Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Evelynn?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Evelynn?

Because i'm not a sissy cunt who hides like a little bitch.

Khepri because fuck off faggot

>Being this casual

Smite is so much a better game.

I am the terror that faps in the night.


>Third person moba
>Better game
pick one

not if u want to pick up autistic riot employees that stalk the shit out of you with their 12 year old mindsets

how the fuck u people function or survive reality is an affronting assault to the rest

probably why ur a shit cunt thresh

full move speed rnm
ghost boots
gank god

How can people just play 1-3 champions consistently? I suppose lee but only most played by a small margin

No idea what you're trying to tell us m8


eve is a retarded tranny is why.

>not maining gnar

always an us when ur an egocentrism of schizophrenic autism with massive borderline multiple personality disorder isnt it u retarded bag of stupid cringey shits replace ur logic reason processing function section of ur brain with ambient schizo toxic fat cells or something full blown retarded autistic kids noooooo thankkk youuuuu criminals

You seem upset, but I still don't understand what you're trying to convey.

I prefer Guan Yu

cavaleraoconspiracy.underground victims of mind control

Sounds sexy tbh


Taric main here

Hahaha xD I play mechanically difficult champions in Gold 4 call me faker xDDD

I don't main evelyn cause Shaco is the better stealther!

>League of Legends
>not TF2
>not CS:GO
>>Sup Forums

Get off muh Sup Forums and take your shit game with you.

Nigga you just gotta press 'r'

theres no such thing as mechanical difficulty in moba go play a real genre ie rts u scrub shitlords are an embarressment to urselvs not that it gets old it never gets old being right and telling retarded stupid shit cunts what they are i enjoy it i get a kick out of it

Frosbutt girl now. Evelyn is disgusting -at least they updated the awful old splash

People still play TF2? That game died 4 years ago.
Is it still full of mic spamming 12 year olds?

because I like tentacle

>a real genre ie rts
Name one game that isn't Starcraft 1/2 that is actually hard in competitive play.

Diamond 2, Eve, Shaco, Vi, Reksai Main

why not illaoi then??

When do you gank a lane with Shaco?

the supreme commander games are pretty good
not sure about their place in competitive gaming but they are still pretty advanced, i'd say even more advanced than sc in some areas

Slow clap

I main talon and it's because Evelynn is a cuck

Eyelynn is a dom, dumb dumb

aok aoc aom aot ao3 twc aoo ra2 yr ra3

and thats just 2 series

dont have any mastery lvl 5 champs, i dont play that often

I main Swain, because you know what they say;
Crows before hoes...


Bard only, 3460 games on him

Except Swain has ravens, you dumb shit.
Fiddlesticks has crows.

a fucking shoebox with a screwdriver in it is more advanced then sc tri sandbox static map fests

by this metric the dota series (dota lol hon dota2) is a piece of single slice cheese in a plastic wrapper sitting on the bench that sat out over night

>Still playing this shitty game

Fair enough. And I never said that the current update didn't fuck him hard.

Because 5*suncape isn't a thing anymore.

All those faggots who play this shitty game deserve to die

Mad cuz bad.

sunfirecape spell pen boots literally any champ

if ur still squirmy then static shiv

aby scep

Bad at games which i dont play, kill yourself

more falser statements have been made then truer

Zac Main, ctrl 1 spam. So much burst and so much tank


oh my god i hate you so much for playing zac


It's in my blood, er my goo

said literally nobody ever

zac games golike this

>is this wet bag of shit going to fall through broken bottom and land on my fucking feet?

10/10, Zac main is love
Zac is life

I'm trying with Fiora.
Main: Jayce and Pantheon.

> Anonymous 05/12/16(Thu)05:17:34 No.6838
wet bag of stupid* shit