Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Syndra?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Syndra?

Ashe ftw

Soraka, I love to support my teammates and help them be better. I am not a glory hound.

Soraka was my main even before she became good.

Wait, is Soraka good now? When was this?

Just started maining kindred. I'm trying to impress someone.

syndra got made weird with the update they just made her do more damage with ult which was a nuke anyway

Vayne because im not a faggot and dont need a team to carry me

Yi.I like his mobility, his damage and the fact that I get punished if I drop the ball.Yi is easy to play, sure, but only if you don't give a shit/play with bots.Otherwise, you need good timing and fast reactions.

are you that same fag who makes the waifu claiming threads with syndra claimed? i guess you are fucking virgin.

>Suppports goes off to roam

What the fuck are you talking about? I've been making these with lots of champions.

yasuo. i dont care what my team comp is or if we need a mage or tank. mid or feed m9

I think she got pretty nerfed to oblivion in last 3 patches, i play her too but i main Leona

With people like this chances are they'll feed anyway. Besides, after the forth death or so you stop being worth anything anyway.

Sona/Morgana/Nami ftw.

Mage/Support =

>still playing league
Dunno why you fucks insist on still playing this shit tier game. You're all better than LoL, rise above.

>open thread
>ctrl+f zac
>no result

I am disappoint.

I play Zac top and mid when I'm not playing Rengar.

Khazix, Jinx, Darius.
Atm at least.

Meh, im playing it for fun and to kill some time i dont even play ranked. You can leave the thread now faggot

I can see the bronze spewing from all of you


Found the Zed main

i mained zed, but i couldn't lock him for almost halv year. so now i main katarina, yasou . i trying to find new main.
>why not syndra?
i like mobility!

Singed, hes the best

Zeds a heretic ur picks are shit

I main Jax top and Xin Zhao jungle but I've started playing Draven adc yesterday and I'm definitely going to main him now. Absolutely broken!

Nautilus anywhere but mostly support

what is your picks?

He's not broken, he's DRAAAVEN!


tyler'1 fanboy train

Been maining Rengar for the last 4 years through the good and the bad.


I've been slam dunking shit stains with Darius for the past year.

Better be full AD user

Brand, trundle and thresh

Shen jg. I'll never be better than bronze... If I ever nut up and play ranked.

Warwick jungle and alistar support

That's it

Wukong top, Vi/Rammus jungle, Annie mid, Alistar bot
Really enjoying Malphite and Singed in the top lane lately

Passive changes are actually strong as fuck

hecarim cause runic echos

I don't play him since homeguards were removed.
TP ganks aren't as dank.

Here we got the faggot who has just seen the newest sky william video.

Serious Yasuo + Zed Main here
but League sucks since mid season 5

Shaco, im a piece of shit

> sky william
that faggot?
he is fake as fuck

Sona, and because Sona's q does better damage than any of Syndra's unless Snowball. So I like being able to heal and deal good damage.
Forces me to use a smarter approach to peeling and kiting use during very short exchanges with another laner.

Remember when she got played toplane? kek

I own you

Pantheon all the way

Been playing Zed since late S4, what the fuck happened? I stopped playing league for 2 months and I feel like he is 20 times weaker, or maybe I'm just not as good anymore. I remember not losing a single Zed game for a while, and now that I come back I just don't feel it anymore.

Lux for the win

Ye noticed that as well. I have seriously no idea. I stopped playing like in November
and just got back 1 or 2 months ago, it felt like the combo deals no dmg at all.
Funny thing is, Riot actually did quite the contrary. Zed was buffed + there is a new item,
which works like a second ult for you (you've probably seen that).

I used to main Syndra, but then she became buggy dogshit.

Used to main pre-rework Quinn, but changes made her duller. No mains now, but I stick to a certain pool of champs. Currently ranking smurf with it. Went from Gold 4 0lp to Plat promo without losses, mmr is fucked and actually lost first 2.

i main the uninstall wizard

mid; Azir > Annie > Fizz > Talon
Top; Teemo > Ekko > Volibear