Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Vel'Koz?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Vel'Koz?

stop posting these shithole dead threads.

I main Sona mid

I main skarner. I tax every game.


But I refuse.

my dog can play vel.........

kings tax faggot deal with it


wukong. because my place is at the top

You know it homie

I maimed Lux support for a while but now I'm working on Leblanc and Lucian. The fact that they're all L names is only coincidence


Because he got rekt in 6.9

I'm a Vel Koz and Kennen main



Step up

>not liking the original.


I don't like the new bunny teemo splash


Because Vel'Koz doesn't have a Rocket Launcher in the shape of a Shark.

ursa would murder that little nigger