How hard (%) is it to burry a 15cm knife into human body?

How hard (%) is it to burry a 15cm knife into human body?

what is the sharpness %

Depends on how hard you push m8

Hold the tip of the knife against your stomach and proceed to run into a wall

sharpness % is 100


well then difficulty %=2

Double trips check em


idk, ive buried my dock 15 cm into ur mom's ass. Does that count?

depends on how strong you are and which spot you drive the blade into

What's happening

is that a rhetorical question?

When your cook is so fucking tinny it has a sharp edge.
If you are lucky and hit between the ribs, 10% chance it goes all the way.

try with some fresh meat from grocery. Best is pig. try to get a pig's legg with skin on if possible. Then cover with cloth: like shirt or jeans ot whatever you think you're gonna stab. Grab a knife in question and jam it in..... it's not 100% accurate ofc, but it should give you rough estimate.

When knife fighting don't forget that in reality you should use more force, since oponent muscles will not be relaxed and his body won't be stationary. Also sticking a knife in is only half the battle - you should get it out ASAP because:
- you don't want to lose a knife
- you want to be protected from oponent stabs
- a knife will plug the wound, thus prevent bleeding. If oponent runs to doctor, it's far more likeley he'll survive if knife is still inside.

So use smoth bladed knife if possible. None of that jagged shit. And it VERY good if it has a minimal guard. A force required to puncture will be great, and if your knife strikes a bone (like rib) your hand may slip on knife - this is no good.

How many inches is that



Pretty easy if you have a shovel to bury it with.



WWI trench Knife is the only Knife.

depends on the size of the shovel

I assume you mean the chest?
It requires a lot of force and the right knife, if you hit no bones then the effort is still more than you'd expect as the muscle between the ribs is designed to protect the contents of the chest also.
In films you will see someone push the knife in with one hand, in reality this is unlikely. But once you're through the muscle it will proceed quite smoothly.
Stabbing through the gaps in the ribs of the back is slightly easier as they are "rounded" and help the blade find the gaps between.Also the muscle at the back is thinner.

Hope this helps!

>It requires a lot of force
actually you would be surprised how easy it is, i have both been stabbed and stabbed people
i can say from experience it takes a surprisingly little amount of force with a sharp knife

I think it's pretty easy if it's a narrow very pointed blade and sharp and you don't hit bones. Sharp knives slice through flesh with almost no effort, stabbing can't be that different.

The muscle in the back is not thinner.
The muscle in the sides are.

It also requires not that much force with a good Knife.

Don't forget to twist it

>the chest?
who is so stupid to stab in the chest...
in belly , from down to the up, and turn the blade 45° before you pull out.. that's open the wound more...

or cut one of the arteria in the legs...

>fags who have never actually been in a real fight

Op is probably 15 and will buy a cheap 5 bucks knife, it will broke as soon as he tries to twist it.
