Does anyone else disagree with him but want him to win to watch things burn?

Does anyone else disagree with him but want him to win to watch things burn?

I agree with him on literally everything. Even the stances he has shifted on.

The only thing burning will be the nignog towns when they start rioting.

i just want him to lynch some niggers

Coontown killing itself? That's pretty good.

I don't know a single position of his, but I don't care.

I'm all in on the Trump train, baby. No brakes.

i agree with his social policies but won't vote for a man with the economic sense of a 4 year old

Black guy here... I hate trump, I'd like to watch him be assassinated on live tv.. But a little part of me wants him to win so I can watch everything around me turn to shit. Hopefully he wins so that it'll spark a revolution and we can kill the rich and eat them.

Check me... He'll build the wall

No. But I disagree with all of them on a lot of shit. Like how pretty much all of them, especially Trump, are like "Lets bomb sand people more like we have been since 2001 because lol I don't know."

He should be president of north west Greenland, because who the fuck cares

You're a nigger but I feel the same way

mexifag here. I agree on a lot of things he's said but I honestly can't believe he's that dumb to just say it the way he does.

I want him to win because my girlfriend promised me that if he was elected she'd agree to leave the country with me.


so where are you going?

I live in Germany and I want him to win so there will be no ttip and America will burn
Win - win

He's not dumb, you don't understand. Trump has "fuck you" money. He doesn't care about the Presidency, it doesn't matter to him. He can say and do whatever he wants without consequences. It doesn't matter if he wins or loses, because he's a billionaire, and he still wins.

He's not an idiot. People don't become billionaires by being idiots. He's just an asshole. The closest term I'd use to describe the dick is a "Robber Baron".

Northern Europe or Japan. We're weighing our options. Germany WAS looking very attractive until they accepted 8 trillion muslim asshole refugees, but I'm sure there are tons of extremists hiding out in that group, so the safety and security that country offered is now out the fucking window. Iceland and Norway are still looking great.

We're both very interested in Japan, though. We've spent a lot of time there.

Fortunately we can afford to go wherever.

That is all Sup Forums is

You don't know what Sup Forums is?

Boy howdy you are in for a surprise

is he a billionare? cause I've read a lot about him always talking absurd numbers about his money and how all the math doesn't add when you count in bankruptcies, failed endeavours and shit like that.

I get that he's not an idiot, the thing I don't get is how on earth he thinks it's correct to say ''mexico is sending all their rapists and drug dealers, some of them are ok I guess'' without a massive shitstorm of ''this guy is a racist'' articles. He might be right about a lot of stuff but just the sheer idiocy of the way he says it makes me think it's all a publicity stunt, he's a complete moron or he's actually helping hillary.

Speak for yourself, Islam already gives you the tip

Yeah, japan sounds more interesting.


He's a billionaire. He's screwed over a lot of business ventures over the years, but in the long run it doesn't matter, because he's got the money to overshadow any potential losses.

What he says and what he actually believes aren't necessarily the same thing. He realizes that a fair portion of Americans are ignorant, racist, xenophobic pieces of shit, and he says what he knows will galvinize them to support him. That's all it is. He thinks it's correct to say that kind of shit because he knows there are tons of people in this country that are afraid of anyone not white and blonde that will intently listen to someone with the "balls" to say what they've always been thinking internally but were too scared to say in public due to what would happen to them socially for exposing themselves as pieces of shit. Now, they have a leader who says what they're thinking. It's a ploy to galvanize voters, that's all.

He knows what he's doing. He's a fucking asshole, but he knows that conservatives are, in general, racist pieces of shit. So he uses that to gain support - and it's worked perfectly.


God bless America.

but what's going to happen if he wins? it's one thing to say those things to get the redneck vote and other to have state meetings with, I don't know, china. He obviously won't deliver on his promises of fucking china in the ass, the wall won't get built, there won't be more jobs for americunts. What's going to happen to the country? he's got no political experience, has no clue about international diplomacy and has no real plan about how to grow the economy of the states. So far his plan seems to be ''I'll bully everyone into submission and they'll do what I want because, believe me, I'm will be the greatest president in the history of the universe''.

I agree with his racism, but i'm hesitant about most other positions.

I think Trump is the president America deserves, whether they want it or not. Our obsession with trivial petty bullshit, Kardashians, reality shit, social media, SJW and idolization of stupid gorilla music has reduced us to human trash for the most part. We deserve Trump.

May Trump be blessed, and may his enemies fall quickly to his wrath.



If I lived in America I'd vote for him just because I wanna watch the pure clusterfuck, I'm hoping for nukes

Not exactly a hard decision with the other option being fucking Shilary

if you really want to watch the world burn you would vote for hillary, non of trumps policy's will make it past congress. this will be nothing but a circus for 4 years with the media saying "oh look what trump did today."

It doesn't matter. Honestly, it doesn't. The US is fucked regardless of who is elected, the only difference is how quickly that fuckery will come about. The US is arguably the worst 1st world nation on the planet. We're last in education, last in healthcare, last in social services, last in crime, last in gun control, etc, etc etc. It just goes on and on.

If Hilldog or Bernie wins, what will change? Nothing they attempt to push through will succeed with a Republican-controlled senate. Unless we can A) Get a democrat as president and B) get a Democratic Senate, there will be no changes. And that's never going to happen, because people are idiots and don't realize that the President doesn't actually hold the fucking power.

If Trump is elected, the decline of the US will simply happen faster, because he'll be more open to fucking over everyone for his (and his partners) personal gain, just like he's done his entire life.

All that shit, on top of us having to deal with rising global temperatures, dwindling natural resources, overpopulation, ON AND ON IT GOES

In the next 50 years I see the US breaking up into a collection of nation-states. Something similar to Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, which you should read if you haven't. Lots of suffering and despair ahead of this country.

Which is why I want to get the fuck out while the getting's good

Hilary isn't going to do fucking shit, she doesn't give a fuck about anything

Pretty much.

Also, because I would like to watch his assassination JFK style.

No Hillary.

thats what she wants you to think, while in the background she continues obamas work to let the government control everything including what you eat. executive order, and all hillary will get what she wants passed in congress and what she doesn't she'll just executive order.

Yeah, because a Republican-controlled Congress has stopped ANYTHING for the past six years.

KEK will be pleased with Trump

Lighten up Francis.

I just want to see the shitstorm happen.

Good luck nigger.. trump wins.. no assassination.. shit, there were more credible threats on Obama than any other president in history, snd not a scratch..i expect the same for a solid white man.

Americans are tired of politicians serving the corporate and billionaire Elite, so they're trying to cut out the middleman and vote directly for a member of the corporate billionaire Elite.

Burn baby burn exclamation point dot jpg


I just want to see a civil war, and he's the best chance we've had since Nixon.

everything will turn to shit he is going to bankrupt the country. He is trying to make a deal with china where we pay less back, how do you even begin to pay back 19 trillion and counting? you don't but he will stop printing money plummeting our economy into shit. we will be the new Brazil

does america want to be on another chapter of humanity's history? vote for trump

>the new Brazil

If you're referring to shit like the passing of Obamacare, do you understand the number of fucking concessions that Obama had to make to get that thing passed? They cut out something like 80% of the changes they were attempting to make. It passed, sure, but it was a pale shadow of what it was supposed to be - Universal Healthcare, paid for by taxes.

You know, like almost every other 1st world nation on the planet enjoys? Yeah? Like that. It was so neutered by those fucking Republicans that it might as well have not passed at all.

So that doesn't count.

>stop printing money
lol the Fox News economist weighs in

kek this.

That's the kind of attitude that gets people into the shit every fucking time. REALITY WILL NOT LIGHTEN UP

debt is a fictional construct, china is ruining itself rapidly, they can't afford to call the US's tab because without it they have nothing to stand on, they'll go bottoms up before the US does and we'll "pay it back" by continuing trade

I think it is really obvious we need to stop accruing unmanageable amounts of debt, which is what he is referring to ending.

I think texans Actually like him, so it's gonna have to be someone from the pussy north

>I've been asleep for the last 6 years

Who is Mitch McConnel & why has he been more powerful than the president?

Everything's a fuckin mystery, huh faggot.

trump is a faggot. all trump fans are faggots. only a faggot would support a faggot. he's going to dies soon anyhow, high blood pressure and alcoholism.

he doesn't drink.

No he's not.
He's referring to the creation of $ out of thin air by the fed, afraid that we'll have runaway inflation like Brazil had until they dumped their entire currency.

That's how the majority of the wealth that we have that didn't come from the Brits in the war wa created. That's the way the Fed has always interacted with the banks to control the rate.

Japan has a ticking timebomb of earthquakes and nuclear holocaust pending over its head. I'd love to visit and spend time there, but wouldn't stay for a long term. Don't try the odds, they'll prove themselves true in the long run.

>Wealth created out of the perception of wealth.
As if that's fundamentally any different than the way we all create wealth when we buy a thing for X, and turn around and sell it for X+profit.

If you don't agree with him, you obv don't support USA and therefore you are a terrorist.

>and eat them

But... w-why?

I agree with him on many issues and actually think a lawless leftist nanny state would do more to set the country on fire than Trump's election to the presidency.

That being said, people on the right are generally more self-sufficient than those on the left and would likely do better in a catastrophe than those who sit around on their hands waiting for the government to help them.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

yeah im from the UK and pretty left wing but I spam trump memes everywhere as it is easy bait

Trumps gonna fucking pwn and the little fagoys are probably going to commit mass suicide.

I seriously can't wait. I hope the fucking world burns, cuz I'm gonna dance in the fire

License doesn't read MAGA 16

Calm down & keep your panties on.

Things will be OK user.


I agree with most everything he says but even if I didn't, I love his personality and if he did make things burn, would enjoy

I don't understand why a country of 318.9 million people cannot produce better leaders than the leaders you have to choose between.

It seems less likely to happen now, but I'll stick to what I've said 2 months ago:
My favourite scenario for this election is that both Trump and Sanders narrowly lose the nominations, then give the finger to their respective parties and go independent. It'd be amazing television to watch american democracy tear itself in two life on camera.

If the choice is really between Trump and Hillary, then Trump. No contest.

Trump and Sanders should team up, as Pres & VP, as it was done in the past, sweep the fuckin election, and melt the fucking kabuki theatre that is our party politic.

Nah m8 I'd rather let Bernie Sanders usher in a new golden age.

Hows it feel to be a paid shill, op?

It'd be great value for the neutral spectator, if nothign else.