Why are you fags maining him?

Why are you fags maining him?

because I like one-shotting people with OP weapons and having an OP ultimate and having an on-demand wallhack

I mean if I'm mcree I have to shoot them in the head like 2 times and I can't get people through walls with my ult so why would I play such a shitty hero

I don't play him, but his sonar arrows are a big help when used strategically, as well as the ricochet arrows for forcing enemies back

still not as OP as Bastion imo

I main genji, couldn't get the hang of gook arrow


Tracer best girl

Lucio master race. You're welcome faggots

jet set nigger


I hate all the asian people in that game

>not maining Junkrat.

It's like you fags main bastion or skmething stupid.

this guy gets it...

Worst costume, kill self


Calm dowb tracer main. Not my fault that you keep getting fucked by my mine trap combo.


I want Hanzo to stick his arrow up my boipussy

Ive played ark: Sotf since its creation.

The bow is a better version of ark's.

nah mercy tho

im legit upset i am going to lose this hockey skin when beta ends.

just a shitty no skill version of zen

Roadhog best, You bad

>not maining the waifu or McCree

Bastion is only good in scrubtiers, he's not picked in higher skill play because he's too easy to counter.

Zarya masterrace reporting in. In russia, game plays you.

stap, having that annoying fucking british accent saying
>you alright luv
>you gonna cum soon luv?
>lets try that again luv
>this is beginning to feel like deja vu luv
would make me homicidal

nah,im JunkRat and D.Va player.

Good to know you need somebody with a healing ability to play the game ,nerd. Can't memorize where the health packs are fatty?

Are you retarded? What "high tier" are you playing? I spectated a game between invite/open tf2 players and all they did was exploit bastion and other autistic op heroes.

Mercy is pretty great I will admit that. I always enjoy healing alongside her.


Disgusting tracer mains. Always need to blink and use rewind. How about just stamp a good ol' "I need to escape because I suck at shooting" on yer forehead, mate.

Well I played Mei 20 games in a row, and have yet to die... will they nerf this ice chink?

Chinks on ice.

I'll see you in the battlefield, luv~

shes like zarya
once people understand that shooting the shield is bad she becomes pretty weak

Bastion is good if supported correctly, shove a Reinhart in front of him or dump Winston shields on him he can hold a choke point solo with his damage.
ofc there are counters, namely Pharah and maybe Junkrat, but in general its stupidly strong on defense maps

Why are you not using rango or naruto anons?

I'll fuck you up with my frags 'luv'. Years of loch n load prepared me to smash tracer mains like you.

naruto is p good

Why don't we divert our attention to how we're going to torture that overweight bucktoothed ice chink

I was best scout in TF2, luv~

joj nice, m8 i nolifed the loch and direct hit so i could deal with scouts too

my mains are junkrat, Dva and Symmetra.
Symmetra when played correctly is a fucking beast and great for the team.

Disgusting scout mains. At least two rockets should kill you filthy degenerates.

Zen is my main and my guilty pleasure is playing the waifu D.Va

What, luv?
Can't hear you all the way down the scoreboard :c

Nice transition from my many years of playing a frost mage in WoW :-)

>literally every hat painted pink
>taunts after every kill
>uses cancerous Lenny bind after every kill

What's not to hate

Im not sure exactly how the matchmaking works, but we're all around level 20-50, and i havent seen a bastion in a long time. And when he's picked he doesnt do shit. Sure you can form a team entirely around defending the bastion, but then you get a hanzo against you, his ult kills bastion through shields and RIP capture point.

Like i mentioned, it takes too much dedication to make him work, which can instantly be countered anyways. His ult is still godtier, but he doesnt have the impact to be useful up till the ult. Defending is way harder than attacking already too, you want tanky characters and mobile ones to have somewhat of a chance.

this is what im dreading, all the blizzard casuals come swarming in from dota and kill the game

I can't hear you from all that smashing of your blink key because you can't land a single shot.

I tried to break the mold and not be like that lmao
I actually hate those, too

yeah lucky they made it especially easy to play ice chink

he's just fun

I've played WoW since Vanilla, how does that make me a casual?

I main Bastion.

you forgot the lime green miscs

>skill has cooldown


99% of Hanzo and Widowmaker do jack shit

D.VA best girl tbh

Somebody gets it

Anyone who uses automatic/spray weapons of any sort you are a scrub

>not casual

kill yourself dan

>the timid nerdy girl who puts up walls

it's almost too perfect.

i'd like to see what she looks like under those layers, though.

Riven master race

>Buying into Blizzards viral marketing and actually playing their Unreal Tournament/TF2 bastard child of a game

lol dude that's in game level, I was watching people that are going to be pro players and winning tournaments when the game actually becomes competitive (unlike the retarded cs players like steel that think they are pro overwatch players)

That chick isn't in the game poser.

Lol ok what do you play, sir epic gamerbro?

All I ever see tracers do is just blink and rewind. Almost like they are cowards or something.

Whatever as long as you group up with me and flank them I could care less what you play. I'll Allah Akbar with my mine and frags.

Tank master race reporting in

Sorry wrong pic

>mad kid that most likely calls every company "shills"

Reinhardt for days you fucking faggots.


>Play the shit out of German suplex shield man
>Open the Lionhart skin
>Realize I dont get to keep it.

>scrub spotted
Ultimate Tier Bastion here.
I've never lost to anyone in a bastion so please stop spreading your lies.

Overwatch is def more team oriented, and I'm usually helping team getting behind Reinhardts with shields up.
While I do consider Tracer my main, she's only really helpful in attack maps.

i know that feel man, i got 2 Reinhardt skins and i bet ill never get them on live

Sorry I actually have standards and don't enjoy Blizzards desperate attempts to stay relevant after finally realizing that their baby (WoW) is slowly dying

>Playing a Battleborn clone.


Blizzards marketing spent a bunch of money advertising it online and on television so that must mean it's good!!!!!

>desperate attempt to stay relevant
>has the 2 biggest player bases for games in WoW and Hearthstone

sure smells like bullshit overhear

Damn, you have me convinced, i cant argue against those 0 points youve made. Maybe i was wrong, maybe the completely stationary, team dependent dps is the way to go.

>Not know that WoW's subscription base has been rapidly declining since 2012
>Implying that Hearthstone will come close to making up for it


no shit wows subs have been declining for years, yet its still MILLIONS above any other competitor.
as for hearthstone, you're fucking deluded if you don't think they are making stupid amounts of fucking money off that game, hearthstone is easily their biggest earner right now by a HUGE margin

You mean Demoman?

>Some idiot paying full price for a game that is not even half good as its cheaper competitor

Just one smack faggot

His entire point is that WoW is on its way to becoming irrelevant, and that Blizzard is trying to desperately to viral their other shitty games so they have something to fall back on when WoW finally bites the dust.

Oh no more players, that would be terrible

Because i can get like 30 kills with bastion.


i love huntsman (no homo)

as terrible as all bastion teams?

Mei is love, Mei is life