What does Sup Forums believe to be true?

What does Sup Forums believe to be true?

Post your beliefs, ideology conspiracy theory, knowledge you acquired and wish to share with us. It can be anything you wish to share.

The goal of this thread is to pass on knowledge that would benefit anyone who reads it.

Keep arguing to a minimum and be open minded

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>keep arguing to a minimum

God is real, just not the way Judao-Christianity believes God to be.

Ignorance is bliss until it gets boring, then it's time to start adventuring.

Describe your belief about your god in detail please?

Desire for change is the only thing that holds us each back from being happy. Other's desires which disagree with our own creates all conflicts. Acceptance is key, but not necessary to just live through life as you wish.

If she got a big booty, she shall be known as big booty.

The only rights are natural rights, that is the right of your will and ability to make other's conform to it. Even when living in a social contract.

Raised catholic turned into a devout atheist. In my 30s now and after discovering psychedelics I'm pretty sure there is something more to life and consciousness -- just wish there was some evidence.

Praise Osiris!

There is always something more powerful.

I like the way weev phrased it: Rights are not given or taken, only respected or infringed upon, and the way to make other people respect your rights is through force.

OP here.

There is more than what meets our eyes and minds. I recommend you start questioning everything and piece everything together. You'll notice patterns in your life and things will begin to make sense.

I believe I hate you all

We as beings here are bound to this planet, I am not sure how we came to be exactly or if that even exists as far as the real nature of time outside of our own feeble perception of it.... there are many dead planets whos spirits are trapped within who did not ascend from it and they cry out to us, longing to posses our freedom.. we are but one of countless living worlds scattered beyond what we could count. Life and death are not definite, there is a way around the whole cycle that we believe to be absolute.. simply because we perceive something does not mean we fully understand it.. I also believe that most people are stupid as fuck and unable to see past their own nose.. but what do I know

Hate is a important feeling in our development of understanding. Funny thing is that a lot of people confuse love and hate a lot.

The beginning of time is a complete mystery to us. Why are we trapped on earth? Simple, earth is both a prison and school, mostly a school in which we can learn to experience so we can expand and grow. Nothing is absolute in existence, cycles break eventually. Yes many people remain ignorant because they lack understanding, thank our education system and programming for that.

Recently I've gone through a lot of revelations with my beliefs. I was raised Roman Catholic, but something was always missing. More recently I've turned to exploring if there was more to life. I feel like human consciousness is all linked to one another and that it truly continues after we die. I believe that maybe we go to another plane of existence and that everything on this world is linked to one another and that we should respect life for what it is. Universalism, I guess. Feel free to comment on my beliefs.

The giant neon distraction that festers before us..
we are trained to live in it and to think only inside it by all those who already do and want us to be slaves until our bodes wither and fail.

the only truth is this sentence.

You're a faggot, as is everyone else in this cancerous thread.


Life is sacred and one should respect it.

Here is a question I want Sup Forums attempt to answer.
What if every human was humble and nice to each other? Would you think we'd advance further or will it stun/slow our path to enlightenment?

I believe that millennials are the cancer killing Sup Forums

t. oldfag

Do you find that to be sad or freeing?

>that op is a fag

Thanks for the reply. As for your question: I feel as if humans could never live in peace. I feel as if we are broken beings that are meant to live this life as a trial for more to come. As for true enlightment, I feel like that is a more personal achievement. Rising above everything and finding your own way.

i believe Sup Forums was killed by porn a long time ago


its both, and neither.

We are slaves because we allow ourselves to be. A single human can become stronger than an entire nation.


I believe in nature and karma.

you are seeing yourself projected onto humanities collective social consciousness

probably need absolute force to have absolute peace, simultaneously

this is why the arts and humanities are so important

social orderment, technocracy, epistemology, philosophy, who is allowed to live, who is allowed to die

relative valuement of scale

We live in a computer simulation, life is probably meaningless



Be careful on how you perceive karma, that belief is known to cause fear.

you dont win friends with salad
you dont catch bees with vineger

Whatever is real is real.

The universe is a digital simulation. All the evidence is here; Non locality of subatomic particles, time literally slowing down when the processing is tougher (like at planets that are really big, or things going really fast). Not to mention the guy that found error correction code in string theory.



We could be in a matrix. Our actual bodies being in stasis.

I agree that arts and humanities are really important and I feel like public schooling (in the States at least) is killing our creative process. I looked up the terms you threw out to me and they seem interesting to say the least. I agree that we need more practicality with our government. Not just people that we elect. On another note, I'm a skeptic. I feel like any answer people have for me requires proof to back it up and not just faith alone. However, we will never have this proof. It's like I'm Tantalus and Im within the grasp of knowledge that I'll never get.

Thanks user, I've heard about the possibility of simulation before but not with those (rather convincing) points.

Thanks for link, user.

I guess the questions are,
what is the purpose for the simulation?
And does that change our morality?

start with axioms like self ownership as property rights

violence crossing the threshhold of your flesh organ defined as such and placed as the number 1 priority to be removed from society

the rapists
the murderers
the assaulters

there are no exceptions society is not a war it doesn't matter if you think you are and want to use the word government or king or whatever to label yourself violence is violence its the line in the sand else semantically its a meaningless & pointless nonarguement

insanity will believe what it wants it doesnt matter the pen is red just change the language be unhinged be ill be unanchored and pretend you are the opposite just know that for 800,000 years this type of person has been formatted and systematically bred out

slight hitch in last 100 years because of "government" prohibition (illegal laws are oxymoronic you cant say a victimless crime of nature is anything more then you being an embarressment and setting the precident for your own removal) - Ignorantia juris non excusat

most are retarded monkies and my mortality makes this quite confronting; frustrating

You'll get what your looking for. We all do at one point.

Why would that be any more likely than just our entire consciousness being digital? I don't see any evidence for that being the case.

No problem. There is a good documentary about it. When you start to really think about it, it all just seems more and more plausible.

from such a man is legally/lawfully entitled to the ownerment of his labor, his product of effort/work.

retard defined as delayers & inhibitors to progress

progress as peaceful voluntary cooperative trans-scarcity societies of want (anarchism - there is no substitute words for this)

(not saying this as a truth) The simulation is a process to see if different sentient alien beings which live in different dimensions (the ones that created this) in order to see how a group lives with diversity on a planet. Both in terms of things very similar to them but also in terms of things very different than themselves (humans). We're probably not doing so hot so far if that is true.


The Anunnaki of planet Nibiru are on their way to reclaim humanity.

Glory to the primordial overlords, glory to the Anunnaki!

I think (and I hope I didn't) that consciousness is just what an extremely powerful computer gets. That being said it follows that the human brain is nothing but a really powerful computer. It is indeed astonishing, and the whole complexity of life itself is so wonderful that is breathtaking. But when I'll die the light will just fade, and I will always be as I almost always been, except for a small period of time. And this is both painful and scary, and I wish I was wrong, but is indeed logical.

All I see in this thread is a bunch of ants trying to understand anthropology.

I completely get what you are trying convey. What is your belief on the human soul?

From our perspective there is no purpose to the simulation, although whatever started the simulation probably did so to study "post-human" ancestors.
As for morality, go read nietzsche or something.

I agree it is along those lines. I however, see it more as a mathematical and psychological experiment that they (what I have been calling "the level up") has been doing. I think the level up wants to learn about how life would function in a dimension lower than theirs. They could be in a 11 dimension universe, and they are interested in the idea of 3 dimensions.

The only think that is pushing me to believe we are in a real universe is irrational numbers. They don't make sense.

The idea of an eternal return has always been interesting to me. Anyone else think it's possible?

OP here.

Let me make it clear that this race is long gone and won't be coming back. They've been gone longer than what one might think.

I hope so. I hope to obtain it through love and aging. Materialism doesn't really matter but just makes life more comfortable without having a solid foundation of answering our real questions.

I will not stand by and let pedophiles ruin this sacred holy canvas this masterpiece of expression this world of art so beautiful and bold
this board is not your toilet paper to shit on

-not even a fag but a power bottom that's more alpha than you

Ive pondered it a lot in my high school years, did a lot of soul searching, im in college now and I believe Islam to be true. It's the way of justice. These days, the difference between right and wrong has been blended together, what society has deemed acceptable, God calls mischievous.

1. Odds are you won't die by 21 or 30 or even 40 so don't waste time fucking around
2. Someone has probably done or or thought about do it but that shouldn't keep you from doing it again.
3. Don't waste your life with someone you think you can change or you think can change you

There is no "our morality." It's an opinion, there's no absolute basis for it like there is for stuff like electric fields or gravity. There are some things most people agree on, but that doesn't make it any more right. Something being morally right/wrong has the same strength as saying something like chocolate ice cream is good.

Im agnostic but when a see those motherfuckers like rockefeller or another powerful people performing cult to some shit and making human sacrificies and think thta those mother fuckers maybe know something thta we ignore disturbe me so fuking much

Personally, I hope that's it's true because death from the perspective of an atheist terrifies me. It only scared me because there are so many atheists anymore. However, eternal life/return sounds like a wonderful experience.

>go read Nietzsche or something
I prefer Kierkegaard and Sartre

I think there is a purpose to the simulation. You don't do that much work to create a universe for no reason

Well if god exists then it's basically out of the realm of time, in an outside perspective which could manipulate anything from any infinitesimally small point
and could change or put it's consciousness into a different simulation.

Times change. What you find acceptable today might be a death penalty tomorrow.

Death to poopers! Anyone found pooping will be hung!

maximisation of individuals want as human potential, self actualisation etc

my personal subjetivity is live in peace with a monogomous pairing of a hot sassy sexy lady for 200 years ala bicentential man smoke as much cannabis and exercise as much as my body will allow including my mind body/brain in terms of intelligensia/intellectia

maybe eventually write something down, breed, pass something on but just happen-so-stance,

live as adam and eve and no more, no less

she basically has to be 100% subservient to my will and nothing must stand in the way of me being truthful and honest with myself in what that is, that discent must be formatted.

live a masculine max = human max
with a her at my side.

am capable from resource perspective, so i view, just need to find the right wench to coddle my dick in her mouth and buy the groceries and accept she is my 2nd, ying yang etc, accept her place, as helping me i mine, opposite in some respects, mutually fostering and beneficial (worded language free of hypocricy only for my own benefit really) for us (me again)

and her being happy in her place, to help me in mine

mostly deal with mortality, again

people are approaching 200 year life span capabilities and theres a fuck ton of books and psychadelic drugs and sex i want to do and have

COME ERE daints

anything excess will be driven into subversion of my environment to anything that could be a threat to my at non expense of anothers life as they an expense to mine

get like 20 free years to smoke bongs and play all the cool computer games like mortal kombats, doom, fallout etc

i owe society, the world, nothing, no rsponsibility, no obligation, just seperation as axiomatic, secondary as a partner with another, a main squeeze, engage in the backlog of culture i wish to, etc etc

these actions connotate my soul

its not for you

I beg to differ. Just because something is always changing doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's more like an art than a science, the new art can look like shit until you get used to it, the old art sticks around for about 50 years, and if you were recreating ancient art you would say what the fuck.
We choose our morality as a group, like art, that's what makes it interesting. Because it's the art of every action we all choose to do.

The only thing that's true is the nothingness we come from and to whence we shall return when our feeble little spark is extinguished.

Tl;Dr, nihilism is cool or something

Don't do the crime.

I believe in veganism. I believe you shouldn't kill when you have the opportunity to not. Raising animals for food pollutes more than transportation does. This is our home. It's our planet, it'll be there for our kids, and we're completely fucking everything up.

you're one of those retarded autistic cunts that thinks eating dieing plant matter is not actually dieing but alive and that eating dead meat is any different from this dieing plant matter that falls into the same catagory as non breathing, living, the second u seperate it from the soil

Doesn't that mean there is also another truth, which is that things change. You have only ever experienced change. Does that lead to an uncertainty about the nothing once you have returned?
If the universe was infinite in time, at one point your atoms would reform life, and you may be conscious again.

Learn how to spell dying and then get on my ass. Also learn priorities. An animal dying is not the same as a plant being eaten and you're a retard for even suggesting it.

yes it is and language evolves stop being autistic double dosage

fucking autist

Believe in Islam. Reason is because of the things in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=V7eZ-r9o10Y&t=7m11s

What? Did you even read their post?
They actually raised good points. Meat eating is worse for the planet, it takes more land that crops can be grown on.
But fuck not eating meat


I believe liquor is the only way

how fucking ignorant are you cunt to say that eating meat is what ur most worried about in terms of pretending like you fucking care what is or not "worse" for the planet jesus fucking christ


This is the only kind of magical sky god I will ever accept.

Why, because I have a basic grip on morality unlike you passive fuckers? You wouldn't even care enough to respond to me if you weren't feeling guilty over the things you're up to eating corpses.

i fucking cant work out anymore if they are being trolls to rib me or if they actually beleive this shit or if its such in their heads, holy christ

God does not exist. Consciousness isn't a thing, is just a consequence of high power computation (in my scheme of toughts)

The Controllers. Incorporeal other dimensional beings feeding off our corporeal bodies.
They have always been.
We have not.
They did not make us.
But they can control us.

Basically we are meat batteries for beings I can't comprehend. They tend to favor negative experiences and emotions throughout someones life time.
Master manipulators and decievers, they feed in whatever ways suits the occasion. Some may enjoy feeding on us as we experience sadness, guilt or anger. Others may prefer death as the final meal.

>calling me ignorant

If you have got any more points that are not ad hominems I would love to hear them

God is real. But it is not a man in the sky who watches you. God is a combination of the following things:
The universe, as in the nature of the universe, the laws of physics, natural selection etc
The context of the universe at the time of your birth. basically all of history, all events leading up to now.
You. The voice in your head that you hear when thinking is God talking to you, YOU talking to YOURSELF.
God is different for everybody. But at its core God wants you to be happy, to be your best self.

>ignorance as an ad hominem
>imposter complex

You are not a body with a soul.
You are a soul that temporarily inhabits a body.
All life is connected, all is one and one is all.
All beings in the universe are connected through a joined consciousness that you are unaware of until death this is how your soul inhabits a new meat suit when your current one expires.

Do you have any evidence? Or implications of evidence?

i was raised a catholic. im 27 now but when i was 18 i had a good friend talk to me about buddhism. everything he said felt like i already knew these things my entire life and he was just reminding me because i somehow forgot. he told me that a persons own desires is the root cause of all misery and suffering. including my unmet expectations. and then he told me about how loving others is a happiness that cant be lost

The dream I had with this revelation shook me quite a bit. As I don't really like to talk about or think about life and death, creation/why we are here... all that jazz.
But something struck me as so horrible, i cant begin to feel like the life I lead is real.
The illusion of free will, choices, etc, are all paths that lead to the same end. That end was going to happen one way or another. But... these things.. the eat away at us. And nothing fills them more than you thinking youve figured everything out. And thats what scares me most.

I'm essentially a nihilist that believes Earth should be treated with the same respect as the native mericans gave it. Not taking more than what you need, carefulling on the carbon foot print etc.

Sup Forums was killed by me.


Space and God . Hmm