How do you fend off an attacking dog?

How do you fend off an attacking dog?

Kick it's chest punch it's nose

suck its dick

With your EDC

Dick its chest nose his punch

Finger in the pooper.

I would also dick it's ear

Start urinating everywhere. Thats how dodges show dominance.

When it bites... It will hurt. It will hurt a lot. But I cannot imagine a situation where a grown man punches that dog in the face/head and it doesn't let go of the bite out of pain and shock. Then all you gotta do is punch it again if you're on the ground and when you've made it to your feet... Boot that son of a bitch in the head. Cool. You're done.

Throw it a nigger

I hit 1 with a shovel, peppers parked 1 & cracked 1s head with the sully from my oil truck.

Fucking hate dogs


keep its head off of your face. snap neck.

When it bites don't pull, instead grab it with a free hand and roll on, get your wieght on it so it can't pull. Dogs yang and twist to cause damage, it's not particularly the bites strength that'll hurt you its the pulling after.

Once your wieght is on it, stick your fingers in its eyes, hard, then stick your fingers in its nose and use your nails to rip fuck out of its nose. Then punch it etc

Get yourself free and strangle it. As soon as you get the upperhand, kill it.

Stop abusing dogs in the first place faggot, there's a reason it's attacking you.

When they have lockjaw you stick a finger in their ass and they'll instantly let go. In general though just stomp and keep foot down.


You choke that fucker till it's very clearly dead, bot the moment it goes limp. They'll spring right back up.

ive been told that if you shove your hand down its throat, it then cant bite down hard enough to really sink its teeth into your arm, and you can suffocate it. seems counter-intuitive though, and i dont know the legitimacy of this advice. i think i remember a story of a guy doing this with a bear.


kick em in the head? punch in the head? fucking will to survive??

turn 360 degrees and run away

This. Stomps are much harder for dogs to get a bead on and more likely they'll bite your shoe rather than ankle.
As soon as you land the boot anywhere on dogs body from a stomp you push down hard and force it down. Rest is up to you what you wanna do it.
I will say though if it attacked unprovoked then for the sake of any kids in your neighbourhood you put all you weight down and kill that fucker

let it bite your weak arm and use the other to gouge it's eye out.

the only real option here.


If you don't know how to fight one off, then you have to play defense until help comes along or it gets bored or whatever.


This is how dogs and even wolves land the kill. They tear the jugular and you die in moments.

It can tear up your arms, legs, back, whatever, and you can survive.

You will not survive if it gets your throat. I cannot stress it enough.

Spread your anus

That's for big cats, since they got a strong gag reflex.

Dogs generally attack in one of 2 ways.
1. Bite nearest limb and pull, wait for a neck opening, work in groups if possible.
2. Impact with body to knock down and do damage, and provide bite openings for method 1.
A low stance with an outstretched forearm as bait, ready to move away at the correct moment, could avoid both maneuvers, and give you an opening for a single strike sometimes, but you gotta be like a ninja to do that. Best to just shoot it.

thats what i do to puppies so they learn not to bite you. only not down their throat. just imagine my finger going in sideways towards where their upper an lower jaw meet. they naturally pull away from discomfort. so when they bite at your finger you push towards them and they pull away. only that wouldnt really work for a dog trying to kill you.

just stand your ground, yell and swing your arms. pic related.

I can tell you from experience that doesn't work.

like i said, just something ive heard. i figured it seemed like it would work as an effective strangulation method, since any dog large enough to kill me also has a mouth big enough for me to fit my fist down. not that im saying youre wrong, because im betting you know better than i. i mean, i almost always carry a knife so my "go to" method is to stab it to death. im betting that would be pretty effective. i figure, ill expect to still get bitten and roughed up, but in the end all that matters is not getting my throat ripped out by Cujo.

10mm to the forehead

And trips

Trips help as well


Nice add

kick in the stomach but you can flip their insides like that

wow, bernie sanders really can handle high stress situations, it seems

enable noclip and pass through the dogs pee hole

shoot it

you press in the right thumbstick

throw your baby at it and run.
>can always have more babies

Depends on how determined of an attack it is.

Always stand your ground and keep your body and attention towards the dog and most of the time they will fuck off.

If its a playful or stupid dog that its owner didn't put in its place, or some pussy breed, high knees will usually keep it off of you.

If its a real dog hell bent on attacking you theres not going to be a "challenge" phase its going to charge and its going to get ahold of you and will clear most of your defenses with its jump.

1) Gun
2) Staff or shovel or stick
3) Accept that you are going to get bit and go for knife kill
4) You are a helpless faggot, Prepare for brawl and try to pick the dog up and commence body slams and then head blows. Physically break it like Ivan Drago. Also learn some dog wrestling moves.

fuck it right in the pussy