Fuck em up, use normal names

Fuck em up, use normal names

oo comin

Cancer lol got kickd

HiTheLovER reporting in!

Alright can someone explain how this works. The websites buggy as fuck for me

enter the game pin in pic to join
enter name
wait for quiz to start

Niggerdicks reporting in

you enter the most offensive name you can think of, click random answers so you get onto the leaderboard and hope that OP isn't a fucking faggot and reports back

What do I do once it starts though

ohh okay gotcha

click random answers to the questions and hope you got them right

Sand N1gg3r
Signing in

Thanks guys, lmao

Kill the jews reporting for duty.

got question 9 right
this calls for ascii


Good job anal carrot

CuckLord reporting in. In 69th place w/ Muhammed. Fuckin sand nigger...

Alloha Snackbar


25th place now. Behind f@gg0t

We are playing another

its over I got 30th place

new pin is 504647

Was there rage op

Our teacher flipped his shit and stared yelling, it was real good