Anyone know a good way to convince a chubby autistic girl to fuck you? pic related

anyone know a good way to convince a chubby autistic girl to fuck you? pic related

It really shouldn't be that hard, assuming you are not autistic. If you really want an advice, we need more info

Pay attention to her, and buy her whatever she wants at McDonald's.

peanut butter on dick

thats how i get the bitches

the problem is she's very wary of guys and pretty afraid of having sex. not autistic here, and shes only mildly autistic

I bet

Just grab her ass, sluts dig that shit.

like i said - not a slut, very frigid

She is lying, just be alpha.
Grab her ass, no words, start fucking.

whisper in her ear "Sup fat boobs u wannna some fuckfucks?"

She is 100% a slut.
Look at her
It's written in neon lights on her forehead.

portal 2 + an actual edible cake

play coop, rub against, whip out cake and shell be yours

she acts it. but shes the type who dresses a certain way but is actually super frigid (maybe its the autism idk)

same as any girl you beta virgin

>win her trust
>make her feel comfortable wnough with you to be vulnerable
>then positive reinforcement
>make sure she has a good experience every time she is vulnerable
>vulnerablities escalate

thats a good way to make someone trust you enough to form a relationship but i literally just want to fuck and chuck

There is no suchthing user.
She is a slut.
Prolly does roll play online about weird sex.
I was ur age once. Bang that little bitch while she is still std free.

Grab her but user.
I promise it will work.

any more pics?


you have to relationship non-sluts to fuck them. just toss her out when you're done. you're obviously a piece of shit that doesn't care about how she already doesn't trust men and you will only make it worse.

bump her and dump her.
i don't know that bitch.
you're still a piece of shit though.

Yep, neon fucking lights.

Smear peanut butter on your wiener and they will lick it off

any real pics? stop with the attention-whoring over-filtered shit.

trust me man i know im a piece of shit but i dont really care

good enough?

Double Checked.

nice but this
You got any no filter pics?

Rape. She goes to the police, they don't believe her cause she retard. Win

I'd put my meat in this chunkie little monkey!

well then...
>you have to relationship non-sluts to fuck them.

I promise, be alpha, grab that ass.
This girl is an easy lay. You have this in the bag.
She WILL let you get kinky. I can tell.

i know its black and white but that legit the best i can do, she doesnt upload stuff without some kind of filter

Tell her that you have a Popsicle in your pants and she can lick it

i dont know whether your constant insistence means that you believe in me or you really want to get sent to prison

really cute smile

nice. No worries lad. I'd say your best bet is to earn her trust and pretend/show you care about her. You known her long?

Op, if you don't fuck her I will.

>anyone know a good way to convince a chubby autistic girl to fuck you? pic related

Chat her up. Make her feel comfortable. CHIT CHAT, talk about her. Wear nice shoes (I swear to God, chicks respond to nice shoes on a dude). Be a good listener. DO NOT APPEAR NEEDY. Be patient. When she figures out that you're reasonably safe, she'll want to fuck you.

Is she crazy? Don't stick your dick in crazy.

2 yrs - im pretty good friends w/ her

Ah well I'd say you've left it too late to try and get in there matey she'll just see you as a friend now

This is the best advice ever. DON'T STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY!

I believe in me. I would grab that sweet ass.
I love you user.

don't. she's not a retard, or a downie. if she's legit on the spectrum and you make a strong social advance like grabbing her ass when she wasn't ready for it... it's game over. she'll never even speak to you again.

you got to win her trust. but don't hide your motivation. you need to be part of her routine. and a steady reliable source of positive feedback for the behavior you're wanting to condition her to do.

people on this site throw around the word autist like it's the same thing as being retarded. it's not. these people are smart. they're jsut inept as fuck when it comes to interacting with other people. they don't come out of their shell, and you can't just barge into it. it takes work.

Dude, this is bread and butter. But you may have already fucked it if you're friends.

Ideally you want to 'bump into her' at the local alternative club. Ignore everyone else and look in her eyes and say 'you look absoloutley amazing' and continue looking in her eyes. Be sincere. She will then be butter in your deep fat fryer. Talk about her favourite band/netflix, escalate and bang.

This has worked for me countless times on RANDOM girls, as I say you may have already fucked it by knowing her too well.

Can't emphasise shoes enough. Do not wear jeans and shoes either. Trousers and shoes or jeans and trainers, always.

Cum all over her titties OP

>looking in her eyes
this means 0 to a legit autist.
>Talk about her favourite __________
this will engage her, but not forward your agenda.

get her interested in what you want to do, and make sure you're the one she trusts to do it. once an autist is interested in something... they jump in with both feet.

Yep, cause that's the most important thing to autists

not call her chubby, give up using autistic, dont be souch a fuking derp

yeah because of course i say this shit to her face

Ignore these cucks

She's not an autist, she wants banged but doesn't think she's 'a pretty girl'

Eye contact is important as is directness. I once got a girl home by getting excited about my central heating system, you just have to get her excited to be around you and she'll do what you want.

This is the best advice ever. DON'T STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY! Confirmed