Lol fags

Lol fags.
Jhin is the best ad carry and would be the best character if the meta favoured carries.
Prove me wrong.
> protip : you can't

Lucian is more versatile, and therefore better.

Room for one more?

No need for versatility when you can fight from the other side of the map. The nigger dies because of his range.

>Ekko master race

You picked my second favourite, nigga. But he still is inferior to the master.

4 autos, then youve got to wait 2 secs to reload, where you are useless and easy as fuck to kill

only works when you control 4

Caitlyn has more range, an escape, AND kills tanks faster.

the only problem jhin has is no escape besides flash. If an assassin wants you dead. le rip.

- Kill them!
- I have no bullets!
- Run then!
- I only walk!


Who's the best AD carry to support as Sona?


only beta male faggots play such pussy fantasy games

>not playing CoD

kill yourselves

Probably Jhin tbh, not OP btw

>pantheon jungle

That is the WORST interpretation of Sonas face I have ever seen.

But no late game, a shittier ult, and she actually takes more time to kill a tank. 4 hits with 650 AD & a LDR are enough to r3k7 any fucker.

Not wasting a bait image for you.


I love jhin. Start 15 ad runes and you will shit stomp the enemy laners.


No escapes, no mobility(go ahead run ghost), you get 4 auto attacks then you're fucked. Just as squishy as any of Ad carry just slower. Anything higher than bronze MAYBE silver and i think he's garbage.

Jhin, Draven, Cait. Any poker tbh.

Unusual strat I've been using with some success is armor pen Wukong assassin mid. Other assassins and mages just cant deal. Wear em down then easy kill after you activate W.

heim is the bestest of beast

Am platinum. You don't need escapes if you're not misplaced to begin with.

Also platinum, just can't break that diamond barrier. I'm not an Ad carry main by any stretch of the imagination, it just seems in situations where the opposing team has a good Ad or ap assasin for that matter, jhin gets smoked.

Tip : main 2 champions in 2 roles, ggwp you're diamond.
Jhin has the best fighting range, he can fight from very far, and kitt like a mad man. As long as you're not getting engaged, there's no chance an assassin reaches you without being less than 50% HP, and then, you 2hit him. Be sure to prepare the zone, you can put an unlimited amount of traps and they're useful to kitt.

>still playing LoL
The game's decent but move the fuck on. You do the same thing literally every game despite all the "variation" between champions. I'll never get why people put so much time into it.

I main 3 champs in 3 different roles. Singed top, Vi jg and alistar support(i guess). Not big on Adc but i will if i have to, usually i'll pick tristana draven or ezreal though.

NA or EUW ?

NA, i know i know

Everyone makes mistakes :>

Blame the parents not me

>4 kills and 4 skills to fill the reload time
>sanic fast as you reload
>jhins meant to be a bullfighter, he can crit harder than anything, youre supposed to weave in and out, you use cooldowns as reload covers

the only world jhin sucks in is........
woodfive stacks. the whole root bit on demand on a man that kills everything he looks at sideways, the silly crit ult
are you telling me you hate him because his strengths come with pullbacks we cover in play?

It's so funny to me that the best NA player is sub par in EUW, and a complete non factor in korea. But so is everyone who isn't korean

How the fuck is varus not mentioned at all best adc ever has his own cc

that's right i can't.
can't be bothered that is

I play LoL, I'll blame both.

You forgot that the traps proc on kills with an 1.5 ad ratio, which means 800 DMG in late, and that the root activates the sanic run.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of total late game dominance

oh yeah lets rest koreas name on two players who lose scims on the reg
korea used to shit on SC too
then france got huge
void comes out, we have 2 autists and the REST OF THE WORLD
and why do they keep losing ground?
this korea meme is a joke
they had 2 good runs in dota in 12 years
have you seen korean csgo?
fucking right laugh that
they got one game left
and its not even hanging with the boys
oh wow koreans can handle dotas little brother with FOTM SPAMMING
they got fucking mollywopped in dota, more money than mvp ever saw as an organization, koreafags laugh and make light of when a SC2 player outside that tiny carwreck of a state wins some shit
lilbow, scarlett, eG, firecake alliance fnatic
literally everythingthing can beat korea, all they got now is lol, and they cant even last hit
its easier to spam anivia
call me when your gooks win something that pays more than a ralfle