You wake up in Russia

>you wake up in Russia

How do you react?

All those Russian girls

>check sides for scars
>check anus
>fly home
>sleep in your chair holding a knife for the rest of your life

Uh, i'm not sure if you know this, but Bashkirs and Buryats are Russian too and they hate Asian men like Chinese, Korean and Japs.

>acquire currency
>fuck bitches

Pic looks like a few blocks down the street

Get drafted and sent to Siberia because I left the country before serving.

Get comfy

this is the only acceptable answer

>Get a job teaching English
>Fuck Russian bitches

Check myself and if i have money do a lil bit of "tourism". Stay a few days or even a month and then return to homeland.

>check anus
is it a boolean operation essentially?
let's say it returns false. so the check fails. what are you going to do?

>get up
>do slav shit
>eat a hotdog
>more slav shit

>punch friend in face
>fight in major war
>do other slav shit
>hug babushka
>do a HURRRAH charge

If the check fails, you seek medical attention.

Depression and suicide

>fixing your anus in russia. uggh.

which is why i think this operation should be void. can run this check but should take no action.

>drink vodka
>buy an ak47
>fuck some whores.
>kill myself.

At least there's no niggers and spics.

Abandon all suffering, look on life like a funny trip.

Immediately form a terrible alcohol problem.


There are spic looking guys and bitches. I classify Turkic Russians to be more violent than Cholos and just as violent as blacks.

I will do another Revolution

Go straight to Gulag.

Asians are not russians

Fuck man I really wish I was Russian. To finally be away from the libtard media and in a land where people fight for good values would be heaven...

If only there weren't dirty fucking hohols and psheks that our ape leader wants to be allied with, we could be on the good side of history.

>check surroundings
>cross the street
>get ran over by a LADA

>find qt russian gf


She literally has Kazakhstan flag in her hand.

same shit my mans

How long do you think before she appears in a porn video getting raped and fucked by 10 Kazakhs at once?