Hey /b wat u think of the piece i made

Hey /b wat u think of the piece i made

Also general stoner thread

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Its a bong or a pipe?


holy shit, how?

Its a pipe. The bowl is one that i got out of my old steamroller that broke

What's up james

Its a special drill bit ill post a link

Sorry bro not james


lol faggot how about you push that slide a little up so you can make a sick ass blazing bong like a fucking alpha stoner?

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Soledi 10Pcs Diamond Coated Core Hole Saw Drill Bit Extractor Remover Set Tools For Tiles Marble Glass Ceramic etc amazon.com/dp/B00TF4D1AI/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_QgVmxbTEGSYJ5

nothing much, just here chilling with jesse and meowth. Thinking how to steal that pikachu from the faggot mexican kid

thats pretty impressive op

Man Alan is so fat but meowth is weird

Cuz the slide is ghetto rigged in there


Heres another i made out of the drinking horn from loot crate

You can do it a bong if you make an effort faggot.

I make bongs like these and sell them

This is the coolest pipe I sew in my life sanpei

Thanks famioli

Yes i very well could but then there would be the very high possibility that it was held wrong and drown the bowl

>smoking out of plastic

Oh my god you're fucking retarded

Btw stay tuned cuz within a week or 2 im gonna make a sick ass bong

My god i sure am the retard being as its a glass bottle fucknugget

nigger are you blind?

What's your idea?