Tell me why she doesn't love you, Sup Forums

Tell me why she doesn't love you, Sup Forums

Also feels


Its not surprising to me that she finally left. This fucking spectacle surely couldn't have helped.

>why she doesn't love you
Lol I've never even had a she.

I'll tell you what I won't fucking do though and that is date that ugly fucking cunt. There is no way I am doing that now or ever.

I would be fine of she just came out and said it
but she never will she would rather take advantage of my attempts to be a decent person


you guys make me feel awful with this shit
i am the "she" in these situations, friendzoned a guy for 6 years, and when we finally got together, i ended up leaving him for someone else

Oh, I'm sure she did. She didn't love me as much as I loved her, or else she would have the strength to keep her commitment.

then don't do it

not my fault man, i was young and stupid

>drug dealer
>running from the things I've seen and had to do from previous jobs
>she's a whore who couldn't keep her legs crossed
Atleast I still have Mary Jane and luci I guess

Luckily, she does love me, even though I've unintentionally fucked her over several times. Being single sucks, but watching your loved one be in pain due to a mistake you've made is probably my one of the most painful things you can endure

I've just never had any interaction with a female that was romantic or sexual in any way whatsoever.
Hell, I've never been been friends with a girl.

I don't know, she told me I make her uncomfortable

now you're older and stupider

are you me?

yeah you're not wrong


I don't think I was rich enough or successful enough for her.

The other girl...I don't know. I think we friend-zoned too hard and I couldnt break out after a year. Calling her a mixed race bitch didn't help.

Same here, I think it may be time for me to forget her and move on.

my dick is really girthy but also only two inches short

like a cheese wheel