Dear Sup Forums. You cis-male fucks are the scum of the internet...

Dear Sup Forums. You cis-male fucks are the scum of the internet. Why do you have so much hatred to the honest and good feminist movement that promotes social juctice and the well being of marginalised peoples. Why do you find it so hard to put trigger warnings in front of things and to used peoples preffered pronouns and titlea. srsly fuck you b

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The difference is, we know pokemon aren't real. Neither are you made up pronouns and "gender identities".

So get binary or get buried. Our world, your choice.

That's the thing... It's not. For feminism to be honest they'd need to transition into a form of conservatism because only an idiot can't see how women are advantaged and privileged in our society.

We remember the names of pokemon because Charmander does not say "Squirtle, squirtle" you fucking faggot.


you are everything that is wrong with the world ciscum


i actually care about pokemon

>obvious bait

Anyways, this is what human beings are like, completely unfiltered.
This is what people are REALLY like, when there's no social stigma or identity attached to anything we say.

Get used to it pussy, Don't come here if you don't like it

The people who remember all those names generally want to fuck most of those pokemon. No one wants to fuck you. That's the difference.

I find it hard because it's bait.

I don't hate people that don't hate me so ... I will be happy if you all stop shit posting. Try to learn it to your friends don't bother ppl on the internet who don't care about you about your pronouns ... We will never met, I won't ever need to talk to you with proper pronouns cause I do not know YOU. Stop being triggered and moronic.

Try to see a good things in life. Positive vibes. Play some good music and stop being so nitpicky to people you do not know personally ... Thanks

I've never learned what cis means and i think anyone you uses it unironically is actually mentally retarded

>lookin at you



This is bait of course, but there is a distressingly large number of mental cases who really do think this way.

We can remember your stupid, attention-seeking, artificial pronouns; we just don't care.

I do not exist to play a bit part in your fantasy life.

Question to other Sup Forumsros here: Do any of you life in a culture that speaks a language without gender? Do you have attention-whoring trannies too, and if so, how do they attention-whore without the go-to tactic of pronoun bitching?

Cis? Do you mean n-o-r-m-a-l people?

Hello cancer

I'm actually with OP on this one.

You're right, it doesn't effect me. I don't do everything possible to draw attention to myself around violent psychopaths, so I'm relatively safe from them.

For a long time, I couldn't understand why there were so many similarities between the speech and behaviour of feminists and those of rabid right-wingers. These two group hate each other, so why were they almost identical in their conduct?

Once I realised they were both overrun with authoritarians, everything became clear.

I do remember your pronouns you just don't. Sorry but you can't invent some retarded shit like xir, zim, bun, xhir, etc
you're either a man or a woman, a he or a she, now you can be a he and be a faggot, in which case your pronoun is fag
Or a she and a dyke, in which case your pronoun doesn't matter because you're irrelevant.

Kek or zozzle, mate, take your pick.

Underrated comment right here.

You're just upset that the world doesn't actually give a shit about how special a snowflake you are

and we, on Sup Forums, give the least fucks about how special you are, because we, all of us, are anonymous, you don't get points for being anything, you are a random line of text with a unix timestamp and a shitty opinion, just like the rest of us. You don't go on Sup Forums to feel better about yourself, you go there because you and everyone else is free to be an asshole. We lose and gain nothing by saying what we think here. No glory is going to be won, no immortality. Just the freedom to say what you want to say.

tl;dr Fuck you, faggot

>cops come to help, offering full and well to kick some ass for that obviously beaten to shit person
>person doesn't accept help


They don't like that word, much as autistics hate the word "sane" and instead you "neurotypical".

Four more syllables and eight more letters, all to express the concept of "not fucked in the head".

Of course, "not autistic" does not equal "sane", so their awkward euphemism isn't even accurate.

YES YOUR FUCKING PRONOUNS ARE CONFUSING YOU PIECE OF SHIT, HOW CAN YOU COMPARE a Base if knowledge which up to now has not yet been altered to your fucking ever shifting pronouns?? As far as ive checked pickachu is still pickachu, it would make pokemon equally as confusing if half way through the series pickachu changed its name to something else like snorlax, THEN IT WOULD BE AN ARGUMENT WORTH HOLDING, stop being picky pieces of shit, mate with what will mate with you and stop trying to be a fucking victim, ONLY YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR YOUR FUCKING RETARDATION. how am I supposed to know when youre a he or a she if you wont make it obvious? Do you really thing other humans care that much about your irrelevant and meaningless identity?

assumes we're all guys.
>preffered pro-nouns
made up bullshit

make this easy for yourself and put your teeth on the curb, faggot

Nailed it. These fucks *desperately* need to feel special, but they have no talents or other redeeming qualities, so this is their recourse.

They have every right to identify as an attack helicopter and insist their third-person pronoun is "Raytheon", and I have the right to refer to them as "attention-whoring mental case".

Ain't freedom of speech grand?

Sane people are deluded anyway. There's no way to live in the real world and think it's remotely ok.

Because of acnekun.

My old friend

I've come to talk with you again.

I find the occassional drug-induced vacation from reality allows me to function pretty well without being an emotional burden to everyone else, unlike OP.

Yeah, I'm not upset that their saying it, I'll defend to the death their right to, but I take issue with being told I have to care what they're saying. The Freedom to Disagree, the Right to Offend is as valuable as the Freedom to say what you want.
I'm not going to sit back and watch people take away my rights for the sake of their feelings.

Because the vision softly creeping

And then changed it back again, because SJW Diamond-Edition Pikachu is "pika-fluid".

Not caring about things is my religion. Stop being intolerant.

Left it's seeds while I was sleeping.

This guy gets it.

The best word I can use to describe how I feel is

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains.
Within the sound.

Of silence

Wow, a Tumblr thread! Boy, I can't wait to be enlightened!

I don't know if I have an image that can do that. I might, I just don't know what I would have named it.

daily reminder your response to anyone who says they are not what they are, you tell them your really a 12 year old girl stuck in a mans body and if they could hook up a playdate with their daughter and you

if they dont, hypocrites.
if they do, terrible parents

Where did OP go?
Weren't they going to argue with us about Muh-Sojeny?

Well you do now, but my suggestion would be to lurk more

I wish hitler won

Unoriginal but still golden

I've lurked moar than you, I promise.


>Implying I've lurked enough

The bait is potent but I'll reply anyways

You can tell a lot about a person by their preferred pronouns.
He, pretty obvious means a guy
She, also obvious, means a girl
anything else, snowflake tumblrites who deserve a red hot poker in the eyesocket

This coming from a transwoman, ya'll need to get over yourselves cause the world isn't going to conform to your manufactured adversity.


best line I've ever read here.

What does CIS and SJW actually stand for? always wondered...


well, they change from person to person, last time I checked the pokemons had the same names every time you encountered them, the SJW's pronouns are not.

its like they want "what are your preferred pronouns?" to be the new hello, morons.

because we need a counter to all the negativity you are spewing, when you open with "cis-male fucks are the scum of the internet" you have already decided that this is not gonna be a friendly debate, you brought the hate with you.

I don't think I have seen a single balanced post regarding SJW, at least not a single one trying to solve a problem, they all want to escalate and then when shit happens they act surprised and whine about it, as if the world should have treated them differently for being a dick

Made a pic for people to use later since it's so accurate.

a comic about someone getting into a fight with drunks? pic not related?

Pic is always related if you can just solve the riddle.

you might come here to be an asshole, a flaw on your personality for sure, but I am here to talk to people without filters, I prefer this type of communication because you get to hear peoples real opinions a lot more often, I might be an asshole too at times, but that is not why I'm here and I doubt that is the reason most people come here

depend on how you view it, why is it not ok to you?

All I know is that there are 2 genders in the world. Male and Female. You can define "Gender" any which way you want, but let's be real. The literal definition of gender is this : "the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)." You guys say the word "state" and were like WHAT IF I DON'T FALL INTO EITHER OF THOSE STATES I'M A GIRL AND I DONT LIKE PINK. I MUST NOT BE A FEMALE. Wrong, YOU decided that because you don't fit into the generalized category of girl, that you weren't one Instead of realizing that mabye the gerneralized catergory of girl was fucking stupid to begin with and DOESNT EXIST. Which to me, is absolutely fucking insane. Nobody's ever gonna fully accept your stupid "Us" "They" "it" Bullshit grow the fuck up.

tl;dr Your all mental cases.

Oh you sheltered child

My use of asshole is to say that people are free to communicate without filters
Because often, talking without any filters leads to one seeming/being like an asshole
You're here to be an asshole, there are no repurcussions for saying things here, we're arguing the same point, just with different words, and that's fine, you are free to object to my word choice

The entierty of the trans thing was tarted by some retard tripping balls who wanted a sex change and then proceeded to read WAAAAY too far into the definition of gender I swear to god.

the puppies..

Gender is a construct of society, some cultures have 3 genders
Ours, being the one where th ewhole tran and non-binary thing is happening, has only 2, and they're breaking a lot of societal rules by doing so, and thus deserve ridicule
I have no issues with Transgendered people, as long as they're moving from M to F or F to M, and not M to Apache Attack Helicoptor or F to Mollusk


seems I misunderstood you then

and I don't think people who are honest are assholes, only the normies do, we know better, we know that the dark thoughts we get is something all humans get, we know that people filter thoughts before they speak so we are not shocked when they speak truly, we knew it was there all along

maybe it is just me but I look at a persons intent before I look at their choice of words

if his intent is to hurt me I take very little seriously as I know hurting me takes precedence over being true and honest so he might not even believe what he is saying himself, he just want to hurt me
and if someone is trying to help or be kind but fuck up somehow, use the wrong word and it came out offensive, but I knew they had good intentions, they I won't notice that bad word, it was not what they intended after all and it would be a dick move from my side to get caught up in it (like the SJW people do)

I don't know what cis means, SJW is a Social Justice Warrior. Great name they've given themselves, eh?

I feel the same way. If you have a dong and you dress up like a girl and act like a girl, I'll call you a girl. It just pisses me off when people ive known for years give me shit for calling them she, and she gets super offended becasue I didnt call her "they."

She wants to be called fucking they.

if gender is a social construct only, then how come people bother to change genders?

gender is not a social construct.


Sometimes I am just chanting, like:


Internally to myself. I actually have freaked my mom out from punching my legs as hard as I can, basically to condition my legs and my fists at the same time. Seems retarded until you spend like two years doing it every day, multiple times per day, as hard as you can on different spots, and then after that time, you punch a lot harder and your legs are tough as shit, as well as your mental toughness.

I stopped lifting conventional shaped weights and started lifting only rocks which are hard to grip and balance.

That and I read a lot of stories about different war injuries. From modern to antiquity.

SJW - Social Justice Warrior
Made up originally to make fun of crazy social justice people, to them it is no longer derogatory, on this website it definitely is derogatory, similar to white knighting, but for an entire race of people who don't want it.

Someone who is Cis is someone who identifies as their birth sex/gender
Example, as I was born a Man, and identify as a Man, and live my life as a man, I am Cis.

It is all stupid

>Someone who is Cis is someone who identifies as their birth sex/gender

There already is a word for that; normal.

defintion of cis:
denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond

it got nothing to do with genders

This. Hahahahaha

Because Biological Sex and Gender are different, but come with preexisting ties
Someone Born Female is traditionally brought up a Girl for instance
They want to change genders because the Example of she more strongly identifies with Masculinity than Femininity, something is wrong in their brain (wrong is not always bad) and they have more testosterone than is otherwise normal, usually.
They think more like someone born as a man would rather than someone born as a woman, and seek to correct that mistake.

how do I leave Sup Forums? These threads may be jokes, but they are also real. These people are real. I don't want these people to die, I just don't want them to not be alive any more.

I really don't get this bullshit... because these people have delusions about their gender, we as a society should accommodate them and their fucked up believes?
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, so would it not stand to reason that society should also fit itself around what ever fucking hallucinations I'm having at the moment and let me act like a complete psycho whenever the mood takes me? No? well then stop enabling these other fuckheads....

they tried bringing up a boy born with deformed genitals as a woman, he never knew anything about his real gender, this was done under the idea that gender was social construct.¨

he was miserable and hated life to the point his doctor reveled his real gender to him to stop the torture that had been going on for years.

if john money was right and gender was a social construct then this boy would have happily lived as a woman, but it never worked.

there are many cases like these, your view is literally ruining lives, you should stop it.

People like OP are like that donkey on family guy who does not want to admit Kevin Bacon was in Footloose.

Also this person in the picture of that thread

bro, you just summed up my entire dilemma when it comes to Sup Forums. its all a joke, but some dumbasses actually think this way

I kno this is bait, but what you are saying (if you actually meant it) would be fine. I have no problem with trig warnings, but "cis male" as an insult makes no sense. It's not like there is a need for me to hate my testicles, i love my testicles! (no homo).


Your example actually suits my argument
That Boy, who was brought up a girl, was not mentally a girl, and as such was miserable trying to fulfill that role that was simply not how his mind worked.
He would rather live as a man because that's how his brain worked. The two are linked, but one is more societal than biological.
I'm not saying that just because it's a social construct it isn't real, I'm saying that wires can get crossed that make someone feel better being something other than they are
It was constructed by society for a reason, and trying to fuck with that can destroy someone, he was biologically male, and had no wires crossed, so he still felt all the male impulses and desires and those didn't jive with being a girl.
Same shit happened to Alan Turing, and he killed himself
It is never right to force that upon someone, but we also shouldn't stop them if the basic package isn't working.

I agree I've probably made a lot of mistakes trying to relate this idea, and maybe some things I just don't know, but my viewpoint is not that it is right to force being transgendered on to people, that is something you have to arrive at on your own.

When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. Fuck off fag, stupid idiot. Read the fucking thing. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. Fucking retard hahahaha

if people are mentally a girl or mentally a boy then gender is not social construct after all, you just admitted that it is not social construct

then when did you take what I said as fact then, nigger?


also: we know it is not social construct, you can take a biological test to figure out what gender your brain is, the "gender is social construct" camp is actively fighting against this to the point it is difficult to get funding for any biological research that might result in contradicting ideas that social construct and gender studies people have simply because the biology would be facts they can't argue.

trusting biology have a high success rate btw, so if you want to help people please abandon the idea it is social construct.

I got nothing against trans people at all, but instead of confusing people we should offer them the biological test.

If they'd make a religion about it instead of pestering businesses they'd get what they want more easily. That's the established method. Saves everybody time and energy.
