With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct...

With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct, and all the geological science showing evidence for Noah's flood, and so many Biblical prophecies coming true, why do you still stubbornly reject the simple fact that the Bible is an authoritative social and scientific work?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself

do you use bots to make your spam threads?

Noah's flood is fake, it's a rip off of the epic of Gilgamesh









Sometimes it's best to base your writings on actual historic facts. That way people reading it have references to think about and think "God did that?"

Nope. We just plagiarized nature and history for our fantasy novel.

>>all the archaeological evidence
Which has so far proved that various events and incidents (not miracle or Godly related by the way) did indeed happen as the Bible described. It's unfortunate that the Bible is a good source for many historical events because people like you extrapolate this to mean ALL events in the Bible are true.

In addition to this, many of the historical and "geological science" (seriously, geological science? Do YOU even know what you're talking about?) anyway, many historical events that can be proved in the Bible are cross referenced with other old texts like the Quran (BUM DUM DUM ISLAM ALERT).

The Bible is as much an authority on history as a fucking Daniel Boone novel regaling us with tales of In'juns coming in with tomohawks and taking our womens. Fucking Christ there's being a Christian and then there's this stupid shit you put up here every fucking day.

Here's a thought, let's actually provide real information on the religions we want to spread.

Tick tock tick tock Christians. You're lagging behind. Both Islam and Hinduism are growing at a faster rate than you are~




I am of communication of reality/life of picture of galaxy of:_{-\_"\_ Milky Way _/"_ of map of human/embassy/base/matter-ta-war of since/so/cause of human of living of military of nation of:_"\_ United States _/"_:-_ of:_{\_ Randy Cramer live at the Triad Theater on Nov 14, 2015 Part 2 _/"_ of moment/time of:_"\_ 13:41/1:34:02 _/"_:-_ of text of link of:_"\_ youtube.com/watch?v=gvumYInLXy8 _/"_:-_/}_:-_ of since of a human of named of:_"\_ Randy Cramer _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Marine Corps Special Section _/"_:-_ of military of:_"\_ United States Air Force _/"_:-_ of showed/communicated of the picture of galaxy of:_"\_ Milky Way _/"_:-_ of _/-}_:-_ since of Mericans of living of an exigency/emergency of a technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies at metals of in/at of human since of energies sent/from of machines of far of miles/kilometers of human of stimulated ta body muscle slackening/tensing; so I am of communication of spiel of technology of text of:_"-------\_
Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send energy...energy at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/arranged...so/causing/thus...electricity of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.





I just came in here to let you all know that all of your religions are fucking gay. I don't care which one you believe in they're just ridiculous and immature




I cant help it man. It just pisses me off that Christians were once off pillaging, raping, and looting in the name of the crusades and their pope and blah de blad but DAMN you gotta admit they were badasses.

But instead of cool Christians who do neato things we have OP here with his little crying girl.




Who is this and why does he always get posted in these threads


His name is Travis. He has two knives.

Why do people still fall for this bait? Its the same nigger b8 as hard as he can every time. Then aggressively masturbating to the hateful replies.


I'm not sure, but he does a valiant effort.

Why don't people just ignore this bait-less troll-hook?
>because this is Sup Forums
Oh, right. How silly of me.

Did you enjoy your break this morning desu?





Cool, glad I could assist.
I'll try to do it more often.


Thanks, user


I get the feeling that I'm in an irc with travis...
He's mentioned he's had a problem with being a meme before.
somewhat looks simalure, Bit I struggle to tell with age.



Also, having a pass for this insta b&?

I know I would if I was a mod, like cheating.

Yeah, I think I know him.
He wrong you? or just something you do?

Just high as a kite, killing time.



I love that story
decode the rest of it when?


Cool, I think I might aquire a pass, I use a lot of pasta and I just cant keep up.
And I'm planing to use alot more in future, I just want a wall of text when I'm around.


I have a really confused erection right now.

I hope your dream comes true.


Kill yourself





A whole spanner handle... well shit.




Makes you wonder if they were posed for shits and giggles or not.







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Someone edit out his face, I can faps to this

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How long have you been here user? 2008 for me.

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07, but a long hiadus. from like 09 to 2013 then more black up untill mid last year.
This place kinda went to shit.


Nah, just the first one