Hey there! I was referred by a friend to this site...

Hey there! I was referred by a friend to this site. He told me not to mind the pornography and that this is a place where many different people come together and talk! I wanted to say hello and that I'm glad to be here :) it says I need a picture so have this! I find it pretty funny.

Other urls found in this thread:



sage goes in all fields
welcome freind

hello comrade :)

r u a girl if so tits or gtfo

You have a shit sense of humour so go fuck your dog you faggot

I like this nigga.

Hey man injoy the stay

Hey there! I don't think this is a place for you, you are too unfriendly and impolite. We really care about kindness here so please leave. Sorry.

Welcome to the worst website this side of the deep web. Try not to post your opinion here, because you will be wrong 100% of the time.

Surely I can't be wrong all the time! After all one opinion has to be right :)

This isn't even the deep web, faggot

this isnt the deep web you dumb MOTHERFUCKER

Not in the eyes of Sup Forums my freind.

Hey OP! Trust me, this hell hole is not what you'd expect. No one here is nice, but somehow Sup Forums entraps you... Be warned OP... Anyway, welcome! *shakes your hand*

Op is a fag

I'm actually bi! So you were half right, although the offensive term was a bit harsh don't you think?

Welcome to the site. Here is a naked dead chick.

I suggest you start jerking off to minors or girls with dicks, or you will never fit in with the rest of the cool kids here.

i'm not supposed to be doing this buuut what the hell. goodluck and can't wait to see new people


You feel for the bait fagg


Fuck you, dude. There are some places newfriends just don't belong.

This can't be real

Your guide is wrong....you can cut corners on time by opening terminal alone as admin

>Then type cd Windows/System32.exe -d < press enter>

Then when the computer reboots in superuser "Then" you can access the secret board....but you forgot server address and port

Oh shit! Here come dat boi.


Holy fuck! Does this shit not end!? Stop! Jesus Christ, how fucking hard is "secret board" to understand?

i hope you get molested again

Ikr.. We gonna need to ask m00t for a new secret board soon

Mannnnnnneeeeeee......they've been here long enough now.....it's been like ALL SUMMER!!!

They should be able to access it now.....they've earned it



Fuck it. Just give all the secret info away.
Go for it.
m00t nevar left, the secret board is for mods and janitors "only," You'll need to download and install Tor to access the secret board, because technically, it's not a part of Sup Forums proper, and yes, you will need the proper ports open, specifically, 20, 21, 80, and 443.


Fuck off to reddit.




It's optional if I remember correctly. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I've cared about that place. It's pretty trash, now, all the mods are white-knights these days.

Are you kidding me?!


Weirdly enough, I've seen a little bit of changes....for the good

>The used to ban me for bullshit - now I see they leave me alone a little more.....Im ok with that. I think they see I am right about the statements I made....and the reason I troll the way I do as hard as I do on certain subjects

>So actually.....heres a bong hit to the mods!!!!
>I've watched them pulling down bad stuff and having a little fun at the same time

Either that or the new one.....is a pretty cool guy


Pfft, go fuck yourself, try-hard.

I have a collection XD

"That Moment" made me embarrassed to be white

>I almost lost total hope

why the fuck are you posting your shitty fucking dog meme, you stupid cunt? lurk more. you don't know a fucking thing about this site, and you are already spreading your fucking cancer.


>Iz Dat U M00k?

"This side of the deep web." Learn to read and understand, you fucking degenerate.


Sadly.....this is true

Welcome Sup Forumsro

It is I, my child. Well spotted.

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot!

Cool to meet you bro

>I know you've watched me in action XD

Oh, and by the way, welcome.

Often. ;^D


>deep web
>always going over google

wassup faggot


Hey, I have surgery on Wednesday.....been waiting like 2 years

>Think you can take it easy on me for like 3 weeks til at least minimum recovery (On my shoulder, torn bicep, and rotator cuff in 2 areas)

I'll be able to type again (Quick at least) in like 3 weeks - a month

No problem. Don't want to disturb your recovery.
>You're no good to me broken...

>hey there smoothskin

Lol thanks....glad I could unknowingly help lol

>It's fun lol

But......something weird tells me thursday im going to wake up all fucked on meds....open the chan.....seen and entire catalog of what Im against

Sup buddy

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I fucking love you.

*Based ass monkey*

Worth a view

Dawwwwwwwww.......I wuv you too

user is coming for you. They're fucked in the head. They even take out their own kind. Lots of serial killers on here. Allah be with you.

Fuck Muhammad.

We eat children here boooooyyyyyyyyy

>Didn't ya know?

Scary enough, im sure theres one retard out there....lurking..... that actually does :/

keep a man viril
like eating ur own cum
or her discarded eggs

this fucks up your hosts file and leaves you without internet access


>can i get mine in diet?

And there really are

Ooga booga.....ooga booga
Ooga booga......ooga booga
Ooga booga.....ooga booga

I can't rap lol Im white and I know it XD can't dance either

the soda or the 11 year old?

le happy monkey

so noone is talking about gay france

I was thinkin' "Content Wise"

>Life Hacks....stay successful
>It maxes image count everytime and people like to participate
>Until 1 moron goes and tries to get people to kill themselves and ruins it gggggrrrrrrrr......

Yeah bro....they recruited him for the movie planet of the apes

>See the resemblance?

does cherry come in diet?

Hi there. Your friend is a faggot.



Isn't that supposed to be Niggas [be] red... ?

try harder faggot only a NEWFAG would fall

I could watch this all day