Hey Sup Forums, what's his name again?

hey Sup Forums, what's his name again?


Hello? U thr? *cough cough*

The boy


That lad.

I say, how do?

Dat amphibian.

How come this meme became so dank and BLOBO merely peaked for a month, any memeolgists have a theory?

Stale. His name is stale.

Specific young man

unicycle frog

o shaddup

slippy toad dumbass


Yonder adolescent

Froggy McBikefag



His name is "dat boi"

o shit waddup!

O shit waddup

waddup o shit

You lose
You get nothing
Could you be any new faggier

found the newfag

Because new fags love gay shit

>oh shit

puddaw tihs o


O shit whatddup

pepe is kill, long live dat boi

fuck off back to tumblr faggot

here approaches that young male!!!!!

There he goes, there he goes again...