Last map was fucked, so I fixed it

Last map was fucked, so I fixed it

Risk bread


Oops, updated map.

>People's Republic of Gavin

Is this a new game? if so I'll join

Yep, new game

come on in buddy

>Cuban Mafia

I'm green, choose a different color mane

Whoops. Purple

Bum till moar friends show up

>Jewish Foreskins Conclave

Southern Florida


I'll join
>West Virginia


There's already someone there, are you sure that's where you want to start?

Purple taken

mupdate 1, let's start.

>Expand to fill colo.

Sorry I'll revise it
>Union of Neo-Rangers

>Cuban Mafia

Fill Southern Florida

Expand to northern Cali


Okay, put Gangland in New York

Put ur names when replying plz faggots


Fill in the Union of Neo-Rangers in Kentucky

oh sorry

Jewish Foreskins Conclave takes on New Hampshire

mupdate 2

>Expand CO

>Cuban Mafia

Keep filling in Florida and spill into South Carolina

>The Laurentide

House Kennedy
Bottom of texas

Expand through maryland
Also srry for lateness
>Peoples Rep of Gavin

Alliance weedlandia??

Expand to southern Cali


Yeah, I'm in.

Yeah me too
House Kennedy



Expand to Massachusetts

>Jewish Foreskins

Alright 3 way alliance between weedlandia, tz, and house Kennedy


Mupdate 3, Purple gets a +3

>Fill CO, spill to Nebraska

Expand north east
House Kennedy

>Cuban Mafia

Expand into Georgia (along the coastline)

Forgot your roll, I'll add it to your next one

expand north to NJ and PA

>The Laurentide

can i join alliance

As said before, expand south


Keep getting lucky as shit rolls haha

Alright op


Since you're adding to my next one

Expand east after expanding south


Expand south

>Jewish Foreskins

Yes u may join

4 way alliance now adding the laurentide


Yeah boi, come on in


Mupdate 4, TZ gets a +6

>Fill CO, expand to Nebraska

Would be a real shame if someone decided to take over your small sliver of land you got there haha

>Cuban Mafia

start to fill PA and NJ

>The Laurentide

>Cuban Mafia

Keep expanding across the Eastern Coast.

You wish to make an alliance Jewish Foreskins?

House Kennedy
Continue going north east


>Jewish Foreskins

Also expand south

Push east from under my ally, weedlandia


Would you be willing to let me take UT and the top half of NV?


Fine by me


Gangland goes west

Its too early to say somthing big for me but my plan is taking texas


Natives claim Oklahoma! Bankrupt the white man with casinos and cigarettes!

Color please


Mupdate 4, Red and Aspara now open

>Expand east

>Cuban Mafia

Keep expanding upwards along the coast

Continue northeast to the boarder
House Kennedy

Fredonia moves south

fill into Maryland

>The Laurentide

Gangland moves west in New York

>Nice Folk
>N. Dakota

15 spills

Then Gangland attacks Jews

Expand to Maine

>Jewish Foreskins

Trips witnessed, too bad it's not your roll for this one

Oh damn

Push north from California


You're puny nation declaring war on the Minority Alliance? hahahaha. PATHETIC!
>Cuban Mafia

Mupdate 5, Shit's about to get real

>Expand half East, Half in NE

Forgot map

Gangland attacks Jews

Push north again to fill Washington


Go south, invade Jewish foreskin

>Cuban Mafia
Keep expanding along the coast. I need to help The Jews

>Nice Folk
>N. Dakota

Expand Westward

expand southwest

>The Laurentide

Take over northeast boarder of texas
House Kennedy
House words: "follow us into the darkeness as we light the way"

The laurentide, fill up Texas quick


Mr. Kennedy, would you like to join the great Minority Alliance. Together we can stop the West from becoming too powerful

Woops I mean house Kennedy


>Cuban Mafia

>Nice Folk
>N. Dakota

Fill Up Minnesota and keep expanding westward

1 roll per mupdate.

Oops. I have no idea how to play this, my bad!

You're such nice folk

>The Bubonic Plague
>Light Blue
>Chicago area

Lord Cuban power influences loyalty take out one country and i will consider the offer though my small council members say it may be a good idea

House Kennedy

Mupdate 6, Jew's need to step their game up

Kennedy, I highly do not recommend this, should you join the minorities, the American Alliance will come down upon you.

>Same as last roll