Lets see how competant you all are, solve this

Lets see how competant you all are, solve this.

Is the answer "anime is fucking gay"?


The answer is C. What is this 8th grade level bullshit

Two different answers with no justification. Inept retards.

Trying to figure out if this is nonsense or a cute formulation of godel...


Assuming that if the original answer were 25% then that means that both A and D would be correct.
In that case you'd have a 50/50 shot to answer the question correctly which means that B would be the answer
But this question is bullshit anyway since you have a fucking redundant repeat of an answer. That means that you can literally argue any answer and be correct.
Except for C. C if for autists.


C isn't correct, but it's more correct than A, B, or D.

how so? As long as one of the answer choices given are correct then you at least have a chance of guessing it correctly


hustlin + pimp shit


answer is dr pepper

C: it would be 100% given that there's a 100% chance that it's not 0 or 25% given the options, but since that's not one of the options, you are unable to select the correct answer.

Ok, so there are 3 answers for this question: 25%, 50% and 0%

this means each choice has a 33% chance of being chosen, and seeing as how 33% isn't an option, it's clearly C - 0%, because all the answers are wrong

Because if only one answer choice is possible, then the answer is A or D. But then the answer is actually B. But if the answer is B, then the answer is actually A or D. It's a recursive loop. There is no correct answer, so C is most correct, but if it were actually correctly it would just initiate the loop all over again.

Son you're over thinking it.

This is false. 25% is listed twice, so the odds of selecting it by random are 50%. 33% is not even close to being a "correct" answer. In fact, there is none. See

There are four damn questions you faggot, two of which are 25% if there are four questions then you have a 25% chance of choosing the answer that means that there is a 50% chance of answering it correctly.

oooooooooh I see it now. Thanks!

You guys aren't thinking.

The answer isn't the %, that's the hidden fallacy, it's about language, not math.

The answer is "A or D".

25% is one answer, just because it is listed twice does not mean there are 4 values to select from.
Also, if you cannot choose a correct answer, the answer becomes 0, lrn2boolean

Holy crap, this is literally the dumbest thing I've read all day. If you randomly point at one of the possible choices, you have a 2/4 chance of selecting 25%. 2/4 is 50%. You need to learn basic math.

es but the CHANCE of choosing the correct answer is 25% because there are 2 questions that say 25%. So if you were to randomly choose a question from a-d you have a 50% chance of choosing a or d.


Fuck I am retarded, I did mean to say 25% the first time. kill me

B for Sup Forumsbrothers? More like -B for /-b/bretards which equals retards. lol.

You have a 25% chance, however two options are same which means this is really 1/3 chance which means you have a 33% chance to guess right however that is not an answer available which gives us 0% chance at getting the right answer, however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is 0% however 0% is an answer and therefore the answer is 33% yet again which is not an answer and therefore your answer is

Holy shit you're trolling.

No, you meant to say 50%. Also, chill out, this is an anonymous image board. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, no one knows who you are.

yeah but if none of the answers are correct it's 0%

-it can't be 25% because it's listed twice, so there's a 50% chance you'll choose a 25%
-it can't be 50% because now that they're are only 3 valid listed values, each has a 33% chance to be selected
-because 33% is not a valid option, there's a 0% chance to select the correct one


i'm at a loss at his autism.

>B for Sup Forumsrothers? more like -B for /-b/bretards = retards kek

you might just be a bigger faggot than op

Can it, you nigger sympathizer.

No, it is not 1/3. It will never be 1/3. The entire thing is a loop with no correct answer. There is only one answer that is more correct than the others, and that is 0%, as I previously stated. This is a basic logic problem, and you've failed the test.

3 values, so yes 1/3


same fag

this is more fun than trolling on /sci/

Holy shit, you deduced ALL ON YOUR OWN that the guy you insulted and the guy who responded to your insult with another insult were one and the same? I've underestimated you.

Or, in non-sarcasm, that was not something which I ever considered wouldn't be obvious, and everyone else in the thread noticed it without having considered this worthy of bragging about.

same fags

Man, you people are on the fucking ball tonight.

same fag

same fag

same fags

same fag

same fag

Dammit, you've found me out you must be a detective!

and you must be same faggot.

Fucking idiot, the first number has op as the first number. Grow some eyes or are you an aborted fetus?

>all this retards

there's no fucking answer to the question because there ain't fucking question to be answer you dumb faggots, this is a fucking semantic problem

same fag

You're a retard, if there was no answer it wouldn't be a question!

Same fag? More like, you're a retard.

50% cause 2 answers are right, IMO

Literally autism all by the same fag trying to keep this thread alive

finnally an intelligent faggot.

It's a paradox

Lmao, retard.

the last question it's implying a pre-existent question that it doesn't exist. So there's no posible correct answer.

You're a paradox.

same fag

But every question has an answer, if it wasn't it wouldn't be a question.

same fag

3 different choices = 33%

same fag

Yes, and the correct answer to the question it's that there's not a correct answer to the question.

If we assume that there's no correct answer to the question the correct closest to be true is C %0.
If we leave it to simple probabilities having in count the different values the answer is 50%
If we ignore the values the chances are 25%

it's like quantum physics they're all correct and incorrect at the same time

Same fag.

A HA, you admit this is a question, that means the the answers presented have to have a correct answer.

same fag

it isa question, but a non-sense one, so no answer can be right

Same fag that was just called out.

same fag

But if it's a question it can't be nonsense and has to have a sensible answer.

Wow where'd you find that out? Put a monkey in the office school?

love how what I started with the same fag is still going on hehe :3

That's just not true. A question can be a nonsense and also can have no correct answer

Said the same fag.

same fag

Are you 12? Do you really not understand this?

But then it isn't a question. As we can see the picture says QUESTION, not "nonsense question."

100% chance ill be both correct and incorrect

Same fag trying to look cool by talking to himself, sad really.

Same fag

Same fag

Same fag.

You are now just talking nonsense sir.

Yes, but I'm not asking a question, therefore I can be talking nonsense.

Same fags

Yes but you could be talking nonsense even if you were asking me a question.


The question doesn't ask for the CORRECT answer, it's asking you what the PROBABILITY of GETTING the correct answer is.

Even thought there are 4 answers, two of them are the same and it wouldn't matter which one you picked.

There are 3 different numbers to pick from, therefore, your probability is 1/3 or 33 1/3%

You are dense, m8. Don't overexert yourself.

this. God damn idiots can't even read the god damn fucking question

This is so mathematically illiterate I honestly am sure that this is b8.


Same fag

25%. The percentages under A, B, C and D have nothing to do with the odds of randomly selecting the correct answer in a multiple choice question with four answers.