Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

>wasting your life being afraid of the bearded sky man



Pascal's wager fails to contemplate multiple religions and the fact that believing in one religion gets you to hell in pretty much all others.

Your chance for salvation would be the same regardless of being a christian, jew.. or a filthy atheist.


So many fallacies in just 2 lines.

Such an ignorance on the topics of theology and spirituality.

So underage.

>Math has conclusively proven that God exists

By all means nigger, share these infallible proofs no one else worldwide has seen besides whacko evangelicals.

Math hasn't proven that a god(s) exist, just that it's reasonable to have faith that there is one based on a weighted expected gain

Pascals wager does not posit the idea of other gods. If you believe in Islam and it turns out Christianity is right. I think the god will be more pissed off you were worshiping false gods than if you worshiped none at all etc etc.

I'd rather do what I like than be bound by the morality of some 2000 year old religious text which is full of inaccuracies and bullshit.

What is the anti-atheism thread picture from?


Math has proven there is no god.
See I can say random stuff without proof too.
And pascals wager suggests is safer to believe and worship all gods not just the inept abrahamic one




Pascal Wager has also suggested that OP is a cock hungry monster.

Ok. Which god is statistically the safest bet?

Tim is new god of b

Sage goes in all fields.


Tim the Detective.



The great band: TIM





saged and then some

moar sage

lots of sage


this sage is good


just can't get enough sage


i love me some sage

sage sage sage



funny, the captcha asked me to choose all the pics with food, but human feet isn't an answer.



I wonder where sage is grown

sage goes well with sausage


Fava beans and a nice sage.


who is that guy with glasses anyways?

I wonder if he likes sage

His name is Travis. He has two knives.

I bet he'd like sage

Is he a wizard?

he does

Yay, people that like sage are my friends.



check out SETI you tube vids on intelligent life here,developing only via evolution chances,( there are a couple pages of stuff on this from the eggheads),,slim to none,given the cosmically short time it occurred, they do not mention 'GOD',,talked only of chances via random evolution.


Who would win, Travis or Jedi Fat Kid?


I'd put my money on Jedi Fat Kid. Pascal's wager and all.

I think it might be a draw.






It's not enough to believe in God u have to worship him to and that's something I'm not gonna do u cock sucking Christian faggot

Belief in god alone is not enough.

>even demons believe that there is a god in heaven. And tremble.

Pascal's Wager assumes that belief alone is the key to salvation. This is false.

>Faith and Works, my friend.



The Never Ending Story?



I'm having hard time chosing which god to worship... currently leaning towards Odin since after life filled with beer and feasting sounds fun. Here are few second place holders, Allah, Jehova, Ra, Osiris, Seth, Anubis, Thor, Loki, Zeus, Ares, Poseidon, Hades, Mercury, Jupiter, Apollo, Marduk, Buddha, Shiva, Kali, Adad, Enlil, Anu, Nergal, Ishtar, Kabta, Isimud, Lulal, Kingu, Neti, Pap-nigin-gara, Sharra Itu, Apaliunas, Hapantali, Tawara, Alalus, Ahti, Tapio, Ukko, Perkele, Haldi, Saris, Shivini, Spagetti Monster, Tengri, Gazar Eej, Shangdi, Yu Di, Tian,



Because fuck god and his autist followers shoving jesus down our throats like a priest shoving his wrinkle-dick down some 9 year olds throat

Claiming there is no god (i.e. whatever you believe represents such a concept) exposes you as an arrogant cunt. However, that does not mean you have to devote yourself to a specific religion like a mindless, sanctimonious fool.