Why are African Americans so racist?

Why are African Americans so racist?

They whining about racism everytime and they talk about race even more than Sup Forums in real life.

They also export their toxic hate to all black people from the world.


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Americans in general are fucking idiots

NIggers are not people


It seems that obsession with the word "race" among americans is widespread on an ridiculously annoying high level.

Everytime you see an american, he first introduces themselves by stating their race that it becomes sadly comical.

"Hello I'm a white American male"....
"Hello I'm an African American woman"....

and so on.....

I still don't understand why the hell they feel compelled to do that

Black women and men are actively discriminated against for their natural hair. Just last year black women had to fight for months to force the military to accept natural hair.

Regularly black women in fashion and media are chastised for their hair so having a white women do it for fashion while chastising black women adds insult to injury

>Just last year black women had to fight for months to force the military to accept natural hair.
Although this is a joke, I don't feel like laughing.

>Just last year black women had to fight for months to force the military to accept natural hair.


>black women in fashion and media are chastised
how so? I mean how criticism of something like a race's hair could be so open? Would you care to point out examples?

American society is entirely divided by races on every level, its almost comical. Just forget this shit already, it is not THAT important

What can you do tho? Its normal for people living in a same country with the same culture to share hairstyles clothes etc why can't you americans just chill out its not like everything has to have a hidden deep symbolism or something its just fucking hair wtf

worst part of it is that most blacks are actually mulattos, most whites are actually from various ethnic backgrounds, and spics are obviously mixed. There is no such thing as racial purity in the US (if there is, it's a huge minority), differences in behaviour are more of a social thing (depends on which subgroup you are) and americans link it to race all the time

I agree it's stupid but it's really hard to get rid of it because it's so ingrained in society

race mixing may be the only thing that can save us in the long term

>race mixing
stop shilling, Ethan, what you need is nationalism so all of you can share the feeling of being American and acting for the benefit of you as individuals and americans as a whole

>if you say "mammy" or make a mvie/clip set in times when americans had slaves you're racist

One question to Americans - why do people from USA always use the term "whites" as if it's all white people although they mean only American white people? Why generalize? Why spread the hate? I don't feel attached to US culture(at all) but when a black man/woman yells "white people this and that, fuck them" I chimp out because I did them no wrong yet they offend me.

Lol what

And yeah obviously we need nationalism or unity of some sort but seeing the way it's going with our generation we may be permanently fucked, especially once they start moving into positions of power

if we actually all did rook same retards couldn't claim muh identity politics as easily

Well if you understood the amount of effort that whites have put into supressing the Native and Africans in this country, particularly in the last 150 years, it's not easy to forget and forgive. It still continues, not as severly, but it does continue.

Networks of American foundations (i.e. Adolph Coors Foundation) put alot of money into the supression of African and Native history, it's some sinister shit when you get into it. The purpose was to keep us dumbed down and to accept the notion that the white man completely founded and built this country, so we should be thankful for it...


Also. Google black hair discrimination.

Yeah, I get you in a way. These days a brazilian feminist girl at my college started talking about cultural apropriation (she might have heard that talk in some American internet page or something), the thing is that she forgit we live in a totally different culture from the US, the result was that even the other lefties started making fun of her. I mean, the American libtard discourse is spreading hate all over the world now

People need to accept the way hair grows from others scalps and should not force a single mold on others based on a European idea of what acceptable, profession and respectable looks like.

Brazil is going through the same thing, no hair is bad.

It's what happens when you have a bunch of racebaiting Jews blowing smoke up their arses saying that they deserve the world.

Racism exists in Brazil. Lusotropicalism didn't stop it neither did branciemento

Not true. This is literally the result of centuries of white people saying black hair is bad.

>getting mad over how people wear their hair

Why are blacks so autistic?

Yeah don't get me wrong it does exist in Brazil, but its really different if you get the context brazilians were divided more by class than race, hence why most poor people are mixed and most rich people are white, but a "black community" was never formed the way it happened in America, just because the slums are racially diverse.

White people actively said black hair was bad and that they need to straighten it.

So? People have varying opinions of how they like their hair.

Fighting the concept of "bad hair" is really different from fighting "cultural appropriation", the latter is purely social-historical retaliation of classes that don't even represent accurately the ones that were once oppressed. There is no thing as "social justice" in wich an entire division of soviety pays for the mistakes of a class of the past with whom they were identified with by self-declared opressed classes (or descendents or representatives of that classes) simply because justice is individual. Prohibiting a natural social fenomenon such as cultural exchange because of retaliation for an oppression you didn't even suffer yourself is hypocritical.

It's discriminatory and people in power positions telling black people their hair they way it comes out their scalp is racist.

Telling them to use caustic chemicals to make hair weak, limp and brittle because it a more like their hair is not just an opinion like "I like red hair" it's saying your natural self isn't good enough and you don't deserve to be respected.
Except we both know that's not true and brown people actively discriminated against blacks.

Carnival Queen of Rio was booted for her blackness, everyone lost their shit.

American society is completely retarded, that's why. Their racial divisions don't let them to give a fuck about serious shit. Class matters way more than race, but they substitute it with racial division. For example, social justice in USA is often used to relate to racial issues, while in the rest of the world it's about poor and rich people. Rich white and black people have way more things in common than poor black and rich black or poor white and rich white. Yet all their cities are racially divided, al their society is racially divided. They need race mixing, nationalism and some based leftists to explain them that class is what really matters. While all their discourse is between liberals and right wingers without some lefties that shitfest would be infinite.

Stop falling for the bait, lad. Americans are retarded but we're not that kind of retarded, only the most afro-centrist radicals or the most cucked whites believe this kinda shit on the level that they perpetuate. They act like having black hair gets you discrimination, when if fact, it doesn't. If people though black hair was bad white people wouldn't try so hard to emulate it lmao.

And yet you're doing exactly that of which you hate; to discriminate against someone for wearing a certain hairstyle.

You even take it one step further and get angry for people wearing dreadlocks which is just pure lunacy.

he's not wrong though

Cultural exchange is recognizing an equal playing field and power that does not exist. Allure posting this article but previously limiting the amount of black women with natural hair shoes a level of contempt and disrespectful.

It a not class, this is about race. In Brazil the two are intertwined but it's merely pushed aside as class ignoring the fact that outside of southern Brazil most poor are darker than middle class.

>implying black people don't participate actively on carnivals and this is not cherry-picking
>implying brazilian blacks live in a separated comunity and suffer discrimination from everyone just like in the US
Yeah, go on. Teach a brazilian guy born in a slum about his own society and culture. You must know way more than I do.

Idk, if Americans would start wear fur hats and eat cucumber pickles, cook borsh', I would be happy, despite westerners were oppressing Russia and Russians for all our history. I have never heard about Arabs complaining that everyone smokes hookah now. Concept of cultural appropriation is extremely stupid, because cultural exchange brings peace and mutual respect. Hip hop culture made world way better place because there appeared a common ground for dialogue where your race is irrelevant.

Anyone ever said the middle and upper class were not white, this is common sense, ehat you fail to realize is that brazilian poor people live in a racially diverse environment, I can assure you from personal experience i've known people livong in absolute misery of all races there are.

It's trendy for them but no black women having to fight to have their hair be respected shows that black women's hair isn't good enough except when a white woman does it.
Locs in contemporary western culture is from Rasta imagery. It's also something that happens when your hair combed and you wash it regular in black hair.

They are inextricably connected to blackness and the hippies who take everything and hate their whiteness.
She had thousands of people calling her monkey and she had her crown taken and given to a mixed race woman.

I can refer you to Brazilian studies if you want to read them. Clearly living there still makes you blind to anti blackness and the chastising of black hair in Brazil.
Living in a place with many colors doesn't exclude people actively chastising dark skin folks.

Cultural exchange does not require specific power structures to be held, this is pure ideology bullshit. Historical power structures are not representative of current relations between races, for example I am half Italian and did not get any benefits from my "white" heritage, hence it does not represent any position I hold today as an individual. Today's whites are not the English colonizers, that's why we can't make social justice, we don't have a time machine.

Nigga, whenever a white person wears a "black haircut" (usually not even orignally african, but thats a meme for another day) they get blasted up the ass, and told they can't wear that.

So are you saying mixed race people who are half European are treated the same as a dark skin Africa looking woman.

That's a result of recognizing whiteness makes black culture acceptable.

Du-rags down Fashion week or red carpet worn by European models is now trendy. Black people wearing them are trashy.

>I still don't understand why the hell they feel compelled to do that
Many of them are literally compelled to do that by the university system-- in humanities classes professors often require students to state these things when they write papers.

Of course not, but what I'm saying is my heritage and the positions and achievements of my ancestors did not brong me any privilege I can claim as mine for right, not in the matter of color, because racism is a cultural fenomenon in our society, but on the matter of actually reivindicatimg tge right to consciously impose limits to other people's way of acting due to a historical context. For example, if I was asian and my people have had fought for the right to do karate, it wouldn't make karate more "mine", as if I posessed karate in a sense, since it wasn't I who fought for it hence I am not an accurate reoresentation of the people who fought for that and makimg other people stop doing karate wouldn't make my life any worse, as long as they are not doing it in a comedic manner.

What you are saying is basically the bringing attention of double standards is just as bad as culturally sanctioned racism.

Why can't folks bring attention the positivity white people get emulating other cultures while chastising the people performing their culture and literally the hair that grows from their scalp?

Then the problem is with black stereotyping, not with white people wearing black people clothes. If those white girls didn't wear the accessories, black people would still be stereotyped in thr same way.

That's the point of the backlash and anger. I said that.

Until the stereotyping ends they have every right to bring up the hypocrisy

Cultural imperialism and eurocentrism will not be solved by prohibiting white people from wearing black people's hairstyles. One because you are assumimg you are entitled to a privilege you personally didn't have to fight for and is not an accurate representation of those who did, and two because the only way of making this work out is by empowering black woman and not taking away freedom from individuals that have literally nothing to do with this problem since they difn't cause it and are not consciously cooperating to it (or else they themselves would not be amused by the idea of having "bad" hair).

Your putting the responsibility on the people not in positions in media to change society. You are also saying that allowing white people to put on blackness to make it acceptable is the right path to go when point blank it's not.

The issue of cultural applications appropriation is not the actively of sharing. It's taking and still putting down the people you take from.

When black people are not chastised for having hair the way it grows naturally then by all means make afros and cornrows. Until then no it's not an equitable exchange.

The relaxer was put on women and men to get work. It's not about them making bad hair bad, society dictated acceptability and black people internalized that for survival.

>Regularly black women in fashion and media are chastised
Source? Preferably ending in .gov or .edu?