I'm bored, ask a sandnigger born in norway anything, i'm bretty ok so i won't jihad you or anything if you're edgy

i'm bored, ask a sandnigger born in norway anything, i'm bretty ok so i won't jihad you or anything if you're edgy

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Why do you call islam a religion of peace, when you're more violent than any other religion?

>Brev nordmenn dere kunne banket i en slåsskamp.

Do you support Islamist expansion and the implementation of Sharia in Europe?

well, the way I see it, the religion itself is not whats fucked up, but the people representing it. there's no doubt that a lot of the mentality in the arab countries is fucked up, but most people really just want to live in peace, with a minority making it really fucking hard for us. that mentality is pretty much why my parents fled in the 90s

read that notion is just ridiculous and the funny thing is that the only ones propagating such ideas are extremists on both sides of the spectrum, both rightwing and islamists

this is obviously translated, as I have no idea what you're trying to say

Islam is a paradox, The religion is not violent 'its the people representing it'

I have never seen anything that can interpreted so many ways, it basically means we dont know what our religion is.

Send all your desert dwellers packing and you can go fuck each other in your oil and throw stones at each other till your hearts content

Given that Muhammed was all about expanding Islam I hardly think it's ridiculous to think Muslims might attempt to also do that, as they have in the past. Imperialism isn't extremism.

do you support the wide acceptance of muslim immigrants/refugees to norway, despite the immense negative effects it has on the country and it's people?

your premise here is that most muslims are violent, which just collapses on its own ridiculousness.

that can be said about a lot of things, and it may be a sound argument, but thats just not the way of thinking when it comes to the average muslim. there are of course some extreme fractions that think the exact way that you're talking about, but the idea of a bigger hidden conspiracy that entail all western muslims is just...i don't know? ignorant?

The people in London accepting Sharia courts are also not extremists.

>the religion itself is not whats fucked up, but the people representing it.
Same logic applies to all religions that claim peace, so no religion is fucked up. Let's be consistent with that logic, shall we?

I didn't say anything about a conspiracy or collective effort of all Muslims, but when people are following an imperialist ideology, I think they're much more likely to become imperialists. People with genuine faith in holy book should be pretty easily swayed by what is in the holy books themselves, and what's in the Q'uran doesn't bode well for non-Muslims.

that's a difficult one, because I was born and grew up here, so I really do see Norway as my home country and I wouldn't want to see it affected in any bad way really, but the consensus here is mostly about the fact that the integration is way too bad, and that the numbers themselves are overcomeable. its a european crisis, and its just hard to know what the right choice is, things just have to be done, lives are at stake

and I didn't claim anything itself? people with warped conceptions of reality will warp everything accordingly, I'm not being apologetic or anything, religion is not solely GOOD as a phenomenon, but I really don't care about that, seeing as religion on my part is highly personal and not something society as a whole should be bothered with

I really don't see Islam as being an "Imperialist" ideology, could you clarify? I get that Islam was spread partly by conquering land, but thats really not integrated in the Quran as a way of spreading the religion, and for a muslim that's really the only thing that matters. You won't find any Quran verses saying that muslims should conquer land to spread Islam. On the other hand, you will find verses saying muslims have to respect the law of the land (that they reside in).

sorry, meant to say I didn't claim anything else

do you feel it is within norway's right to deport muslim immigrants who represent an economical burden?


You know and or witnessed any cases of Muslim women raped for religious reasons?

You feel in the right to rape your wife if she deny you sex?

if they've already been accepted, they usually have some need of protection, or they'll be in danger when returned, so I don't think that would be something I could agree with. Thats really not all that relevant seeing as immigrants as a whole make Norway more money: aftenposten.no/okonomi/OECD-Innvandrerne-i-Norge-lonner-seg-7228678.html

It's in norwegian, but maybe you can translate? Either way, immigration policy should be on a humanitarian basis, not financial

no, I don't know that many muslims here though. To the second question, I'm just 20 years old, so not married, but yeah, if she won't give it up she'll have to give it unwillingly. Blood is the best lubricant, y'know?

i'm also kidding, if it wasn't abundantly clear

Quran 9:41 – “Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That is best for you if ye but knew.” See also the verse that follows 9:42 – “If there had been immediate gain (in sight), and the journey easy, they would (all) without doubt have followed thee, but the distance was long, (and weighed) on them”

Explain this verse for us then?

What are you're favorite parts of Norwegian culture that you've assimilated into your life?

norway also attracts a lot of educated people in search of job opportunities, the muslim immigrants do not represent that group in a vast majority of these cases.
selective immigration acception is necessary
unhindered access is however very harmful

probably same as this
Genesis 1:28 - "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."


I kinda understand, it's not like you could come to your colleagues and say whats up guys? do you guys know if any hot bitch was recently raped around here?


this has a very historical context, you should read the whole aya if you really want to know what is being talked about, this is what was revealet to the prophet from God when the Byzantine empire got ready to exterminate muslims

Pat Condell and Bill Warner are a lot more educated about Islam from the perspective of someone against Islam than I am, and I don't feel like googling for quotes.
I know there's an idea of everywhere without Islamic rule as "Dar Al-Harb" (house of war). Islamists bring the war to these places in an attempt to bring about universal Islam (peace). Islam calls for non-muslims to pay a tax. Islam calls for violence against non-Muslims. The laws are mostly just as bad as the other monotheistic religions, with more restriction of women.

>calling yourself a sandnigger
Have some self respect you faggot.

Everything you're talking about is like radical salafism and has nothing to do with mainstream Islam.

"The doctrinal position of the salafi literalist and their groups in the West, which are in constant communication with scholars based primarily in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, or Syria (mostly through former students of their respective educational institutions), refuses any kind of involvement in a space that is considered non-Islamic. The concepts of dar al-kufr and dar al-harb36 are still operational and continue to explain the relationship of the salafis with the social environment, which is characterized primarily by isolation and by a literally applied religious practice protected from Western cultural influences"

"[Political literalist Salafism] is trenchant, politicized, radical, and opposed to any idea of involvement or collaboration with Western societies, which is seen as akin to open treason. The Hizb al-Tahrir and Al-Muhajirun movements are the best known in Europe, and they call for jihad and opposition to the West (always considered as dar al-harb, the realm of war) by all means."

Your argumentation just doesn't make sense, your grounds of criticism are comparable to implying that every christian act and think the exact same way as a member of westborough baptist church or some insane shit like that. I think you're brushing off 2 billion people as insane delinquents quicker than you should.

My self respect is not founded on me not having any self irony, bro. That's the problem, everyone taking themselves so fucking seriously. Kumbaya, hold hands, and call everyone a nigger, y'dig?