What does Sup Forums think of cs:fag i mean cs:go

what does Sup Forums think of cs:fag i mean cs:go


shit game, i love it.

cs:go is like cod but very low budget and filled with squeekers who cant afford a decent machine. it doesnt deserve all the hype it gets. there are more decent games out there that deserve more recognition




nice kek!

You too, Sup Forumsrother!

Sup Forumsutistic


And those would be??

It's classic. Inherent rng mechanics allow for big plays and big hype, while keeping a deep tactical nature.

Good fit for esports, and still growing. Soon we should see more asian teams, and then no one will win ever again.

verdun, insurgency. to name a few

>be on valve DM to fuck around
>first thing i hear is people complaining about cod
>simply add i thought mw2 and black ops 1 where last decent cods
>they freak out, start screaming "YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT WEAPON BALANCE IS"
>i agree, not balanced but still fun
>they then say how they're excited for cod4 remastered, not the new game
>point out they hated how "they hate same game every year, but when they release the same game you guys buy that shit"
>server chimped out in pc master race shit
Why do i keep playing this, it's like a bad drug.

Faggot noobs

ye but those rnt esport

cod is like a whore that keeps getting plastic surgery every year. different face but still good enough to fool everyone with the same cancerous STD that the kids today love

By far my favorite game, but its probably why im still a virgin.... Have about 2k hours invested


ISIS is waiting for you

It's closer to 1.6 and Condition Zero than Source was. I bought it two weeks ago and actually like it. Haven't really been playing CS since 2006.

I played a lot of CS:S when I was a lot younger. Loved it, between that and WoW were my teenage years. I had stopped playing for YEARS and just recently of day two weeks ago I installed CS:GO. Played a couple of matches and had a blast, wondered why to myself "huh I wonder why I ever stopped playing this"

Then I proceeded to get shot thru walls until I had a sickening reminder that playing games on the PC is just a measure of who has the most undetectable hacks.

>>most undetectable hacks
agree, especially for cs
