What do you think of the idea that Sup Forums would be better if Sup Forums had boards for:

What do you think of the idea that Sup Forums would be better if Sup Forums had boards for:
traps, ylyl, gore, and porn rolls?

What are other thread types that appear often enough on Sup Forums that they should be moved to their own boards so Sup Forums can be less boring?

anhero threads.
anhero should be it's own board

excellent idea. Although tighter modding would do the trick - Sup Forums sometimes throws up original stuff, which is why I come here (Pun intended) but anyone who does triforce or posts that fucking girl who isn't really dead should be instantly banned and the post deleted. and christ am I fed up with people who use the term "cuck" for fucks sake, it was funny for a week, but now...

i knew I couldn't have been the only one.

Just make one for Traps and tell the lollis to fuck off to lolli town they already have a place for them.


what'd be super tight is if there were something that auto moved threads from b to their appropriate board so we wouldn't have to deal with it at all

steam beg threads should just be banned except for around christmas time

All of us would be very happy if they brought /l/ back so lolicons didn't have to come here.

Dub trips checked

oh shit nigga hes right

cmon b we need more posts in this thread if we want this idea to catch on

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and people who check trips, ban them too. so fucking what - it is a semi random number, of no significance - "get" threads coming up to big numbers used to be such a bore - this whole trips and dubs and quads is just fucking childish.

ok but those are kinda classic and some of those threads become about more than just the number

Is this illuding to the thread I made yesterday? :^)
Anyways, different boards for ylyl and porn rolls would be excessive, but trap and gore boards actually sounds like a solid idea.

dude we would have to deal with like zero bananafags if there were just a board dedicated to ylyl

and no i wasnt here yesterday, but great minds

Yeah but bananafags aren't as big of a problem as all of the porn on Sup Forums, not to mention that there would never in a million years be a ylyl board.


>people who check trips, ban them too
Just because you never GET

bump 4 justice

A board for just furries.
They have a board for faggot mlp