What has happened to Sup Forums in the last few years?

What has happened to Sup Forums in the last few years?

i remember coming on here because of being a social introvert when i was younger. that's what Sup Forums used to be made of when i used to come on here? now their is ylyl threads every hour, porn threads every few seconds and nothing but try hard shitposters.

>inb4 Sup Forums was always shit

i know it was always shit, but mods don't even try cleaning up shitpost anymore.

Can anyone explain what has happened over the past 4-5 years that caused this place to be filled with what seems like newfags.

>inb4 OP cant inb4

Other urls found in this thread:



Establishment understood Sup Forumss potential once you started acting out so they ran a campaign and plastered you all over the media. They single-handedly divided and conquered you with newfags.

Any proof?

well that doesnt explain all the shitposts

mods have always sucked but now its just like, we hardly hear from them, and they never do any clean up like they regularly used to

Remember when the Wii made gaming casual friendly and suddenly the gaming community had a fit over the influx of causal gamers? This is what tumblr and reddit did to Sup Forums. Sup Forums used to be obsure and much less user friendly. Normies would come, see the strange layout and nothing of interest and leave. Now its been in the news and all over social media. Everyone wants to try it. Sup Forums is cool now.

>foxnews.com/story/2009/04/08/Sup Forums-rude-raunchy-underbelly-internet.html

one source i found just from google, but i can see it as a possibility. Sup Forums used to be somewhat unknown until "anonymous" started getting famous

Guise I don't think this is real. A couple of my friends tried it when it first appeared on Sup Forums and they got very sick. They had to be hospitalised.

is there anywhere else that could be similar to the old Sup Forums? i tried mchan, but its just filled with fucking pedos and im not into that. literally cp every day

i bet this thread wont last because of all the shitty ylyl threads and shitposts

Nothing else is nearly as fast as Sup Forums. Unless you speak chink, you won't find a similar image board with nearly as large a community. If you don't care about speed, I hear torchan isn't bad.

speed as in what? replies or loading the page?

Don't present something as fact if you just pulled it out your ass.

That article says nothing to support your claim, and it's Fox News.

You're welcome.

Replies. Torchan is very slow. Threads can last weeks.

Infinity(8)chan, but replies are slow. Theres also the offspring of Sup Forums which is 7chan.

before 2010, Sup Forums was mostly a board for raids and gets. eventually, all the raids became so much that it was obvious something wasnt right here, so it got into the media. mainstream fags thought oh cool and came here flloding it. disturbing fact for ya: from 2003 to 2010 b had 100000000 posts. in the same time to now, 2010-2016, were now at 650000000 posts.
so thats the story why b is now nearly 100% traps and other cancer.

where did i present something as fact?

did you even read the conversation or just skip to where i put a link?

he stated that Sup Forums got popular because of media outlets and i found a report giving an example of those sort of media outlets? what argument are you trying to defend

Just google news Sup Forums. I'm in NZ, you were on the TV news here a few years ago as well. You're reported on a number of websites as well every odd month because of something... google news: Sup Forums + country to see what you get...

they didn't want to destroy Sup Forums, they just didn't want you using it for good. as long as you keep doing dumb stupid shit it plays in to their hands and they couldn't care less. the only way to guarantee this is plaster you on the media to give you an influx of newfags, and the result worked out quite nice, as you can tell...

Simple as fuck........Sup Forums is on the news because someone tricked a few retards into killing themselves with mustard gas, or some kid shot up a school and before doing so warned some people using Sup Forums, or even some murder posts photos of his latest kill......once everyone sees Sup Forums they try to be the edgy kid and they flood the whole page with stupid shit

Sup Forums is kill

Is the end?

Abandoning thread

I had a horrible god damn day. I lost custody of my fucking son and I have nothing else to live for. Was hoping to laugh at some good pictures for once.

I asked nicely for no spamming with fucking orange and that accounts for all spam.

To all who spammed, just sit there and read this.

You, yes you, are a fucking tumor. You will forever be a fucking virgin. You will never succeed. You are worthless garbage, and should kill yourself.

Abandoning thread, because you have fucking ruined Sup Forums

Fucking losing my shit.

The best way to summarize the decline of/b/
03-05: No real culture of it's own, just weebs and regular people
05-06: Sup Forums became it's own unique culture, everything was well
06-10: Glory days of Sup Forums
11-14: Culture and order collapsed. Still alright though.
15: Moot leaves Sup Forums, new users skyrockets faster than before. Beginning of the end.
Late 15: /trash/ is created, while slowing the destruction, it failed.
16: /qst/ is created, destroying the last shred of quality on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is now just porn general.

All the edgy teens grew up and were replaced with a new generation of edgy teens that suck ass.



Doesn't that make mustard gas.


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>Fucking losing my shit
You also lost custody of ur son faggot

>replying to copy-pasta
>being this new

Op here, this is what im talking about


The real OP here, and I wish more people would respond to copypasta.

You're part of the problem.
You should rope him along then crush him, just calling him a faggot for replying, just breeds more one words posters, thinking their being cool.


Did somebody order some cumsquats?

You obviously didn't get the joke. It's alright, that pasta is only about 45 minutes old.

Perhaps you should post something actually entertaining, instead of trying to tell me how to have fun.

I was there. You're not having fun, you're the one being a kill joy desu.

It's shit, but I've been coming to this fucking place since the beginning. I'm going down with the ship.

If I'm not having fun, then why am I smiling so much? I feel like I'm having fun.

It's now filled with racist retards and newfags who think this is some kind of conservative meeting place, trap lovers who spam the same thread over and over, stupid idiots who come looking for their porn fix, ylyl poster vs banana spammers, drawfags circlejerkers, and as a result has become a mix of these things.
The raids are few and far between and of low quality. it's beyond shit.











this sounds like a great non-lung melting adventure, and it certainly wont produce chlorine gas!

remember when Sup Forums just didnt give a shit, now whiteknights are common and noone posts anything of worth. (not to imply that it was a treasure-trove before)