Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Darius?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Darius?

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Because he is so out of meta atm even S4 Urgot was better than him

>League of Legends

>Gets kited like shit
>has no engage
>shit lategame



Never heard of that

Taking ghost usually remedies his engage problem. Especially if the person you play against makes the mistake of getting all up in your face.


Why play Darius when I can do everything he does and more by abusing juggernaut items with Graves?


Shyavana cuz she's fun, no mana usage, fast clear, nice engage, auto reset, queen of dps but still can be very tanky and she's a dragon c'mon

he's a pretty good laner, but outside of laning phase he's just garbage compared to other tops

I main bard. I dont play much top lane because it seems like every time I pick darius I have a damn teemo to fight and you know how that goes


Singed of course.

Can Graves ult 5 times consecutively?

Blitzcrank ;)



Shen. Because he actually takes skill to play.

This is now a r34 and nsfw league thread, start now

Nobody cares about your Russian infested "game"


Destroyed a team of Darius in one for all a few days ago.

my nigga

>he actually takes skill to play
I like shen to but I know that it's pretty easy to play

>playing darius one for all
>being good at darius
pick one

Battle bunny riven her best skin. For obv reasons. Have ahri ass

K, have katatina's boobs

but i personally main several champs at the moment, including yorick, nami, and corki.


Did somebody say Draven?

Return of the heimer main

Even good Darius players eventually get shit on late game I've noticed. Like, even if I do bad against him in the lane phase, I know I can recover and stomp him later.

On that note, I can't play Darius at all.

I do main him and i win 3/4 games
Also, dunkmaster best master

lets be real, man, i uninstalled dota 2 about a year and a half ago, and recently installed league. they're equally cancerous, but at least i can rely on people to speak english in chat.

I lust for an edgy redhead like her. Preferably one thats russian and has a sexy accent and drop dead gorgeous body. Have milfy sona

Wrong pic I get confused because all my pictures are heimer related

Thinking of starting LoL. Any tips for characters/tactics/etc to start with? The roster is a bit daunting.


I main Lucian ekko and karma

ashe cuz i succ at LoL and she's the only champion i kindda know how to use.

It's not about the cancer, it's about playing Juggernaut.

Garen is good for beginners in top lane. Lux is good for beginners in mid lane. Ashe is good for beginners in bot lane. I can't speak for support but my first support was as Soraka and my first jungle was with Warwick, and he seems safe since he's tanky and got lifesteal.

a good starter is Warwick, as he is very easy and will get you suited to the mechanics of the game. once you are introduced to IP and the shop, the starters will cost 450 IP (dont worry this is a low amount)

Ezreal kassadin and malzahar

Thanks user, have popstar ahri, best ahri

Id say braum is pretty good for both beginners and experienced players. Great kit and easy to play.

spin 2 win brother

Just play with the ones available to you, then try out different free week ones, see what works out for you. Save up ip and make friends fast, win or lose parties may give more ip. If all else fails have a steady dough income to easily get what you want in the store. you can add me if you want i can teach

Damn straight, brother.

Good guy user

What do you build on her?

>you're level 30
>only 22k points on main

Except, if you take ghost you lose flash for it and flash is still the most broken thing since itself. Even just one J4 ult for example will make you useless for a large part of the tf.


Fucking gorgeous, no hate but I pref academy ahri, i like myself some loli and itd be interesting to see some of that with academy. Have kinky soraka

I used to go devourer, titanic hydra/bork depending on the game, usually swiftness boots and then just full tank

True. True. IMHO the only two supports that are hard to play are Janna and Karma since they can steal farm way too easily.

My first S+ rank was on Lulu however and people really love it when they have a support that is more than willing to burn EVERYTHING to make sure their team survives, even to the point of intentionally body blocking attacks that spell doom for the support.

Still got an S+ though. It was great.

My main changes every few weeks. But I usually play Gangplank, Irelia or Syndra if I really want the win.

Jhin is my absolute main.
I also play a lot of the following : Kha'Zix, Ezreal, Ziggs, Lucian, Thresh, Taric, Viktor, Rammus.
I just bought the only champion I hadn't (Kindred) and love it, I might start playing them a lot.

Academy ahri's pretty good, have some more soraka.. and kindred

I main Gnar

Very old pic will update after this game of CSGO

I played a top game as garen yesterday, diamond 4. I main mid, but went top for the lulz. I played against a darius main, their graves jungle had some good ganks on me and i went 1/5 in the laning phase. After 30 mins I curbstomped the darius and absolutely demolished their adc. Darius with his 4/0 score and 280 cs or something at 30 couldn't do shit against my team, who weren't really ahead by any means. Darius is an ok pick if you're playing in lower divisions where people lane until 30 mins or so. That's gonna be a lot different now with the new drakes tho i think.

Practice last hitting, and that's better start than anything else.

Delicious, little lamb do got the booty, and the hips dont lie. Have another ahri

But it is Darius ya silly bastard.
Woad King best skin

i used to only play shyvana for jungle, now without devourer its damage is reduced to 0.

because i play riven

user you still here? Ill give you my summoner name and you can hmu if/when you wanna start

Garen has a "delete carry" ultimate. Nobody anywhere is going to have a good time against a late game Garen.

pic related, only champ i've played since release.

I haven't played lol for a while but I think this new devourer should be good on her considering her e does the same as the the new devourer.. and since the as is the same (I think)it shouldn't be too bad.. even if she's not the best champ atm I think I will still play her since she's so fun to me

>battle bunny best skin
>not dragonblade riven
Fucking scrubs man

Varus even though he has no dash his early game is so fucking strong

Ur cancer and u know it

Ayyyy im not that devoted but I main him. Hes great if you got an adc that knows how to work with you


Great material we got here, now have some zyra friend

I also started league not too soon before bard came out


if you don't, you can just fuck off and roam and only go back to bot lane if you have jungler/mid with you.


Master Yi Rules


Because Noxus is a fucking shit, Jonia is better and Lee Sin is more skilled and funny.
I LOVE Riven and Riven is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Darius

Hi cowsep

Lmao thats exactly what I do, just be a pseudo jg and help out lanes, then get them chimes and my passive be stronk. But I hate especially when they call it brad or disrespect me. I dont take shit with a bigmouth adc acting like theyre entitled even when they abuse their sup

I only play Poopster and Sona


nah, i'm an old school janna main since season 2 but my main got banned for scripting.

i know.
I'm a bad person

Have you seen the sona nurfs? Feelssuperbadman

1 This pick is better
2 She is main teemo so shut up ¬¬

I always imagined what she looked like under them vines n thorns ;3 unfortunately im out of pics and kind of busy with csgo, just sold a skin and choosing options

just came back to league


noc and malz

Alright have fun user

kat best waifu