Why do white women look like men?

Why do white women look like men?

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mysteries of the universe my dude

This White girl doesnt look like a man

>This White girl doesnt look like a man
With her Asian boyfriend

literally underage

women that look like men are hot, we have those too, and we are not white

because you associate square jawlines with looking like men

doesn't look like anything to me

>Those girls
>Not white

they are mediterranean/southern european, brown eyes and brown hair.
whites look like pic related, and are less than 1% here, so statistically insignificant

literally perfect

But the features are the same. I bet I can tell a Spanish chick from a Latina every single time. You are white Europeans. Embrace it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

No they arent

fuck off yank

Yes they are you idiot. Genetics would say they are at least 95% white European.

that's because latinas have native blood, not because spain ia white.
If you go to spain and start calling people there white or blancas, they will laugh in your face

genes don't mean shit. phenotypes are where it's at, and we are mediterranean people, shirt, brown/black haired and eyes.


Because they are stupid? It doesn't matter if they think they are white because they are white. Yes Latinas look significantly different from whites because they have Native dna while the Spanish look white because they are white.

Alright they're white but those kids are so ugly I don't want them to be white.

I won't argue more with you, you believe what you want

You obviously have self hate and don't want to be white but you are and it's nothing to be ashamed of. We've been brainwashed to hate ourselves.

>all below 6ft
>all brown/blak haired, brown eyed
>ugly as fuck

really makes you think

Is that what u really think user?

Show me dna research. You are mainly white a miniscule amount of North African. You are literally R1B Haplogroup which is the same as the rest of western Europe.


yes yes, very nice, however