Take a pic of what you smoking Sup Forums

Take a pic of what you smoking Sup Forums.

>dont fucking diss my roll.

why did it go on its side

fuck sake

Almost, gotta finish my beer first.


Backward joints man, get to know.

This faggott gets it.... Backroll ftw

another pic of my rest for the week

the last roll was done when I was high, so yeah

Take a picture of what you smoking Sup Forums.
>you smoking

It's not lit faggot, you aren't smoking anything.

i need some chips, candy, a smoothie to snack on when im high. fuck im fat

nothing because my dealer is being a faggot

i've always been too scared to burn away the excess paper? i know it's supposed to be perfect everytime but i feel if i do it it'll just go up in flames completely.

anyone from belgium/ western europe here ? i now pay about 8 euro a gram. is that decent ?

weed ?

yeah weed. probably should've mentioned it ,figured people would assume it my bad.

sorry bro soon as it stops raining

thats fine by most of western europes standards, much cheaper than many more isolated places

Paying 6.50-8 where I live now. When I still lived closer to amsterdam it was like 4-7 for a decent gram. If the weed's alright, that's a fair price.

I pay 8 euros per gram and im from belgium, when i buy 25gr its €6 per gram

Frenchfag here, 8 is decent
5 to 8 if you re lucky
10 on the street

i hoped it was, i do have to get 12,5 at once minimum though.which isn't the biggest amount but i hate driving back with it

Mechelen hier, hangt af van de afname, voor "retail" is standaard prijs 10€. Dus als ge "retail" 8€ betaald is dat zeer goed. Ik koop altijd per 5gr dus 10€ per gram. Moest ik gelijk 100gr of meer kopen kan dat zakken tot 5-6€ per gram. Hangt allemaal ook af waar ge het haalt en wie uw supplier is en waar die zich ergens bevindt in de chain.

Those are some pretty shit rolls bro...

damn. if i get that amount i only get the discount to 8. not to 6 , i'm jelly

ja ik betaalde vroeger 10 ook maar koop nu 25 samen met een vriend en we delen het dan, nu gezakt naar 8 euro daardoor.

vergeten te vermelden, hier roeselare west vlaanderen

freshly rolled. your all shit at rolling btw.

have to hand it to you best one in the thread so far, but you don't really have alot of competition.the others here look like how i rolled the first week i smoked.

Ja een collega vroeger op het werk kocht ook met een paar tegelijk om zo de prijs naar beneden te halen. Een paar € per gram minder scheelt rap veel.

in england for example £10 (15 euros?) is standard, the very high quality stuff i get i can only afford to sell as low as £8 per gram so that is still very good.... As for bein worried about driving back with 12 grams, simple, wrap it, cover the wrapper in some eucalyptus oil, wrap it again and hide it under your balls. We are fucking lucky in the first world there is no way in fuck any cop is going to look in your pants for 12 grams of weed 0 chance you can be caught like that!

vape only

Vape Up Bois

yeaeh 10 pounds is like 12 euro and 70 cents. so i pay about 6.2 pounds per gram. and it's pretty damn good.

i do the same thing i usually hide it in my boxers but i'm still kinda paranoid,. i've been thinking of getting like a broken gps i can empty out, then open and close with just a few screws.

you vape weed?

Asian Fantasy

Paranoid cuz of the weed, smoke less m8

ja helpt enorm. maar ik zie hier iemand die 6 bertaalt als hij per 25 koopt. wel jaloers op.

yea, but I prefer memes

nah i already had that before i started smoking. though it might havem ade it a bit worse .now i usually smoke about 2 a day but i'm currently out, probably getting more this weekend

1 weeks worth saved up lessgo

i never understood this. i always use a filter and then make a buffer of just half an inch of Tabacco near it just do i don't waste weed and have to finish half burned roaches. not a single bit goes to waste that way


I don't care so much about wasting, I have weed when I want it. I prefer to smoke without a filter and they roll a lot easier/better without.

I split 'em all at the end of the week and smoke blunts usually.

try using the thinner type of rolling papers, the taste will be so much better. they tear a little easier if you're new but it's so worth it.

I don't smoke because i'm not a edgy teen in faggot denial

Sending love to everybody!

just because you can afford to waste it doesn't mean you should. they'll also smoke alot better. it just takes a while to learn to roll them properly but the end result is so much beter. smokewise and lookswise

You're all pathetic. Kill yourselves.

I smoked this about an hour ago, but what I don't seem to understand is how badly those joints of you are rolled. No offense though, if it gets you high who cares? It's just that in the Netherlands we roll more tighter and smoother joints.

trust me pants is better than hiding it in a device in the car, they literally cant pat your crotch down hard enough to detect 12 grams and then go through the effort of taking your for a strip search to retrive that amount. Why would they even pull you over to begin with. Trust me user wait till you have 2 kilos and your driver suddenly tells you he doesnt have insurance...

old pic, but why take a new one? same shit, different day...

Shout out from Bristol, I didn't take a pic but I couldn't be fucked.
My mates borrowing my grinder right now so I had to pick all of it by hand, it's fuckin awful.

Since I started vaping weed, smoking it tastes kinda bad. Almost like tobacco; a strong burning taste.

So, yeah, this


Grind your weed, that shit will be burnt up before you even touch the tip with your lips.

It was actually ground, and was gewd, will take your advice tho, I'll do it better next time

One we had last weekend.


Smoking my Lil hash pipe

Dutchy roll hahah

but yeah this is mine, also dutch

inside-out L

Nothing, my dealer is avoiding selling to me like the plague for some reason. His usual excuse is that his dude is out of town, but I know he's back now. Still, he keeps putting off meeting up and selling to me.


How can you all be so shit at rolling?

This is now a good roll thread.

Pretty nice

u probably annoyin nigga

too thin, bud

cones look a lot better also

well yeah, i'm tryna give him some money


It was just a big filter is all. Also, that's a full gram. I have large hands.


Pic very related :)

good roll bad pic thread..

Here's my other vape. Not using this one tonight. I'm driving my MFLB tonight.

Goddammit, I haven't smoked weed in months cause I'm broke as shit. Miss it a lot. Makes everything more exciting and allow me to get in touch with my subconciousness and see things from a different perspective.

Weed is very psychedelic for me.


Try getting high and stepping into a hot tub on a clear night. You wont be on earth anymore :D

Pic related. Love my tub

Killer tub dude.


got the solar panels to power one... but i just keep thinking i'll use it for a month and then never again. Lots of work to keep up the water, right? Probably go for it if I was single.. they're a pussy magnet.

damnn i want thatttt

>buy a rolling mat

There's something very satisfying about a joint with very wrinkles

I've never actually smoked weed, and where i live it's illegal...
And i have no idea how to get any to try it out..

The fuck is that? A pregnant camel?

I have no issue balancing the water. The chlorine is self dispensing and i test the water once a week. Almost never need to add anything.

Here's my weekend battleship


Spain reporting in here.

Greetings from the gate of 3/4 of the hash in the EU. After travelling the world a bit I've realized how sweet it is to be a smoker here. Average prices are around 5 euros a gram of both hash or weed. If you know people you can get it for quite less.

Someone should come smoke me out.

fuck your roll and yo joint nigga

bongs alldayeveryday

If you know anyone who smokes, just hang-out with them.
My first weed experience was in a concert. I befriended him and his buddies and they knew someone from where I live and I just followed-thru.

how r you liking your arizer bro? I've had mine for a while but I haven't used it in a bit.

Some fire dank loud goodness. My roommate posted it in that burnt bowl up above.

Where you live Lil homes?

right on I have that same vape(extreme q).

nice that it autodispenses.. whats your operating cost?

why the mask though?

mom taught me how to roll. don't really give a fuck how trashy that is. rip ma

nice bong nigro

i know one guy who smokes daily, but he lives half the country away lol

Get the DDave glass kit (from fuckcombustion) and get a water pipe. One good hit from this thing could wreck you. I love it!

pic related, chilling in my new house with my cats


is that an extendo?

So like what? 5 miles?