characters for whatever is needed: Tracer, Mei, Zarya, Lucio