New thread cont'd from >>683812825

New thread cont'd from Mspinkpuff96 reporting in


P2 if anyone cares.
Also bump


i like pumpkin bloomers.

account info for a burner i made so we can post and fuck with it
email; [email protected]
username if it needs it; cognativefailure
password; forbtards

>delicate starfish
That makes it sound more like erotica than a sob story.

Whoops. This one, I mean.
Edited the text in the one before.


I don't think the tumblrinas will look too hard into it. Its right in the sentence where a transgirl is being raped at gunpoint. They'll be too triggered to notice.

Is Sup Forums always this slow or am I being retarded?

Can't wait to see this get big

If you haven't already, you should reblog as much of it as possible


^ Right there.
The rest of it was literally a couple posts down if that's what you're asking of me.

bump for interest

What happend to all the other faggots going like "This seems to be a smashing idea!"?
There was only like, 19 reblogs

abducted by aliens would be the logical assumption


their gonna be shipped off and sold to be sex slaves
to space niggers
with tentacle dicks

So space niggers are gay space niggers?

more or less just gay niggers
with extra tentacle

okay, this is a great idea and all, but how will this be said? will someone who got triggered tell the the one who triggered them a cognito hazard? or will they just say it when they got triggered?