Are you excited for the collapse of the American empire?

Are you excited for the collapse of the American empire?

What American empire?

im bored of seeing the usa being the big daddy of the world, id like to see russia or some other European country become the big power

>Redditda's largest trading partner collapses

People have been prophesying our collapse since the inception of our nation, what makes you think that this time its actually going down?




You shouldn't be excited since you're going down with them you stupid stupid french faggot


the world is changing, and your country is just big thanks to WW2, it's time to end it

>and your country is just big thanks to WW2
What territory did we gain from WWII that we still have?

why are you triggered?

Japan, Western Europe.


>English-speaking countries top the list in proportion to their population
Canadian education, everyone

No wonder they have such abhorrent posters.

I would like to see whatever countries emerge, i would like new england as a country


You're part of it


Thousands of American fags will be immigrating to Finland soon.
They will change our culture for the worse.

Why the fuck would we immigrate to Fknngolia when you're going to become the new Russian province when Putin tears your tight pink boipuccis apart Pekka Khan?

I'm just hoping that Trump will keep his promises about NATO so we can remove that scum which is occupying a part of our country with American help atm.

My God we're the only european country without cuck fantasy, i guess w're the last hope of the White Race.

We have something like 5000 of you fuckers already pre-Trump. That's 0.1% of our population and higher in the capital.

Those are libshits who fantasize your country Pekka. We are bros with Russia. We will destroy the EU together.

You have more liberals than conservatives.
Well, maybe not among whites but still there's a large pool of these fucking people and it worries me.

bout damn time this world star faded away