Pic related

pic related.

Ex tries to lie to me an fuck me over

Punch him in the nuts till he pukes

Make Sup Forums post to humiliate the faggot.

you should show us your tits that would really show him.

Looks like he has a big dick, more pics?

What if OP is a gay dude?

yeah but he stuck his dick in you so what does that make you?

Tits or kick rocks fatty

Thats assault you stupid cunt
I hope you go to jail.

then he needs jesus

This is now officially a get thread until the cow posts her udders






last guy was a fag. here are the real doubles.

you dropped em. here ya go.

lol all you fags needing an image to get your dubs XD

c h e c k e m

poop get

nigger your dumps look like gumbo. also same numbers





quints get


Thank You Wesley

o shit waddup