Coins from Somalia

Coins from Somalia.

Niggers can't even do coins properly.

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Looks like some black magick ritual totem shit. Wonder what their Coinstars look like.

go to Somalia
only currency used is barter and US greenbacks
realize its not actually even a country

thats probably half the countries wealth. jk, as if they even use coins to pay for things. their currency is pic related

they live in a fucking metro?

Looks like commemorative bullion. Are you sure it s not some Special edition pieces from the mint?

It was in celebration of the "year of shapes" kek.

what if the spherical or cylindrical coins start rollng because of gravity und inertia, and you lose lots of your assets?

Wrecked faggots I was right.

I really want this shit now though. Looks cool, would be a great start to my bullion collection, would look cool on the mantlepiece.

I don't even think it's somalie either which is a bonus.

oops, I was wrong.

>silver plated
>worth $1

I'd love to have like a hundred of each of them. I would build wicked castles and shit.

Nigger web design, fuck yeah.

If you read anything from that site out loud you kinda sound like a caveman.

Pretty much every coin is cylindrical you fucking retard

I was gonna say something about how impractical those are, but then I remembered no one would be carrying them anyway.

>Pretty much every coin is cylindrical you fucking retard

Show me all these cylindrical coins of which you speak user.


Gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8

Nice prisms m9

do they not have their own top level domain?

Goeie ouwe tijd...

toen je koe nog met een korte oe schreef

The Somali images section is all messed up. I guess their server is cooking itself all day long in a room full of sand.

Hoop ooga booga shu sha ming aha haa hu ha ha ahaa

Ik heb ze nog. Soms word ik er bijna emotioneel van, als je bedenkt hoe goed die tijd was en hoe erg het land doelbewust is afgebroken.

You could to toss em on the road when fleeing the police.

Ik zag laatst een 10 gulden briefje en ik kreeg zo'n zieke nostalgietrip dat ik de doos lego weer van zolder gehaald heb.
Ik wilde even alle zorgen van mn kop en heb een hele dag met lego gespeeld
Ik ben 24

I like the way you think, user.

Fucking this.

Nice. Ik ben ook 24. Af en toe zie ik die dozen staan en denk ik ''nee dat kan echt niet''. Dan wacht ik tot er weer een neefje op bezoek komt en dan kan ik ze ''helpen'' met spelen. Helaas zijn die krengen ook allemaal 16 aan het worden onderhand.

>Niggers can't even do coins properly.
B-but they aren't even Sub-Saharan.

I want those geometric coins. They're something out of a sci-fi movie.


Hedgehog coin?

Does anyone have the screen cap for the Somali Google translate fail

that's cool as hell tho

Is that silver?

Fucking dutch

The Dutch are a glorious people. We will rise again

>having physical form of currency

Coins are disks
Disks are flat cylinders

So, the real question is: Do i break the chocolate before or after I take the foil off?

10/10 underrated post

>too soon
the last post can't be underrated

Underrated post


A cylinder is the same thing as a "circular prism".

I verified, it is Somalia. There are some weird ass coins out there. Especially Palau, where they made special coins that contain a pearl.

They were probably trying to help the monkeys learn basic geometry

Jesus what a mess. They probably spent half their GDP on this website, too

Silver plating