We all know about holohoax already, but when did you stop believing in the spinning dreidel-earth?

We all know about holohoax already, but when did you stop believing in the spinning dreidel-earth?


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Can't wait for the rounders to show up and start talking about it can only be round cause muh gravity would compress into a perfect sphere.

Turtles all the way down.

Wow. So you're telling me that ancient civilizations could make logical observations about their current understanding of the world and that because they all have the same ideas that it somehow makes it more true.


good all round earth "circular" logic

Alright globe believer lets try this one...

Curved water????



what's on the edges

Oy vey goy! The sun isn't close! Even kindergarteners "know" the sun is 90 million miles away!

Shut it down!!!

Flat-earthers are the new vaxxers. God damn the autism is strong in OP.

it's a troll thread man
but the people they're linking to are real

Pacific Ocean covers 60 million square miles.
Water is always level, and rounders believe that something as large as the pacific can still have the same elevation around it's entire border?

>pacific ocean

Antarctica is a ring encircling the flat earth oceans. No one knows what is beyond that, if the dome meets the ground at some point forming a limit to the world or if there is more land (additional suns?) beyond.

Not trolling, you can't dispute these facts just by saying you don't believe in them, not how science works.

That's literally how flat-earth believers operate.

Oh, so you're a water bender huh? You can magically make water on one end of something be at a higher altitude then the other end?
Are you acting silly on purpose? You better not be.

I don't just believe the earth is flat... I KNOW the earth is flat.

This is the redpill of all redpill, the true kike lie of all kike lies.

No, I'm seeing a lot of stuff in this thread that is factual. And the rounders are just coming in saying it's dumb but not proving anything scientifically.

I mean DUH obviously the earth is round, you can see the curvature right here in this pic of a guy who base jumped "from the edge of space!" Checkmate flat earthers!

What the....... Fuck is this dumb-ass thread.

Yeah, there it is, I see it, I see the curve, its right there!

people have gone around antarctica, though

the problem with you asking people to "prove it scientifically" is that one of your core beliefs is "scientists are liars"

so there's no science i can point to without you saying "oh they're in on the conspiracy"

trolls trolling trolls
pissing in a sea of piss

poe's law

This is fucking kek-teir idiocy. Oh my god this thread. What next?
>inb4 moar trump

That's not true, I don't believe scientists are liars, not all of them. You have to admit it would be silly to take as gospel what every single scientist says?

Only north south, never east west, and always cutting across a corner, plus, the globe earth map of antartica isn't even accurate: its much bigger than how they portray it.

And no, you can't just "go there" to see for yourself, its a highly regulated territory. Look up Antarctic Treaties -- a no man's land for all nations, no one can harvest its resources, despite Admiral Byrd bragging in the 1950s about how much stuff he discovered down there? All countries just leave all those riches alone in this capitalist world? Yeah right. Its obvious they are hiding something down there.

all conspiracies need a purpose
a profit

what is to be gained by perpetuating the idea that the world is round

>so there's no science i can point to without you saying "oh they're in on the conspiracy"

Basically. That's how conspiracy nuts think, and why, by and large, they can't be reasoned with.

hiding god.

In other words, we are speaking over your heads so it must be nonsense.
Come on brothers, just open your mind and at least take in what's being said. You can dismiss it after if it makes no sense to you, but at least consider what you're reading.

don't forget fake space = $$$$$$$$$$$$

What about planes travelling around the world?

Says the guy that ignores blatant facts right before his eyes.
Which is more ignorant?

Im skeptical, someone explain this in a way whre it doesn't sound like your retarded.

"Nyah nyah we won't listen to you you'er a dumb poop head! Go get a BRAIN you big dummy"

>flat earthers are the ones who can't be reasoned with

What about it? They travel the perimeter.

Google knows the earth is flat

i dont take it as gospel what individual scientists say
but the whole thing about science is that scientists corroborate with each other
so if lots of people agree on something it's more likely to be true

and why would they be lying?
what scientists have said that the earth is flat?

you're missing my point
you're saying that antarctica surrounds the world and its oceans

if that were the case the edge of the mass, if you were approaching it by boat, would be concave, curving around you

but it's not, it curves away
so how is it possible that it surrounds the world?

Oh I've considered and read everything I've read. All I've gotten out of this is more fucking conspiracist dipshits because apparently people fuel their shitty lives eating microwave food and pot noodles and put at bay their depression, by formulating the idea that: "Hurr durr the Government must be lying about everything, everyone even slightly government-related is a conspiracist" and "Hurr-durr let's argue that the world is flat and we can fall off it."
If the world is "Flat." Why can Russia and the Far east pretty much SWIM to the Americas?
>inb4 "World is a cylinder, you can fall off the top of it and drop into god hurr durr"


Of course there's no elevation change. Elevation implies that it's raised above the surface of the earth. Since the surface of the earth is also "round" of course the water is round as well. There's no elevation change in the water because the surface is always the same distance from the center of the earth

What is gravity for 200

so all of space is fake to you?

how is this conspiracy kept going?
are you telling me no one has ever tried to blow the lid on this? ever? not once since 1958?

the funniest thing is that people figured the world was round hundreds of years before nasa


this is a response to

Periscopes could work no fucking matter what. I could build one with two mirrors, and a fucking drain shoot.

Lighthouses would work too, on the globe. Because the curvature of a potentially round earth would let it be seen for a great ways before it would be dimmed.

Sundials can be seen as they work off the shadow of the sun, and are build where the sun will face it. The earth orbits the sun, and so, the shadows will still move.

Gyroscopes work because there is still gravity. Just because something may be round, does not mean it doesn't have to work with physics. Especially something as massive as our planet.

Why am I pretty much feeding trolls.

Why dont one of you guys invest in a go pro and a model rocket

lol so you guys believe that there's an edge of the world?

Ah haha I will take bait. Get iphone charged to 100%. Set it to continuously take low res pictures and attach it to a balloon.

In a day or two go retrieve through Apple's service... or even better have it upload photos to the cloud and you can prove to yourself the Earth is round.

That's a very good point about concave versus convex antartica, of course they portray it as convex on the globe but we don't believe its an accurate map, as for what it really looks like its difficult to determine, there are several flat earth researchers who deal with this problem -- I'm pretty sure if you just went to antartica the coast would look straight /irregular. So its an important issue but not a slam dunk either way...

The lack of curve is really one of the biggest issues. Neil deGrasse Tyson is an example of a scientist who I am sure is a liar, I am positive he KNOWs the earth is flat but its his job as a freemasonic shill to push the globe agenda. Yet even he, when he got up on the Larry Wilmore show, couldn't offer ANY proof of the globe other than saying we are too small to see the curve. Which is, upon closer pondering, bullshit reasoning.

Whether you realize it or not, pic related PROVES the earth is flat. You just need to understand perspective and realize that a concave surface of a sphere, no matter how large, would NEVER look like this from a height, it would never appear to rise up to the eye level horizon (optical illusion "vanishing point" and "disappear" into infinity

8/7926= .001

.001 of 45 degrees or
.001*45 = .05 change in elevation. + or - .02 degress leaves for a total of .04 degrees or error.
Math checks out for me.
To bad being a land surveyor doesn't require much training and knowledge. Then maybe there would be credibility behind things they say.

Fucking faggots. The water is not flat, you just perceive it as flat. That's why you can watch a ship sail past the horizon.

Okay so if you take a small scale model of the earth and put water on it like an ocean, it will still hold its level based on the distance from the center of the sphere and not the absolute level, right?
No, it won't, the water would run right off of course, so your theory is just that, and unprovable.

>globetard logic

Ok champ, so show me some curved water, I'll be waiting. BTW Neil disGrace Tyson couldn't show it to us either.

the doesn't prove shit
if you flew a plane straight that way, you'd go all the way around
you wouldn't hit an edge, you wouldn't fly off into space, you'd fly around the globe

it's as simple as that, man

you either have a fundemental misunderstanding of how gravity works or you're a really weak troll

>thats why you can watch a ship sail past the horizon


You're trying to argue science and you don't even understand wifi range. But please do, attach your iphone to a balloon and prove us wrong.


And rounders think flat earthers are stupid, but curving water is totally believable.

Wifi range? Kek, because you need wifi to send images or videos? What kinda prehistoric phone do you use?

>drawing drawing drawing photo


Is this a new meme or are there actually people buy into this conspiracy theory?

Uh data plans run through satellites. If you collect your phone you won't need data fyi because it will be on the hard drive.

I am not troll arguing a flat Earth. Just offering up an idiot proof solution to a what ~$400 satellite.

what does this prove?

A ship will still dissipate through a telescope faggot

the scale is too fucking big

you can't see the curve because we are very small and the earth is very big

the problem with those diagrams on the left is that they stop
to show water like it exists on a globe they'd have to go all the way around

the water doesn't look like it curves, because it maintains a roughly equidistance from the center

Then with good equipment you can the edge of africa from the edge of brasil? Don't be ridiculous

Are you being dumb on purpose?
You silly fuck, how high up do you think you can go with an iphone and still have any kind of signal? You have two options to transmit from an iphone over any distance, cellular and wifi.
Please do show us just how high these signals can go.

Picture seems reliable, and shows curvature.

The space conspiracy was blown wide open a long time ago. And yes there have been whisteblowers.

The problem is the conspirators still hold all the government and media power. What do you expect to happen? Millions of people KNOW the moon landing was fake (which it was) but you think they're just going to fucking admit it? No, we need friggin WW3 to happen before that does!

They work on airplanes, so that is at least 30,000 ft.

There is absolutely no curvature in that pic other than the lens. Its 100% flat. Water appears to rise "up" into the vanishing point, it does not curve "down" as needed to on a ball.

Took it myself a few years ago while on a cadetship on an oil/chem tanker

>Every other celestial body is round due to gravitational law
>not us tho global cospiracy that would serve literally no purpose were flat

You are so fucking stupid

If the earth is flat. How does ISS work, no, how do SATELLITES WORK?
CHECKMATE FLATFAGS!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!

If flat earth how come I can't see Southern Hemisphere constellation from northern?

How come we do not see northern lights and southern lights at the same time? How would southern lights even work?

How come northern and Southern Hemispheres have opposite seasons?

Look at the moon one week, just do it.
Use glasses if you don't see it well

What's it like working on one?

>And yes there have been whisteblowers.
like who

it looks the same to the human eye because we're so small and on the surface of the sphere
how could you even see something falling away? that wouldnmt be possible
you'd only be able to see the part closest to you

I'm okay beliving that. But there is literally no fundamental proof of "muh flat erth."
When I get something that is undeniable, I will believe "muh flat earth" people.

they're both fake according to the retards

Jesus.Data plans do not run over satellite, they run over cell towers on the fucking ground.
A satellite phone is entirely different from a fucking iphone.
Get your facts straight before you talk dumb shit.

Then how do we get service, how do satellite phones work. How does pretty much everything we use work, then? Lmao

how the fuck are satelites fake
how did they fake the video from the iss

Quads chek


using sticks and shadows this guy figured out the earth's circumfrence to a startling degree of accuracy


No they aren't fake. Who give a fuck if a planet is round or disk or octagon, satellites can still orbit around it regardless of it's shape.
You rounders get dumber every fucking day.

I used to work 4 months on 4 off, it's pain in the ass. Sometimes it extends to 5 months onboard because the higher in the rank you go, the harder is to find a replacement for you. Anyways, now it's good, 2 months on/off and Europe only. Decent money and not that long / far away from home. Anyways, while at sea, you can see the curve with naked eye as well.


tl;dr my seven year old nephew, can literally reason better than the flat earth adults

What point would there be for the government (or any power you believe that wants to manipulate the masses) to say that the earth was a sphere when the earth is really flat?

celestial bodies arent real, havent you been paying attention

www ustream tv/channel/live-iss-stream
