Couple hours ago

>couple hours ago
>playing yugioh on my iPad
>dad: "user you goddam nigger you left a fuckin chocker on the bathroom table' again clean that shit up"

Help me out here Sup Forums give me a good motherless vid to jerk off to to get my mind of this mess

>yugioh on iPad

How does one go about this

Also I don't use motherless sorry

There's an app called yugioh duel generation it's pretty fun

Thx user

Also now that I read your story I'm just like what the fuck

>bathroom table

The fuck?

Oh shit that meant to say cockring. I've had my girlfriend staying over since the semester ended.

Also what's so weird about a bathroom table?

>You left a fuckin chocker on the bathroom table again


>bathroom table

The fuck user? At least you can now eat where you shit...

Why would you have to clean up a cock ring? And why was it in the bathroom if you weren't trying to clean it off or something?

And how isn't a bathroom table weird you sped? Who the fuck just has a table in the bathroom

>bathroom table

The weirdest part about all this isn't even the goddam cock ring or toilet table, it's the fucking motherless link request while his girlfriend is staying over

> bathroom table
> again
> yugioh on iPad
So many things wrong.

>playing yugioh on ipad
>the fuck is a chocker
>bathroom table
>wants to jerk off now for some reason
This might be the most confused I've ever been on Sup Forums

You must have a nice ass bathroom if it's big enough for a table damn

We need answers user

pics of bathroom table OP

And the chocker. I need to know what the fuck that is

Fucking this, delivar OP, interested as fuck

A) The chocker is a typo I meant to say cock ring

B) I'm not taking a picture of my bathroom it's literally just a fucking table I keep in there to prop my iPad on while I masterbate cause it hurts after a while when you hold it with one hand and jerk off with another

C) Also my aunts in there right now so fuck off this is supposed to be a motherless thread

post spy pics of your aunt doing whatever she's doing in there
this is Sup Forums, you don't make the rules

She's 62 ya cunt

Look, are you guys gonna post motherless links or not

U mad bro?


but we'll gladly keep posting in your weird ass thread because it's what we do


Let's talk more about the chocker.


Post a pic of the table faggot, fuck your motherless request, this bread got derailed because of more important issues

You're doing it wrong.

For the twentieth time I meant cock ring

My dad was mad because I left a cock ring on the bathroom table

Pics of bathroom table or it didn't happen.



Table pics now

With timestamp

>this thread

>left choker on bathroom table
>next to a bunch of comic books
>while playing xbox on the tv that is placed on his bathroom sideboard
>while chilling on his bathroom matress to relax from the shit he just tool on his bathroom chair-with-hole

>couple hours ago
>walk into bathroom
>see a goddamn table in there again
>son has left his chocker on it
>"son, get these motherfuckin tables off this motherfuckin bathroom"
>son doesn't listen, he's too busy jacking off to some cartoon on his ipad.
>son I am disappoint.
>an hero
The end.