So this forum it's like 9gag but edgier?

So this forum it's like 9gag but edgier?


I want to say no, but... yeah, more or less.
Also way more malicious.
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Fucking heresy!!!



With gore porn and sometimes attention whores

There are some parallels. 9gag and the "friendzone" are like Sup Forums and Trump.

An outside observer with a grey cell funcioning can see what utter retards they are, but these things have an internal logic which is hard to see for those involved.

also this
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9gag came after Sup Forums, so you should be saying "So 9gag is like a faggier version of Sup Forums".

>le faggier

You make it sound like it has a deep meaning

Yes, exactly. Good example.


Also, wh40k died when the squats did.


pearl jam jeremy

Its been taking itself way too seriously for years now and keeps expanding on things that were better left as mysteries

I want them to stop making the Emperor seem like a retard ffs

9gag is to the internet what black people are to America's economy.

Plus the whole thing where the make redundant units to keep selling shit.

Honestly, if they'd just fix the damn rules and lower the fucking prices a bit, they'd make more money.

I'm not really sure why do people from 4chins hate 9gag so much

I bet it's mostly 12yos who spend most of their time online on 9gag and only come here for their daily portion of hitler time

no grown up would come here to hate 9gag, we have much more interesting topics

and 9gag isn't that bad at all tbh, it nourishes good healthy humor and gave me quite few nice keks

so fuck off with that "le" and "xD" bullshit, it's not what 9gag is all about

I like both places, so let bury our hatchets once and for all

I'd bury the hatchet in ur skull kiddo :^)


Also 9gag it's filled with hot bitches in Sup Forums everyone lose their minds when a girl appears

see what I mean?
that's exactly what an angry edgy 12yo would say

Or someone ironically pretending to be one.

which is once in a halley's comet appearance
and you have audacity to call 9gag a fag place
jesus christ

>hurr i was only pretending to be retarded, joke's on you huehuehue

Well, yes, I was, that you still seem to think I am actually a
>angry edgy 12yo
Shows how well my pretence is working. Keep it up champ, you'll get there one day.

I haven't i like both sites and I've met some girls from 9gag

then you're not so narrow minded

wish I could say the same for the rest of hopeless wannabe trolls posting in this topic

Yes. That's exactly right.