Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Janna?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Janna?

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i main teemo, why not be satan if you have the chance?

I main Janna as support but my role is any but that
I fucking hate depending on others for the game to go well, it never ends up well

I don't play support unless I've got a friend to play ADC. Supporting strangers is a lost cause.


croc and snake :^)

bumperino with my fantasy 3some


I'll show you Demacia

Not really any mains for top
Mid: Yasuo, if banned then ziggs
Adv: Jhin, if banned Ezreal
Support: Blitzcrank, if banned Thresh
I fucking suck at jungling


Tfw you bronze scrubs think you can't carry as a support.

I literally don't get it when people say they can't jungle. How hard is it to kills neutrals camps? It's fucking simple.

Kindred support up to plat. After that go Nautilus, Bard, Thresh, Zyra and GG. Welcome to Master.

Well its not that I suck at it I just need another jungler that's why I'm saving for ekko

Why is the earth round? Why is space infinite? Why are you playing lol and why are you a faggot?

I guess some questions will never be answered

Thanks for the bump, have a (You)

I always hated Udyr ... BUT fuck me that champ is awesome if you can play him. Get Udyr for easy mode jungle ... voli is easy as well

Don't listen to Udyr is trash and dead, you gotta spend your mana or else you don't kill mobs fast enough to gank which makes you have the problem of no mana to gank.
Get Kha'Zix or Xin Zhao, straight forward jungling, you begin bot (no matter which side you start), get your red and blue buffs then gank top or mid. If they don't burn flash they die.

Cause fiddle in the middle faggot.

This the type of nigga who skips blue buff.

Even with the blue buff you run out of mana, my dubs don't lie.

main draven, love janna supp

m8 I personally have a vendetta against all LoL toons except Garen and Riven

Fuck all mana/energy/rage other related bars

I main zilean. Fuck all of you, I'm timeless.

Zilean is fun to play too youtu.be/yqabotwky8E?t=14m4s

top: irelia/singed/garen/maokai
mid: veigar/malz
jung: xin/malz/amumu/fiddle
adc: ashe/sivir (my worst role by far although im boss at adc's on aram)
supp: fiddle/naut


Hang yourself for free RP

>fiddle support season 6 xD

>all these virgins playing league in 2016

sage report hide

it was strong enough with 5 bounces on E, now its nothing short of murder, i do mainly play naut support now though but only because top lanes and junglers wont play tanks

go back to ylyl, traps and rekt threads edgelord

I know udyr is trash which is why im gonna buy ekko.


I think he is an okay champ.

get gud

My nigga

i don't get what you are saying... if you're talking about them being OP, amumu and singed are anything but, i just find them fun.


I main MF or Ashe

I love janna but she is nothing compared to some other supports, i.e.

yo add me on euw: instalockvayne
ill carry you out of anywhere

Darius, Teemo, Fiddlesticks, Brand and Warwick.

@instaloockvayne but im higher rated than you sure you can carry me?

Please if you are running out of mana with udyr you are doing something seriously wrong. Start gromp (smite),wolves, blue(smite), raptors, krugs(smite),red then the 2 crabs ... full jung clear before 1st back.

Come out with 2 points in tiger or pheonix, 1 in bear and 1 in turtle ... back to jung rotations and gank where you can.

praise it

i bought her 5 years ago because she sounded cool
really cool, like ice cool. been nuking cunts ever since

Teemo is such a shit cunt champ, get better

diana is my goddess