Need some advice on how to ruin a little faggots life...

need some advice on how to ruin a little faggots life. He's a whiney little emo cuck who's either autisticly mumbling to himself all the time or snitching on everybody and gets in other peoples business. He fancies himself some bleeding heart sjw. his parents are yuppie little snowflakes too.

anyways he's about to graduate. The world doesn't need his degenerate kind in it and everyone's attempts to get him to kill himself have failed. I stole a gun from a friend's house party a few weeks ago and I'm gonna plant it in his bag and tell a teacher he brought it.

Any way this could backfire on me?

Yea, a lot of different ways but I'm not going to elaborate because you sound like a childish little autist punk.

you say that now but in 5 years he'll be making billions by turning your job into an app and making your entire town into a safespace where nobody can say or think or do anything.

seriously. these little shits need to be stopped.

I fucking hate SJWs don't get me wrong but wanting to ruin someone's life just because you don't like them is a sure sign of stupidity and immaturity.

You need to grow up and stop caring about things that have no real impact on your life.

He forces his opinion onto everything around him and makes a scene out of everything. he needs to learn his place. even the faculty are sick of him and his family. He came into school saying he's trans after winter break wearing skirts and is still screaming about how they didn't let him change in the girls locker room. My friends tried to set him straight but he just scramed to his parents until they got the school to let him change in his own special little room.

He is the problem and If you aren't dealing with the problem then you're part of the problem. this does have a real impact on my life and the lives of my friends.

anyways im going through with it tomorrow. im pretty sure faculty will turn a blind eye and fast track him to jail.

Wipe finger prints off of the gun. Place in his bag with a glove on. If your school has metal detector make sure u get itin hia bag before he gpes through. If done correctly you will see an almighty tackle by the schools stationed police officer (school i went to had 3, so i presume your school has at least one). Dont do anything else. Keep dont call school or nothing, it would be traced back to you, and it would clear his name. Let the games begin OP. I wish you the best of luck, that is if this is not bait. Can you take a picture of the gun with a time stamp?

lol i might have been born in the dark but i wasnt born last night. no can do on the pic bro. thanks tho!

I better see a news post tomorrow

So he's invading your safe space? Man the fuck up and live with it. Even if he is a little prick like you say, which I seriously fucking doubt given how retarded you sound, you have no buisness with him.

Understandable. If you have the tools file the serial number off, then it would be possession of an illegal firearm along with everything else

this was actually a troll to see how many of you would back something like this. good to see most of you called it fucked up. you might be a sociopath.

OP can't deliver, in too deep. See ya you fucking pleb

SJWs can start to have an annoying impact on everyone's life. If enough of then get together we end up with some bullshit rule or law. I'm with this kid, fuck this bitch up.

Big thing is when you plant it, if you follow all,the steps above to avoid fingerprints, etc, it won't have his on it. Worse is if there's a camera somewhere that catches you in the act,,have to be very on point about doing this.

you'll be happy to know we'll be doing more tests like this to collect more data in the future.

Just plant the gun in his bag. Don't tell anyone. He'll find it and have to figure out what to do with it. He'll be nervous and chances are fuck up by pulling it out and showing someone, or going to an authority figure at school and admitting he has the gun. School authorities don't wait around for explanations anymore, he'll be tackled and cuffed immediately.

That is true. If the fag drives then get into his bag b4 he gets out of the lot. If he takes the bus forget it. School busses have cameras on them, the footage is only looked at if there is an incident

like flies to shit.

Why would you waste time running a test like this on /b? It would be like running a test to gather information on whether the sun will rise tomorrow.

thats for us to know. thank you.

Oh man, you're such a clever troll. Honestly, you should get some sort of award. Does a dragon dildo strike your fancy, faggot?

>tries to tell OP the trollbait didnt work
>mad that he totally took the trollbait.

I just opened this thread, and OP is just being a total faggot. I don't see why you even replied.

you sound like you're 14
instead of planting the gun, shoot him and yourself