Yes Arabs do roam Sup Forums, I'm here to answer any of your questions sincerely to the best of my ability

Yes Arabs do roam Sup Forums, I'm here to answer any of your questions sincerely to the best of my ability.

Other urls found in this thread:

durka durka, muhammad jihad allah?

How does it feel to be insulted by 13 year olds with a cuck per sentence rate over 1?

I don't think that's a question.
I am an ex-Muslim if that makes any difference.

is the smell of frying bacon much of a temptation?

Have you left the pedophiles faith? Why or why not? What can we do to convert the muzzos to anything other than their stupid religion, is violence the only answer?

It's alright. I'm used to it by now.
I've tasted bacon when I was in the US and Scotland, it didn't taste as great as people make it seem to be.

I've left Islam, yes. I wouldn't call it a pedophiles religion, I understand where it's coming from and why it may seem extreme to you, but that's a discussion for another hour. It would be extremely difficult to make the Muslim's leave their religion since its basically instilled in them from the get-go, but I was a very religious person so there's still a possibility. You don't have to worry about the Muslim's and their faith though, they don't believe it as much as you think they do, it's just their form of dealing with existential-crisis.

Where ya bom- from?

it does smell better than it tastes
meanwhile goat tastes better than it tastes

damnit. i feel like eating goat now.

I'm from Morocco, the great thing about being an Arab is that you tend to be born in families with a strong recording of your ancestry and tribal history. My family is originally from a tribe inbetween Mecca and Medina in what is called now Saudi Arabia.

Then why did the police in Michigan have to shut down to secret sharia courts? Why can't muzzos just live in places under those nations rule of law?

Why did you leave tha faith?

When are we hitting on tel avid?

Moroccan here.
Dont spread your shit
You may not know what islam talks about at all

It smells pretty good I agree. I like chicken more though.
I don't agree with all the laws of Sharia but I can see why the Muslim's there want the Sharia laws to be implemented, just as the colonists in North America and many other continents wanted to implement theirs.
I left the faith because I've read enough to allow me to do so, I haven't decided until maybe 2 years ago. If you were to read about Islam objectively and read the Quran you may become a Muslim, it's a matter of opinions in the end, the faith in itself isn't wrong per se, but the believers (some of them) can be total assholes, just like any other belief system in the world, or lack thereof.
I am against the state of Israel, not as a Muslim, but as a Human being.

>muh humanity
shut the fuck up i dont give a shit about your reasons just nuke those dirty jews

> Then why did the police in Michigan have to shut down to secret sharia courts?

Don't act like it's a fact if it clearly isn't. These are rumors which might as well be just rumors spread by "le epic alt right XDDD :DDD" to "redpill :DDDD BENIS :DDD" the sheeple

I agree. I'm only stating my personal opinions, not trying to share propaganda against Islam or Arabs. I am a proud Arab and I like to read Islamic scholarly articles because it is in the end a beautiful religion with a powerful history, I just chose to not believe in it for personal reasons.
Struck a nerve there? I'm saying no need to kill anyone, just give everyone their rights of a politically unadulterated life, proper education, security and health.

Khassak la3sa ya meskhot lwalidin

Notice how frustrated the Arab in the painting appears.

Obviously can't wrap his mind around anything straying beyond the confines of Islam.

Does the lack of Arab advancement in math and science sadden you?

الحمدلله على نعمة العقل.
Yes it does. I am doing my part in fixing that issue.

What happened to you Arabs? You guys use to be cool and smart and shit then you rolled back into the dark ages? Whats up with that?

Ever tried hashish?

You don't know that what muslims like him achieved, do you?

You would still in a medieval-like age if it wasn't for islam
Islam was the catalyst that bring humanity to the developement we see today (as every other religion) i remember how "king" David (Dawud) brang to the world the metal and music innovation, by his religion revealed to him by Allah (as every other religion before ~700 bc)

Is it okay to fuck 8 year olds since your prophet did it?

Or do you think he lived in a different age where kiddy diddling was still permissible and Allah changed the rules after he did it?

I know it very well. I know that Muslims were pretty good at math and astronomy for a while, but then they lost it. They made no great advancements. Yeah, they did happen to preserve some knowledge from ancient EUROPE in their libraries, and that did help Europe proceed once again in the Renaissance.

There really is very little from the Muslim world that actually helped advance anything.

Amin, ya rabba al3alamin
Ila kan 3addek chi 37al khaddmo, go see what islam says about history, and how all other sources (other religions, archeologists ecc..) are similiar.

Search for proofs about islam and then what will be done to you relatively to your decisions

Ma 3addak 37al, awla ma3addak knowledge

Op how many wives do you have ?
And how many is the most wives you can have?

Have a Muslim slut kik?

Very little? You're very funny
Basically everything you see today was implemented using the muslim era's knowledge and methods

Name 5 things with specificity that originated in the Muslim world.

Everything has a beginning and an end, we may be at our lowest now, and we may go even lower than we already are; but as I said, everything has a beginning and an end, so surely we may begin to rise again in time.
Yes, Hashish is quite easy to get in the Arabian region, cheap too. I had a great first-time experience.
It doesn't matter what Muslims have done, whatever they did they did for personal reasons and to further develop our state as Humans. We are all capable of greatness, what differentiates us from others of our kind is our will and desire.
Marrying at a young age is a culturally-accepted tradition as long as both parties agree to the marriage, I may not agree with it personally, but I don't think it's smart to paint the action as an evil deed just because your culture may not agree with it.
اخي، لكل إنسان رأيه واعتقاده. العلم عام للبشر و لي الحرية باختيار ما شئت ان اصدق به، والمعروف في الدين ان الاعمال بالنيات وربي ورب هذا وهذاك سيحاسبنا كلنا باعمالنا، فهل الشتم ضروري في هذه الحالة؟
I'm not married. The allowed number of wives in Islam is 4. I am an ex-Muslim.

Don't hate hadji op is just saying
What he thinks about his own people
Stupid Sup Forums stumbled bag

I'm a atheist my family is Christian
The Latino part is catholic
I already read the Quran is a beautiful book it deduced me but if I'm sure of one thing is that god doesn't exist not even yisus

Please stop invading my country, thank you.

Since of Mericans of living of an exigency/emergency of a technology so I am of communication of spiel of technology of text of:_"-------\_
Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/ of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.
I got/received a text of communication/question/ask of technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies of machines far of miles:_"\_ Everyone knows this already. How do you fix it. _/"_:-_ . I am of communication/answer/reply of letter of word of language of text of:_"\_ Humans of policing/military live of:_[\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles since of brain of body of since of human of living of brain of body of since of sense/sensation of communication/text/speech of computer program software of language of words of anything/everything/eachthing/allthings of human of living of _{-\_[-\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles _/-]_{--\_[--\_ and _/--]_ and _[--\_ or _/--]_/--}_[-\_ flexing of muscles so of living of muscle of nearer and and or farther of muscle _/-]_/-}_/]_:-_/"_:-_ .

-Algebra (nedded for the calculus of zaka)
-Mechanical advances
-"Airplanes" (but only restricted to inplementing human body to fly)

-Advances, implementations and corrections of a lot of things the greeks have done
-some musical instruments
-sailing knowledge for exploration
- first almost complete map of the world (some were very close to knowing about the existance of america, and dome sources say they reached australia)
-education and respect in society

-a lot of other thins i don't remember

Just as soon as you stop invading ours.

How do you feel about Americans stupid enough to vote for Trump? Which would be the majority.

Turkish ex-Muslim born and raised in PA reporting for duty.

You mean America, so please stop sending your people to Europe.


How do you feel about have so many similarities with republicans, yet hate each other?

I'd turn to Islam just to have many wives

Don't forget that the modern concept of Colleges and/or Universities is DIRECTLY evolved from Islamic foundation.

Also they can have many wives don't forget that

If Muslims were as great at all these things as you are claiming, why didn't they develop electronics and airplanes a thousand years ago?

Muslims never got beyond what Ancient Greece did long before.

My question: You guys versus JewyMcJewsalot....

You both don't eat porky.
You both have belowavg looking womenz.
You both have need2hockAloogie languages.

Y u no friendz??? :(

I'm assuming you live in an arabic country but in case you aren't, or in whichever case: what are your reflections on the fact that the negative picture portrayed by media and perhaps other sources (word of mouth etc) have lead to an extremely negative picture of arabs? this is of course only my belief but i think this is a partially global phenomenon.

As for my personal opinions, i don't mind arabs or foreign looking people as long as they have clothing that's associated with western middle class values. As soon as someone's looking either ghetto arab/northern african or just straight jihadio armani i'm instantly cautious.
This has to be compared with the fact that i have no problem with blacks at all.

You have to understand that if it wasn't for all the religions revealed by Allah, humanity would never achieve advances for a long time
We today will continue advancing, because there will never be another religion by Allah

Muslims didn't it for themselfs, they did it for their creator, and for the humanity, as the goal were,is, and will be let other know about Allah and the reasons for humanity, because recognising him and what he have done is the reason of human life, if you do not you are failing you existance

Unfortunately by the first crusade, muslim world started falling, as it was too wise and loyal to ethics when the world wasn't (see mongols and crusaders)

some of the items on that list are absolute bullshit.
the ones that are true occurred about 900 - 1200 years ago during the islamic golden age.
then fundamentalism took over and muslims have been fucking goats ever since.
if ONLY islam didn't regress to religious fundamentalism, muslim countries and the world would be centuries more advanced today. unfortunately that didn't occur, and muslim countries and the world as a whole are much worse off as a result
i honestly don't think the islamic world will ever reform now, nor will they ever reach the heights they once experienced. the rest of the world will therefore have to endure and eventually eradicate the cancer of islam as a result, else it succumb and the entire world become a massive goat fucking shit hole

At least we have regulations that make possible to not have a wife fucked many times by others, you aren't real man cucks

Because electronics and airplanes were far too advenced for that age
Is like to say that today we have to have time machines or portals

I believe this actually started with Hindus

Alchemy isn't real user. Chemistry is real, and modern day chemistry if you had to pin it down to one person who started it would probably be Antoine LaVoisier.

>Mechanical Advances
I don't know without more specificity what this means

I assume you mean the Camera Obscura which was linked to Ibn Al-Haitham in the 10th century, however the camera obscura was first mentioned by the Chinese over 1300 years before that.

The closet thing I found on this was a guy who jumped off a minaret hoping to use his cloak to fly. He didn't fly he just fell more slowly. Obviously the first plane was the Wright Bros. But if you want to talk about the first "Flight" of humanity it would be the hot air balloons developed by the French.

>Advances, implementations and corrections of a lot of things the greeks have done
Again I don't really know what this refers to

>some musical instruments
I don't think the muslim world was the first to develop the concept of musical instruments or any one particular genre of musical instrument (i.e percussion, string, horn...) but I will concede that the Islamic world has produced its own unique instruments

>sailing knowlege for exploration
there were certainly many muslim sailors, but again they existed well before there was a muslim world

>First almost complete map of the world
well there certainly were maps, but to be complete you do kind of need all the continents. Almost having the americas isn't the same as having them.

Sumerians used soap almost 5000 years ago. Also while it wasn't very common in Ancient Rome, Germanic tribes in Northern Europe used soap during the roman times.

>education and respect in society
the concept of education existed well before the Muslim world user.

Good boy

Trust me, the islamic world (at least a big part of it) will see another golden age

I hope it will happen very soon

اسير تحوا لديلمك خخخخخ لمغاربا دزب فينما مشيت لاييهم وتحية كبيرا ليك خويا حيت على الاقل نتا مشي بحال دوك زوامل ديال امزيغن :٨) بيس خو

You. I like you. All up in here with your 'facts' and your 'sources' as if this WASN'T Sup Forums... or even Sup Forums, for that matter.

>Intelligence is cool!

سلامٌ على من اتّبع الهدى.... أخي، إنّ الملل يفتك بي من كل جانب، والحسد والغيرة قصمتا ظهري اليوم، وها أناذا جئتُ أتناسى أمري في هذه الزاوية المقفرّة من الشّبكة... أستحلفك أباك قل لي أمرا

Yeah okay, how exactly?
The reason Islam went through a golden age in the past was because you had an OPEN MIND and your intellectuals were allowed to pursue their own thoughts to their logical conclusions.
Today if those same intellectuals were alive today you would be stoning them to death because your religion doesn't even allow your mind to grow or breathe. You can't even get through a sentence without screaming Allah this or that, the mind of the average Muslim is equal to that of an ape, or maybe even less.
Maybe if Islam went through a massive reformation where it wasn't considered a crime to pursue certain scientific issues you would have a chance. Unfortunately that will never happen, you will be fucking goats and screaming Allah even a thousand years from now and the rest of us the world will be exploring the universe.

Democracy is a flawed system, if that's what the people want there's nothing you can do about it sadly.
Humans have been invading each other for thousands of years, there's nothing you or I can do about it. I didn't mean "America" specifically by the way.
Social Media plays a big part in painting different cultures with black colors and disgust, it's natural. I was in a scientific conference in the U.S. and I had to wear my cultural attire, as I walked down the streets people would run away from me (literally) and stay away from me, even to the point of confusing an African American in the elevator when I asked him whether he wanted to go up or down, he responded with a fearful head-shake and slowly walked away. But it's fine, if some people are ignorant enough to believe what the media is telling them I would not want to associate myself with them.
Thank you?
إقرأ وتعلم. لا تصدق كل ما تراه، ولا تكذب الناس إلا بالأدلة. ابني نفسك بنفسك فلا ناجي لك إلا نفسك.

OP, does your family know that you are no longer a Muslim?

If yes, do they want to kill you?

You don't know that every invention is result of inspiration from other ideas don't you?

I think that the arab world (and muslim)is targeted by Zionists
Someone have the objective of dividing arabs instilling conflicts and deteriorate their attachment to islam

For them islam is a threat because its morals and ethics could destroy their businesses, they also have a lot of opportunities to use it

A united arab/muslim world would change the entire world, think of it almost half africa middle east and central asia, united, comprehensive, and willing to aid each other, no hate, from 250 million (arab world) to 500 million+ people with 50% to 70% of resources in this world, industrialised with theri own independent, risk-safe economies

That would be the nightmare of Zionists in control of America and world's corporations

My family fully knows I am not in anyway strictly religious, and that I am pursuing knowledge in both the political and philosophical fields. I have debated with both of my parents on topics in Islam that I had a strong viewpoint in (which was against theirs) and they attempted to convince me and still do. They don't know I have fully left the religion, and no, they won't kill me if I told them, my parents are religious but they're very open-minded which is why I credit them for making me the man I am today.


dude, you got a tin foil cap over for me? i lost mine while looking up evidence of WTC 7

(to be a bit serious, you got a point in that it would ruin the western and goyim economies but the reason they're not coming together isn't the jews. Dude, they can't even play a game of football without getting in a fight. It's their shit culture. Sorry but it's true)

Just like europe had it's dark ages, the middle east is having theirs. all things pass in time. nothing lasts forever. those who are on top cannot stay there for long, and those on the bottom may be the ones to take their place.

وعاشت الجمهورية العربية المتحدة من المغرب للعراق
>والله حتا نتا اول مغربي تنطلقاه ف 4شان وتيحفيليش كري ب "حتا الامازيغ" حنا "موالين لبلاد"

La ilaha illa Allah muhammadan rasulu Allah

>A united arab/muslim world would change the entire world, think of it almost half africa middle east and central asia, united, comprehensive, and willing to aid each other, no hate, from 250 million (arab world) to 500 million+ people with 50% to 70% of resources in this world, industrialised with theri own independent, risk-safe economies

How can there be a United Caliphate of all muslims, when so many muslims hate each other?

Sunni versus Shia, different tribal groups within nations.

Heck even Syrians, and Lebanese hate gulf state Arabs.

I'm not going to even bring up Iran.

Do you understand where the people who despise Islam and all those under it are coming from? Are you able to sympathise with these people and their grievances or do you believe that the hatred toward Islam and Muslims is completely unjust?

I ask this to you because I've asked practising Muslims this same question before and they consistently get angry with me for even insinuating that non-Muslims have a valid reason for their hatred, so I'd love to get an answer from the perspective of a recovered Muslim.

أخي قد قرأت قليلاً، وما أيقنت إلّا أنّني موغلٌ بالجهل مستفحلٌ فيه. اليوم يا أخي هُدّمت أركاني ثانيةً، واستوجبتني عزّتي أن أعيد البناء... أخي بأيّ العلوم أبدأ؟ هل لديك ما قلّ ودلّ وأوجز وأحرز في إقتضاب سيرة الأدارسة والموحّدين والمرابطين والأشراف العلويين؟

Well I am still a practising muslim and I get their frusturation. But in my opinion, a lot of it is due based of the bias of the media. Islamphobia sells. They pull some verses out of context from the quran. The book is more of a history book than anything. And the whole pedophilia thing of Mohammad is strange no doubt. But marriage to older men and younger woman was common at the time. Mohammad isnt the only instance of it fam

why are you're people so shit??

Im not saying the religion does not have more whackos than most. It's a shame they internet the quran as such

aghlabia amazigh li ki khalliw dinhom
Fihum Munafikun bessaf, allah inl3en li ma yahchem

>they internet the quran

It's not shit culture is lack of knowledge
All arab countries today have a bad education system, in favour of private schools, what do you think is the goal of this?

>more of a history book than anything

tell that to the ones cutting people's heads off for, i dunno like... saying such things.

OP here, posts are getting a little mixed, I will be responding to multiple questions at once.
This is what I mentioned a few posts ago, the Arab world is definitely in its dark ages, ignorance is spreading like a disease and it won't stop spreading for a long while.
It's just and unjust to hate a whole group because of the actions of a small portion of it. Our countries are in a third world state and it's a very sad state; but, I may as well argue that hatred towards anyone is unnecessary and does nothing but split people up. So why hate at all?
That's a debatable point of view, the people aren't as shit as you think they are. Do you think I am shit?

Al3azz ya akhi

what about the arabs that live in western countries? they have the same education system. Dude, i haven't gotten into fights in fucking saudi arabia, i'm talking Europe here.
Their "honor culture" is shit. If i tell some ghetto arabs to please turn down the volume of their music or not to drive 50mph in a child frequent environment they'll wanna beat me up. It's shit mentality man. Only solution is to separate them from eachother and integrate them to decent civilized ways of thinking.
like i said - shit culture.

how many suicide bombings have you done?

In that case i agree with you
But you are generalazing arabs, do you think they are like that? Only ignorant ones i tol you!!
You even generalazed an entire culture and applied it to "arabs"
You don't know muvh about arabs do you?

Bu like i said this is ignorance-relative
I came to france and i noticed it

Sure, I'll agree that the media does portray things in a certain light to further whatever agenda pays the most so, for now, let's just assume that the media has only ever published 100% truthful news.

So, if the media had only published 100% truthful news up to this point, do you feel like non-Muslims would have no reason to hate Islam and Muslims?

Yes, I agree that it can be unjust to hate a whole group for the actions of a few. I'd sure not enjoy being hated for being white or English simply because a few white or English people were bad. However, when the loudest voice and most visible banner flag of a group is advocating atrocities on the level of terrorism would you not agree that holding a hatred for that entire group is quite a reasonable action considering the loudness of the threats and the severity of the consequences?

هادوك مقارينش التاريخ (الامازيغ اصلهم من اليمن)
>متنعنيش ب"الكفار" لي خرجو من دين ولا لي مشي مسلمين ، تنعني بيهم ولاد ل....

no dude, i have lots of good arab friends but that's only cause they don't conform to the honor culture. I don't mind arabs at all, i do mind the culture. There are very many nice things in the culture too, like hospitality and poetry and other things, but the "honor" part ruins everything. Take women's rights. Medieval.

We have to unite the islamic authority first
There have not to be shia sunni and ibadi
We would have a central islamic authority with no such classifications
We have to interpret islam united, than when this will apply to all imamas in mosques, this will influence people and theri thoughts

Also we need a lot vetter education system and eliminate borders

Interpret* woops
But those are the crazies man. Since is such a big religion and lot of muslims take "pride" in the the fact that the book hasnt been altered ever since it came youre going to having a lot of religious extremists. But to think some people think every muslim is a terrorist is likr saying every black guy is a nigger. Like niggers and blacks , muslims and terrorist come from the same tree but they're different fruits.

>inb4 a tree can only make one fruit

You get the point

same guy as before here

arabs are the most friendly people if you're their friend. i know this. i'm talking bout the culture. A lot of the ones conforming to "honor culture" will be super good to you as long as you're their friend, but do something wrong and honor might call for them to... you know, things get very serious very fast.

what you're talking about will happen in 2-300 years. If these changes would happen, islam then would be as similar to islam now as the protestant church today is similar to the church in the year 1300.
No one but wierdos would mind islam then. And islam would mean celebrating ramadan and other such things but nothing more. It would be like christmas for christians. Sure, bring it! Everyone here would be happy if that happened.

LOL, none of that will ever happen. And if it does, the West just nukes you. LOL.

Well culture is something applicable to a whole group of people in thi case i would agree
Because there are certain parts of arab culture that are bad, but arabs with arab culture who have KNOWLEDGE of islam will not treat them as others do, those make a significant part
And this delete the culture case, replacing it by 'the lack of knowledge' case (because that cultural fact is not applicable to all people of that same culture, that has a condition, wich is knowledge)

Hmm.. Well its hard to say and kind of depends on the individual. I would say they would be justified into hating religion but I think the reason is because they always see the cherry picker horrendous tragedies on the news, never the other side of a religion. They might think " well Christians don't do this sort of stuff" when a terror related incident of a white person isnt tied to their religion just the person. I wish they would tie that to muslim terrorist but the sample is a bit hard to ignore.

But to sum up yeah I would say theyre justified but you really can't hate an entire thing based on some asses. Im from palestine and I havvee a strong dislike towards jews cause of the actions of Isreal. But I always remind myself those are the actions of the elite and not the people

bismillah wal salat was salam 3la khatim al anbya wal mursaleen muhammad, wa 3la alihee wa sahbihee ajma3een


خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ واش باغي كريما اساط ؟؟ خخخخخخخ

ITT: Muslim and infidel 4channers, all pretending that they're not scum

اخرس يا كافر نجس عدو الله

dude, i know education is the key to defeating ignorance but the relition and maybe the culture too is actively fighting against people getting educated so that the people in power can continue to stay in power. Nothing good has come out of religion until it becomes secular. Then it's only nice ladies trying to help the less fortunate out by giving them soup on cold days.