Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Annie?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Annie?

why are you here and why do you keep posting these stupid fucking threads.

Because annie is for unskilled pussies who use mages. She has an auto lock on spell that stuns and is op as shit. Get butchered by yasuo you faggot loser. I can't fucking stand mage users. They plague league.

Zed and amumu funnest champs in the game imo

Vayne when I'm sober.
Xin when I'm drunk.
Yasuo when I'm tripping on acid.

Because Annie isn't Twitch dumbass

Patch 6.9: The mage patch

Yasuo is hard countered by stuns, you flaming faggot.
Shit, it's no wonder you suck at the game.

Because I like real supports

Xin. He's stlll pretty good but when are they going to give him a new, useful ult?

playing league of legends in 2016 LUL

i play HoN

Get out!!!! D:

Find a flaw
Protip: you can't

Trashing on LOL on Sup Forums in 2016 zozzle

I actually plan to play for another 5 years solid.

2016 still autistically talking shit about league. Go jack off to your gay ass little jrpg's.

You mess with the bull and you get the horns.

DPS Lulu is a blast to play. Fucking machine gun the shit out of you


I main Nami. And Annie is a cancerous piece of shit.

Malphite and Garen because they're so fucking funny to play, and the Malph + Pantheon ulti combo tilts as fuck the other toplaners

Because its Teemo


>league of legends
pick one

Gnar bitch

I concur.

Love seeing all of the supports.

Here are some of my favorite characters, but take into consideration that I only play ARAM. For about the last two years I've really only played ARAM.

My favorite champs in ARAM would be Master Yi, Morgana, Sona, and Annie.

De hart es de stronkest muscle

>having a favorite aram champ
>it not being xerath

Those yasuo games must have some interesting flow

What ranks are you guys? D3 masterrace here

so basically you like smashing your face on a keyboard and calling it skill.

No Annie, coz I never play females in games or even blondes or black people. Have to pick characters who vaguely look like me or are animals


We need the "notice me!" Braum skin.

You got some kinda condition?

Probable cause for a psych eval...

Nah my guess is just an ego thing.
Probably but not a concern

>ego thing
>not a concern
>self diagnosed
>mains wukong, "characters who look like me" "never play females in games or even blondes or black people"
>confirmed delusional dindu


Rip: sated devourer

Jinx, of course.

i love her witty and semi-insane rhetoric.

I said or animals. I can play rengar too. I just like wukong best because loved the monkey king as a kid.

Delusional as the next person I suppose, but yeah more an ego thing I wanna see myself in the character. I can't do that if it's a Nigger or a chick.

Kindred cuz I get A-S 8/10 games However Annie is their hard counter along with fizz etc

i main the jonx

You seem mad. You're probably somebody who plays Yasuo, lee and vayne, while acting as if it makes you god. Please get over yourself and just play for fun.

Or just drink bleach. im not too fussed.

try this one on for size

Addicted to play this slut for some reason

Faggots main Annie. Non Faggots main Bro'Gath.

Nah. Hate traps the most.

i main anivia, azir, orianna, and zed


well, Satan hates traps everyone. its 2016 Satan grow up

draven because free tyler1

Pls tell me someone has the "lol's latest hero will push your micro to the limit" vs dota image


He has no hook




Tristana because
"If it's worth shooting once, it's probably worth shooting a lot!"

Thresh, because arclight thresh
However annie is my third champ to go to

its hard to play with my dick constantly poking my desk

I main Jarvan IV

I'm a Gnar main and I regret nothing.


for shurima bitch

I make all adc mains cry.

if i useĀ“m both that makes me a faggot

I don't play leg of leg because I don't hate myself

Cause singed is a hundred times funner