Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

Anyone who seriously replies to this b8 is a retard

Fuck off

Pascal's Wager is not a part of standard mathematics. It's merely a generalized postulation. I can believe you would seriously think you can apply this to the nonscientific area of theology.

At least post child like empress nudes wile your at it.

Nice double trips

By that logic there are far worse hello than the Christian one. It's hardly mentioned in the bible. Thanks for posting another one of these threads. Yeah its bait but I'm posting for the people who will inevitably start shit here.


pascal's wager also implies that i can pretend to do something and that will fool your god

your god is a retard

damn it god boy , shut your god damn god loving face. You think everyone who doesnt follow your brain dead cult is going to hell, i got news for you pal, your already there.



That's speculation not math, faggot.

Pascal's wager posits that 1 of 2 things might be true:

Christianity is True, OR There is no god.

He then applies a simplistic game theory to it, coming to the conclusion that it is better to follow a christian life, even if there is no god than it is to follow an atheist life if there is.

What pascal failed at was evaluating other possible truths:
Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism Sikhism and many others.

Once you add the other possible outcomes, Pascal's wager is easily dismissed.

Also, It concludes nothing. It just says, "If these are your two choices, one is better than the other."

Not spidey but I got you



good job then retard

This is awesome for this thread. Way less flame war than usual. Thanks for posting that image

okay so i keep seeing this goddamn picture
what is the context for this original quote?
because it seems like a really cool quote

It's from the Matrix II - The discussion with the architect.