So in the bible, God fucks Joseph's wife and he's ok with it. Why? Even if your gf/wife became pregnant with god's son...

So in the bible, God fucks Joseph's wife and he's ok with it. Why? Even if your gf/wife became pregnant with god's son, would you fine with that fact?

It wasn't through the act of sex. It's called immaculate conception and she became one with God through the Holy Spirit; and bore a child that was Him.


He makes a good point. God was in it for the pussy. Unless it wasn't god at all. Maybe it was just the street kid next door.

>God is an Alien

What would you do if an Alien impregnates your wife ?

idk why u think the god who created every single thing have no other way to make a woman pregnant but sex , even though u know he created adam like booff !!! adam , son u dumb ?

Let's be honest, the entire story here is about what happens when you buy an unfaithful woman's bullshit and get emotionally invested

aka Mary was a whore and cheated on joseph having pre marital sex. So she used immaculate conception as a scape goat, she made it all up to cover her ass from being stoned by locals. Mary knew the only way she could lie her way out of it was claiming God planted his seed inside her. It is all a trail of lies because Mary was a lying cheating cunt.

joseph is drunk again guys

Sounds believable. I'd say whatever the fuck to get out of stoning too.

That would also mean that they hammered the fact that their kid was the son of God into his head, effectively brainwashing him into doing only the good that he could do. Damn.

that's not what immaculate conception is you stupid worthless piece of shit


In the original language of the bible, Hebrew, there is a word to describe a person that doesn't have a gender. This is the word that describes god and therefore Jesus. When translated to Latin and then English things have been lost. When the English bible says the son of God they do not mean the offspring. It means that God impregnated Mary with "himself" not having a child.

so he got all the way up to the shoulders in that pussy?


Yea sure why not

More importantly, do you have more pics of that woman

its all made up idiot

Accept God into your life and allow His teachings to not only straighten your path of life, but better your soul. Feel pure and have the peace of mind towards eternal ecstasy


so, force yourself on random women and then claim it's all part of a bigger plan?

trips don't lie

It (checked) works.

Fukken lasers, user.

Will I get a special parking pass or something out of the deal?


Na, you just get to raise the kid


Joseph the original cuck

yep. I don't think Mary was as pale.