Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Diana?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Diana?

League of Faggots


diana is a no skill trash champ like yi

Dota is better

So rengar maokai and illaoi need skill?


Fizz. Because he can 1v1 this shit faggot retard diana in any phase of the game

more than diananana, DIVE PULL SPAM ULT

That's true, but if you can't beat them join them I always say.
Climbing with Diana or Yi and a fucking breeze. I'll be in Diamond 1, while you're fucking around with Maokai and Illaoi.

illaoi needs skill, if you dont know when to go in youre just going to die rengar is a squishy assassin, maokai is easy to fuck up if you dont have the combo proper.

akali is just a better diana

Riven and Kayle guess my rank.

Just started playing her. I love it man. She is too fucking strong rn

I main Dota 2 because I actually like depth and complexity in my video games

I main singed cause im a filthy cunt

Playing Dota 2 made me hate Russians and made me want to kill myself.

because leona destroys diana...

Dota 2 made me hate Peruvians with a burning passion so I understand your pain

>Dota 2
>depth and complexity

i dont rank cus its not fun.
too many retarded assholes worried about a number and color that reset every season.

But but but what about the skins?

I main Mordekaiser and Diana just doesnt appeal 2 me

I have over 3K games in League and 1566 hours in Dota 2 and I can say without hesitation that a League baby would shit their pants at the amount of stuff they'd have to keep up with in Dota 2.

Spoken like a trued pleb. Enjoy playing female Darius.

i have skins, that means nothing with rank. i mean honestly though, buy skins on champs i love, but whats more amusing, a rankless skinned champ destroying a diamond/plat or a diamond/plat recking a fellow ranked?

better than bitching over a bronzie when the unranked destroyed the diamond.

Thresh support main

I'm talking about the victorious skins.

nice argument, league trash.

I play both games too quit acting like you're so special faggot.
Boy i just love farming for 30 minutes and then having the game decided in one or two teamfights

Could say the same about you.

You literally just described League of Legends

victorious skins?

butt hurt bronze v detected

i play with gold and plats actually.

Annie Because nothing says fuck you then getting you ass kicked be an 8 yr old with a teddy.

I main jungle teemo because its funny.

Keep telling yourself that boosted trash

go watch more trick2g tutorial videos